Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1489: Visit Huoyunzong

Adding the original 6 electricity, this time Lin Tiancheng charged 60 electricity from Yun Mengyao's body!

Excluding the 20 electricity used to treat Yun Menggu's injury, Lin Tiancheng still has 46 electricity left.

Because Lin Tiancheng had been charging Yun Menggu's body for a while, this time, she did not get any charge from her body.

Then, he spent 20 electricity on the farmer’s app store to purchase a Gathering Fruit Seed, and then planted the Gathering Fruit on a piece of red land.

Lin Tiancheng roughly checked the app store's instructions. In the red land, it takes at least five days for the fruit to mature.

In desperation, Lin Tiancheng had to consume two electricity again, purchased some fertilizer, and applied it to the red soil, hoping that the Spirit Gathering Fruit would mature within three days.

Otherwise, if he really loses the bet, Head Mu will disregard Mother Blood's face and directly remove Lin Tiancheng's arms.

Lin Tiancheng now has only 24 electricity left!

The power is not very optimistic. It seems a little difficult to dissolve the blood evil pill in the body, Lin Tiancheng is ready to make another plan.


Lin Tiancheng understood the meaning of Pixiu Beast, it should have smelled the little unicorn from Su Lan, and became extremely excited.

Pi Xiu Beast trot all the way and followed Su Lan to Huo Yunzong, no matter how Su Lan drove him away, he couldn't drive away.

In desperation, Lin Tiancheng had to bid farewell to Yun Menggu and Yun Mengyao, and followed Su Lan to Huo Yun Sect.

Lin Tiancheng had promised that Su Yan would help him check his wife's condition, and it happened right now.

Lin Tiancheng just walked to the door of Huoyunzong, but was blocked by Su Lan.

"What are you doing with me? I don't know you! Let's go!" Su Lan stood in front of the middle door and opened her arms.

"Su Lan, I can't explain your misunderstanding! But I promised your father to help your mother check the injury. I don't want to break my promise!"

Pi Xiu Beast sniffed towards Huo Yun Sect's sect, and suddenly ignoring Huo Yun's disciples' obstruction, he rushed in.

Upon hearing Lin Tiancheng's words for treatment, Su Lan thought of the kind of special treatment that Lin Tiancheng said, and her entire face was dull.

"No, my father has already invited Elder Guo from the Alchemist Association to see my mother! Go back!" Su Lan looked desperate.

At this time, Sunan just came back from Zhongdu Academy and happened to see Lin Tiancheng standing in front of the gate of Huoyunzong.

"Tiancheng, why are you here?" Sunan punched Lin Tiancheng on the chest, looking extremely enthusiastic.

After Sunan got a bottle of Chiyang Lingyuan from Lin Tiancheng's hands, his strength improved by leaps and bounds, and he directly stepped into the realm of the initial stage of the Golden Core Period.

It is extremely rare even for the entire cultivation world to be able to break through to the Golden Core Stage at a young age like him.

Despite the entanglement between Lin Tiancheng and his sister, Sunan was very grateful to Lin Tiancheng.

Had it not been for Lin Tiancheng's Chiyang Lingyuan, it would take him a long time to break through to the Golden Core Stage.

Now, his strength has been a great breakthrough, and he has defeated many strong people in Zhongdu Academy, and he has become a popular figure in the entire Zhongdu Academy.

Lin Tiancheng said apologetically, "This is a long story. Can you let me go in and look for the brave beast? I will leave as soon as I find it!"

Lin Tiancheng didn't want to put his hot face on his cold ass. Since the misunderstanding between him and Su Lan couldn't be explained clearly, he might as well just leave, so as not to embarrass everyone.

Su Lan looked a little impatient, stepped away from the aisle, and said angrily to Lin Tiancheng, "If you find that little thing, leave me quickly. I don't want to see you again!"

The smile on Sunan’s face stopped abruptly. He thought his sister was still tempted by the little things that had happened, so he scolded Su Lan, "What's the matter with you? Tiancheng came to see us specially. It's a guest, how can you be so rude to him?"

Sunan put his hand on Lin Tiancheng's shoulder and said to Lin Tiancheng with a smile, "Tiancheng, ignore her! The door of my Fire Cloud Sect is always open for you!"

To say that Sunan's nature is not bad, if he didn't happen to see the scene between Lin Tiancheng and his sister at the beginning, he would not kill Lin Tiancheng.

"Brother, don't be fooled by this kid, he..." Su Lan stamped her feet with anger!

"Okay, don't mess around here, the next day will be my friend! You must not be rude to him!"

Sunan took Lin Tiancheng into the Fire Cloud Sect, and specially asked the servants to prepare the tea to entertain him.

In the Huafang Pavilion of the Fire Cloud Sect, Su Yanzheng accompanied Elder Guo from the Alchemist Association to see his wife Bai Yirong here!

Elder Guo of the Alchemist Association is one of the ten elders of the Alchemist Association. He is in the same generation as the Master Zhang that Lin Tiancheng knows, but his alchemy is higher than Master Zhang.

Su Yan has recently heard that Master Guo's alchemy has been improved again, so he specially invited him to see his wife.

Su Yan arched his hand at Master Guo and asked respectfully, "How's it going, Master?"

At this time, Lin Tiancheng just walked in, because he saw the Pixiu beast entered this Huafang Pavilion.

Guo De got up and wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Lin Tiancheng's appearance.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb the two of you, I just came to find my things!" Lin Tiancheng arched his hands and prepared to leave.

Su Yan hurriedly stopped him, "Tiancheng, good boy, I didn't expect you to come! Come in!"

At this time Sunan and Su Lan also walked in from the door, and bowed their hands respectfully at Master Guo, "Hello Master Guo!"

Su Yan's wife was lying on the bed at this time, like a fainted person, without any movement.

Master Guo glanced at Lin Tiancheng, then turned to Su Yan and said, "Su Sect Master, the situation is not optimistic. Madam Su should not be able to survive! What Master Zhang said before is not wrong. Unless you can find the tree of life, you It's impossible for your wife to wake up!"

Su Nan and Su Lan's faces darkened suddenly. Although they were not facing this fact for the first time, they would inevitably feel pain when they heard others say that their mother was not saved.

At this time, Lin Tiancheng said quietly, "No!"

Since coming to Bai Yirong's room by accident, Lin Tiancheng felt it necessary to make a move.

Moreover, once Su Lan's mother's illness is cured, she should forgive Lin Tiancheng.

Elder Guo set his gaze on Lin Tiancheng, with a hint of coldness in his eyes, "What did you say?"

Elder Guo felt that his alchemy was being questioned, and naturally he was somewhat dissatisfied with Lin Tiancheng.

Sunan quickly stepped forward to Lin Tiancheng's ear and said, "Tiancheng, this is one of the ten elders of the Alchemist Association. It must not be unreasonable!"

Lin Tiancheng is a guest of Huo Yunzong, and Sunan doesn't want anything unpleasant to happen between him and Elder Guo!

Unexpectedly, at this time, Su Lan added, "My father, Elder Guo, this guy said he can cure my mother's disease!"

In fact, Lin Tiancheng hadn't said this sentence. Su Lan said this, but actually wanted to take this opportunity to make him, Elder Guo, and his father make a fool of himself. If this were the case, he would be embarrassed to continue relying on the Fire Cloud Sect.


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