Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1488: Hypocritical villain

A beautiful figure wearing a flaming red dress and a blazing flame appeared in front of the gate of Yun Zhongzi's mansion.

According to Su Yan's instructions, Su Lan arrived here soon, but she did not find any trace of Lin Tiancheng!

Even Yun Zhongzi's mansion is empty, which makes her feel very strange!

After going around in the mansion a few times, Su Yan passed by outside a wing and heard the sound that made her face hot!

This made her feel very strange. In broad daylight, Yun Zhongzi's mansion was already empty, but why did such a strange sound come from the wing room!

Driven by curiosity, she tiptoed to the window sill.

"It's your turn!"

A voice suddenly came from the room.

Su Lan is not very familiar with Lin Tiancheng, but Lin Tiancheng's voice can still be heard.

Looking through the window sill, she couldn't believe what was going on inside.

She didn't want to believe that it was Lin Tiancheng. In order to find out, she poked her white neck forward again.

A high-pitched voice came from the wing again, and then it became calm.

This simply subverted her outlook on life. Instead of resisting, the two girls of the Yun family were trying their best to cooperate with Lin Tiancheng.

Su Lan was ashamed and annoyed. On the way, she originally wanted to resolve the misunderstanding with Lin Tiancheng, hoping that Lin Tiancheng could become her friend.

But when she saw what was happening before her eyes, she couldn't wait to cramp Lin Tiancheng.

This hypocritical villain still kept saying that he had misunderstood him, putting on an innocent look.

If it wasn't for Su Lan's determination, she would have been deceived by Lin Tiancheng's mask.

Now that Lin Tiancheng's evil deeds were caught by Su Lan, Su Lan had no intention of reconciling with Lin Tiancheng.

She thinks that Lin Tiancheng is a big **** monster, and she is very good at disguising herself.

Lin Tiancheng's consciousness suddenly felt strange, put on his clothes three times, and hurried out of the wing.

He happened to see the back of Su Lan leaving, so he summoned her.

Lin Tiancheng didn't expect that Su Lan would come here to find him. It seemed that his father told him his whereabouts.

Lin Tiancheng looked at the torn window paper and understood everything!

At this moment, he felt a numb scalp.

Su Lan did not come early or late, but came when Lin Tiancheng was going to heal the illness!

Originally, there were some misunderstandings between Lin Tiancheng and Su Lan. Now, even if they jumped into the Yellow River, they couldn't clear it.

"Su Lan!" Lin Tiancheng greeted him quickly.

Su Lan speeded up her pace after hearing Lin Tiancheng's call, and wanted to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

There was a decision in her heart, and she would never see Lin Tiancheng again, let alone forgive him.

As for her mother's illness, Su Lan is very clear about it.

In fact, my mother accidentally ate the blood shame pill that my father had placed in the storage compartment a few years ago, and then she lay on the bed like a vegetable for three years.

About a year ago, Su Yan approached Master Zhang from the Alchemist Association, and Su Lan was right by.

She learned from Master Zhang that her mother's consciousness had been severely damaged, and her mind had been controlled by the blood evil pill, it was almost impossible to save her life.

However, before leaving the Fire Cloud Sect, Master Zhang specifically told Su Yan that the Alchemist Association was studying the medicine components of the Blood Sha Pill.

Master Zhang also agreed to Su Yan, once he had a way to dissolve the blood evil pill, he would definitely treat Su Yan's wife as soon as possible.

A few months ago, Master Zhang visited the Fire Cloud Sect once and said that the research of the Blood Sha Pill had made a breakthrough. To release the Blood Sha Pill, he had to find a plant called the Tree of Life.

People in the Su family were very happy after hearing this, after all, there is hope for the suzerain wife's awakening.

However, Master Zhang quickly poured cold water. The Tree of Life was just a kind of spiritual material from the world recorded in ancient books, and no one had seen it in reality.

There is no such thing in the headquarters of the Alchemist Association. Therefore, even if Lin Tiancheng helped the Alchemist Association analyze the drug components of the blood shaman pill, there is still no way to cancel the effect of this medicine.

Su Lan felt that a lecher like Lin Tiancheng, how could there be a treasure like the soul-raising tree.

Moreover, even if there is, it is impossible to cure the mother's condition.

She guessed that it was her father who missed his wife. She took it for granted that the soul-raising tree could save her mother.

After Yun Mengyao and Yun Menggu put on their clothes, they also hurried out.

Yun Menggu's injury was already well, but Yun Mengyao's expression looked a little tired.

Lin Tiancheng flew forward to stop him, "Su Lan, I didn't expect us to meet in this way!"

Lin Tiancheng stretched out her hand to show her hello to Su Lan, but Su Lan rolled her eyes to Lin Tiancheng, "Get out of the way, I don't know you!"

Su Lan's eyes and words were very cold, even showing a bit of disgust towards Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng frowned slightly. He was right. Su Lan should have seen what happened just now on the bed.

"Su Lan, I think there should be a new misunderstanding between us, things are really not what you imagined!" Lin Tiancheng showed a bitter expression, looking rather helpless.

Yun Menggu roughly understood what was going on from Lin Tiancheng’s words, so she stepped forward and explained to Su Lan, “Miss Su, I think you might have misunderstood Tiancheng! He was really treating me just now. , Now my injury is completely healed!"

Yun Mengyao also stepped forward and nodded, "Yes, Miss Su, you may really have misunderstood Lin Tiancheng! He was indeed treating my aunt for the injury!"

Yun Mengyao also thought that Lin Tiancheng was talking nonsense at first, until she saw her aunt's sunken chest returned to its original shape again, she no longer doubted what Lin Tiancheng said.

Lin Tian grew up with a long sigh of relief, having these two girls testifying is far better than explaining himself.

However, Su Lan turned around and said solemnly to Yun Mengyao and Yun Menggu, "You are all deceived by this kid. He also told me that at the beginning, he is a lascivious!"

Su Lan clearly remembered that Lin Tiancheng deceived herself and said that skin contact could help him recover from his injuries.

If his brother Sunan hadn't arrived in time, Su Lan would have followed Lin Tiancheng's way.

Then Su Lan turned around and said coldly to Lin Tiancheng, "I don't know how many girls you tricked into bed with this method, but you want to use it on me, don't think about it!"

Yun Mengyao shrugged and put on a helpless look at Lin Tiancheng.

Seeing Su Lan preparing to leave, Lin Tiancheng was helpless and could only sigh for a long time.

It seems that he and Su Lan are destined not to be friends in this life!

Unexpectedly, at this time, Pi Xiu Beast jumped out of Lin Tiancheng's recycling station and barked at Su Lan.

Su Lan didn't know what Pi Xiu Beast wanted to do, and he was so disappointed with Lin Tiancheng, so he left Yun Zhongzi's mansion without looking back.

However, this fellow Pi Xiu Beast actually followed up!

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