Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1494: Land of Baiyue

Yao Zong Nie Li looked at Guo De with a smile, "Yes, take us to find him!"

Guo De quickly bowed and nodded, "Yes!"

To be honest, it is the first time that Yao Zong Nie Li has been so close to his subordinate!

Speaking of which, Elder Guo was still in the light of Lin Tiancheng.

Of course, among the top ten elders, there are also some who are skeptical of what Elder Guo said.

Tianshi, compared to the entire Zhongdu cultivation world, is not really a cultivation world in the true sense.

The spiritual energy there is quite thin, even if you practice for a lifetime, it is impossible to have a strong cultivation.

If Lin Tiancheng can really do it, doesn't it mean that their Alchemist Association is a group of people who eat dry food.

Under the leadership of Elder Guo, Master Zhang and Yao Zong Nie Li sat on the purple golden butterfly and hurried towards Huo Yunzong.

But they were still a step late, and Lin Tiancheng had already left here.

Sect Master Su Yan did not expect that Medicine Sect Nie Li would come to Huo Yun Sect in person, and immediately asked nearly a thousand disciples of Huo Yun Sect to greet him.

Yao Zong Nie Li strode towards Su Yan and shouted loudly, "Where is Lin Tiancheng?"

At this time, he had forgotten his identity as the president of the Alchemist Association, and he only wanted to see Lin Tiancheng as soon as possible.

It was the first time that Sunan Lannan saw the respect of the head of the Alchemist Association. After taking a secret glance, he kept his head low and did not dare to look directly at him.

What a powerful Venerable this is, he will visit the Fire Cloud Sect in person today.

However, when they heard Yao Zong Nie Li calling Lin Tiancheng's name, they knew that the president of the Alchemist Association had come to Lin Tiancheng.

After learning that Lin Tiancheng had left, the expressions of the three people in the Alchemist Association were somewhat lost.

Master Zhang said angrily, "This kid, since he came to the Dongcheng District of Zhongdu, he didn't have the first time to see the president!"

The president of the Alchemist Association originally entrusted Master Zhang to send an invitation card to Lin Tiancheng.

He hoped that Lin Tiancheng would take a seat at the headquarters of the Zhongdu Alchemist Association.

He had only heard of the legendary Ghost Alchemist, but had never really seen him, so he wanted to see Lin Tiancheng with his own eyes.

"In that case, Master Zhang, I order you to find Lin Tiancheng as soon as possible, and bring him to me!"

After Yao Zong Nie Li gave these instructions, he left Master Zhang here and returned to the Alchemist Association headquarters with Elder Guo.

Three days later.

Lin Tiancheng came to Yunfu as scheduled.

As for the blood mother-in-law, she has ordered the blood family's children to trek back to Baiyue Land overnight.

The land of Baiyue is a vast and undisturbed primordial forest, where the blood family has lived here for generations.

It wasn't until 30 years ago that the blood clan was strangled by the major forces in the city of Zhongdu, and this gave up this ancestral land.

Because the land of Baiyue was filled with miasma, and this kind of miasma could only be adapted to the blood race.

Therefore, in the land of Baiyue, except for those corpses of the year, there was no one.

Mother-in-law Blood realized that an enemy had been targeting the blood people, she immediately ordered the remnants of the blood people to return to the land of Baiyue.

This is the ancestral land of their kinsmen. At the same time, there are miasma and primordial forest as a natural barrier. Compared with Yunfu in the prosperous area of ​​Dongcheng District, Zhongdu, it is naturally safer.

Therefore, only the blood mother-in-law is still in Yunfu, and the rest are the children of Yunfu.

Of course, she is still carrying some ulterior secrets here.

Yun Mengyao, Yun Mengyao, seeing Lin Tiancheng's arrival, stepped forward to greet him.

"Patriarch Lin, are you here to inspect the Yun Mansion?"

Lin Tiancheng smiled and shook his head, and then told them about the purpose of coming to Yunfu this time and the bet between him and Head Mu.

"Head Mu, you mean the one from the bloodthirsty mercenary group? Why would you stand against him?" Aunt Yunmeng looked at Lin Tiancheng in confusion.

Although Yunmenggu left her hometown a long time ago, she eventually grew up in Yunfu.

I have long heard of the murderous fame of the head of the bloodthirsty mercenary group Mu!

"Then have you found Juling Fruit now?" Yun Mengyao looked at Lin Tiancheng with some worry.

Spirit Gathering Fruit is extremely precious heaven and earth spiritual material, even Yunfu has never had it.

If so, Yun Mengyao would definitely take it out to Lin Tiancheng as soon as possible to let him overcome this difficulty.

Lin Tiancheng shook his head. The Spirit Gathering Fruit planted on the red land of the farmer has not matured yet, and it will take a little bit of time.

"No, what appointment are you here for, aren't you seeking your own death?" Yun Mengyao looked at Lin Tiancheng in shock.

Lin Tiancheng's kindness to the Yun family is no longer clear in a few words. Of course Yun Menggu didn't want Lin Tiancheng to die in vain.

She grabbed Lin Tiancheng's wrist extremely domineeringly, and walked outside Yun Mansion, "Go, I'll take you out of here!"

Lin Tiancheng broke free of her slender right hand and said with a smile, "Don't worry, it's okay!"

Soon, the unshaven Head Mu also came to Yunfu as scheduled. This time, he brought a disciple who specializes in carrying knives.

The knife on the disciple's shoulder was like a door panel, shining with silver light, and it looked rather sharp.

It seemed that Head Mu had already determined that Lin Tiancheng would lose, and specially brought a disciple with a knife to cut Lin Tiancheng's arm.

Lin Tiancheng couldn't help furrowing his brows at the sight of Commander Mu being so aggressive.

He had actually applied chemical fertilizer to the Spirit Gathering Fruit, but it seemed that it would take a little time for the Spirit Gathering Fruit to mature.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng frowning, Head Mu smiled heartily, "Boy, I didn't expect you to come to the appointment? It seems that you have something ready!"

Head Mu is trying to deliberately satirize Lin Tiancheng!

Lin Tiancheng's frown now shows that he hasn't picked the Spirit Gathering Fruit from the Realm of Blurring.

Yes, it was just a kid at the pinnacle of the expansion phase, and it was quite good to be able to escape from the domain of confusion.

The disciple behind Mu Shan shook the machete in his hand, looking about to move.

In the hall, the **** mother-in-law was already sitting on her seat waiting for the arrival of Lin Tiancheng and Mu.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng walking towards herself, she got up and asked, "Tiancheng, how is it going? I have already released Yunzhonghe, you won't let me down!"

Whether Mother Blood can raise her strength to the peak of the Golden Core Stage depends on Lin Tiancheng's Spirit Gathering Fruit.

If Lin Tiancheng said no, she would have to hire Leader Mu by Hua Lingshi.

Although Lingshi is not a big problem for the blood mother-in-law, she really can't afford it in terms of time.

"Wait a little longer, it will be there soon!" Lin Tiancheng walked toward the seat, while his spiritual sense was observing the spirit gathering fruit trees on the red earth.

"Wait? Three days have come! If you can't get the Spirit Gathering Fruit today, I will abolish one of your arms today!" Head Mu stared at Lin Tiancheng extremely arrogantly.

Lin Tiancheng did not speak!

"Mrs. Blood, what do you think this is?" Head Mu placed a wooden box on the tabletop.

This wooden box looks very delicate, with auspicious clouds carved on it. The things inside should be very precious.

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