Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1493: Outstanding youth

After Elder Guo left Huoyunzong, he hurried back to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association!

Elder Guo was about to step into the main hall of the alchemist association headquarters, but found a woman standing in the main hall!

Because the woman was wearing a plain dress with a ruthless flower embroidered on the left side of her waist, Elder Guo recognized at a glance that this woman was a female disciple of Jueqinggu.

Unfeeling Valley is a silver rank force not far from the boundary of the Misty Realm!

The Lord of Unfeeling Valley, Wuyazi, is a strong man in the middle of the Golden Core!

The female disciple of Unfeeling Valley's expression was extremely tense, her speech was a bit unfluent, and she seemed to have encountered something extremely terrible.

On both sides of the main hall, there are the nine elders of the Alchemist Association, and above the main hall is the president of the Alchemist Association, Yao Zong Nie Li.

"Come here! Give this female disciple a glass of water! Don't worry, what can I say slowly?"

After drunk a large bowl of water, the woman said, "I beg the Pope to save my master, and save our Unfeeling Valley!"

Guo De vaguely saw scars on the woman's legs, and gurgling blood came out.

"What's going on? What happened to Unfeeling Valley?"

Recently, evil things have happened frequently in Dongcheng District, the central capital, and Yao Zong Nie Li has an ominous premonition.

"My master Wuyazi had a sudden attack last night and brutally murdered our disciple in the Unfeeling Valley. I am the only one who survived!"

Recalling the horrible incident that happened last night, the female disciple's body was a little bit frightened.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never believe that Master Wuyazi would do such a thing to the disciples of Jueqinggu!

Last night, Wuyazi was like a ferocious beast, mercilessly killing the disciples of Jueqing Valley!

Although the Valley of Unrequited Love is not one of the top silver ranks in the Dongcheng District of Zhongdu, there are at least 500 female disciples in the Valley of Unrequited Love!

In other words, just last night, Wuyazi killed nearly 500 female disciples!

Yaozong Nie Li immediately stood up from the throne, his expression a little angry, "It seems that it is the blood of the blood clan's blood evil pill again!"

In fact, Nie Li has already got the news that the remnants of the blood family have already returned to the Dongcheng District of Zhongdu, and they have started activities recently!

It was also during this period of time that there were many violent walking incidents in the silver-level and bronze-level sects, and the number of casualties increased.

Master Zhang stood up and arched his hands at the president, "It looks like this is the act of a blood tribe again. He wants to kill all his enemies back then!"

According to the feedback, most of the forces that have died in the sect in the recent period are forces that have offended the blood clan 30 years ago.

Elder Han, who was next to Master Zhang, also stood up and said, "The situation is getting more and more serious, and disciples of the sect keep coming for help!"

In fact, many schools of cultivation know that the root of the matter is the blood evil pill.

They found the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, nothing more than wanting Yao Zong Nie Li to refine the antidote to the bleeding pill as soon as possible.

Yao Zong Nie Li waved his hand at the female disciple and motioned her to retreat, "Currently, our Alchemist Association headquarters does not have an antidote for refining the blood evil pill, and we can't help it!"

Yao Zong Nie Li felt extremely ashamed. It had been more than 30 years.

The blood clan's genius alchemist who refined the blood evil pill may have died, but even if Nie Li had the medicine sect-level alchemy strength, he still could not refine the antidote to the blood evil pill.

Moreover, having said that, if Lin Tiancheng hadn't helped him analyze the blood power contained in the blood pill, he might still have a little understanding of the blood pill.

The elders sitting on both sides began to talk about it. The death toll of cultivators in the Dongcheng District of Central Capital is increasing. They also want to study and refine the antidote for bleeding evil as soon as possible.

At this time, Guo De took a step forward and bowed his hand respectfully at Yaozong Nie Li, "Master Yaozong, someone has already refined the antidote for the blood evil pill!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire hall of the Alchemist Association headquarters was fried.

The nine elders all fixed their eyes on Guo De.

Yaozong Nie Li walked quickly towards Guo De, "Elder Guo, is what you said is true?"

It's not that Yaozong Nie Li doesn't believe in Guo De, but that he wants Guo De to ensure that what he said is true.

Because this is related to the lives of many cultivators in Dongcheng District, Zhongdu.

The female disciple of Unfeeling Valley has not left yet. When she heard Guo De say so, she immediately knelt in front of Guo De and pleaded, "Please also Elder Guo to rescue my master! The little woman is grateful here. !"

Elder Guo quickly reached out to help him up, his expression was a little embarrassed, and he said apologetically, "How can I have that ability? I'm talking about a ghost alchemist named Lin Tiancheng. He has an antidote for the blood evil pill!"

Elder Guo was very sorry that he didn't get a prescription for the blood evil pill from Lin Tiancheng!

If he can get it, then his contribution to the entire Dongcheng District Cultivation Circle in Zhongdu is enormous.

Therefore, it is very likely that Yao Zong Nie Li will promote him to the top of the ten elders.

But unfortunately, he didn't get it!

"Lin Tiancheng?" Yao Zong's eyes were a little bright, staring at Guo De and asked, "You mean Lin Tiancheng from Tianshi?"

"Lin Tiancheng! Elder Guo, you really mean Lin Tiancheng?" Master Zhang looked even more excited.

He hadn't seen Lin Tiancheng for a long time, but an outstanding young man like Lin Tiancheng was naturally impressed.

"Yes, it's Lin Tiancheng from Tianshi, the genius Ghost Alchemist!

He has rescued Sect Master Huoyun's wife, I have seen it with my own eyes! "While speaking, Elder Guo quietly raised his jaw, with a proud look on his face.

It seemed that at this time he was Lin Tiancheng who had the antidote to the blood evil pill.

He was proud that he was able to see Lin Tiancheng's process of dissolving the blood and evil pills.

"It's great, this is great!" Yao Zong Nie Li put his hands on Elder Guo's shoulders, his expression was extremely excited, it seemed that he hadn't been so happy in a long time.

For more than 30 years, Yao Zong Nie Li has been puzzled by the problem of Blood Sha Pill.

In recent days, due to the return of the remnants of the blood clan, the power of blood in the bodies of those who had taken the blood shaman pill was affected and began to recover a little bit.

At the beginning, the cultivators in Dongcheng District of Zhongdu didn't know the shortcomings of the blood evil pill. They only knew that this pill could improve their strength in a short time, and the effect was very obvious.

This caused the Blood Sha Pill to flood the entire Dongcheng District of Central Capital in a short period of time.

So at that time, there were not a few strong people who had taken Blood Sha Pill.

When Nie Li heard that the blood evil pill had returned to the realm of cultivation, he had never slept well.

He was worried that the strong cultivators who had taken Blood Sha Pill in the past rioted overnight, and this would surely cause riots in the entire Dongcheng District of Central Capital.

At this moment, when he learned from Guo De's mouth, Lin Tiancheng already had the antidote to the blood evil pill, and he was as happy as a three-year-old child with a bright smile on his face.

He had no doubt that Lin Tiancheng had this strength, after all, he analyzed the ingredients of Xue Sha Pill.

Master Zhang also quickly walked to Elder Guo, "So Elder Guo has already seen the heavens, please tell me where he is now!"

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