Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1508: Guilt

Because of the effect of Mongolian sweat medicine, Lin Tiancheng has completely fallen asleep.

Of course, Lin Tiancheng has been using 360 antivirus software to remove the Mongolian sweat medicine from his body at the beginning.

During this period, Lin Tiancheng consumed 3 electricity, and he still had 21 electricity left.

He was pretending to sleep now, just to see what Ning Xin wanted to do.

Ning Xin was not polite, and started searching for things on Lin Tiancheng's body.

She almost searched Lin Tiancheng's body, but did not find what she wanted.

She couldn't help muttering to herself, "This kid, don't even have a space ring, then where did he put the ancient alchemy secret book and that treasure?"

Senior Sister Ning Xin muttered to herself, and Lin Tiancheng could hear her clearly. She wants to get the ancient alchemy secrets from herself.

In addition, she still wants to get that baby, as for what Lin Tian accomplishes that baby is unknown.

After searching for no results, Senior Sister Ning Xin immediately drew out a black dagger, preparing to kill Lin Tiancheng without stopping.

Lin Tiancheng seized the opportunity and slapped the black dagger in her palm under the bed.

"Senior Sister, what do you mean?" Lin Tiancheng sat up straight and questioned Senior Sister Ning Xin.

Senior Sister Ning Xin was a little shocked. She didn't understand how Lin Tiancheng found out that she had put Mongolian sweat medicine in the wine.

Moreover, she had seen Lin Tiancheng drank one of the pots of Mongolian sweat medicine.

So how Lin Tiancheng woke up was a bit strange to her.

She reached out to Lin Tiancheng to ask for ancient alchemy secrets.

"Junior Brother Tiancheng, give me the secrets of ancient alchemy! Otherwise, sister will be rude to you!"

Ning Xin, who was still smiling happily just now, looked like a bad sister at this time.

She was not discussing with Lin Tiancheng, but asking Lin Tiancheng for ancient alchemy secrets.

Lin Tiancheng couldn't help but laughed strangely, "Tiancheng doesn't understand, how can Senior Sister be rude to Junior Brother?"

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng was so reluctant to live or die, Ning Xin unlocked two buttons.

At the same time, she still made a few scratch marks on her leg, as well as a few holes in the slender waist.

Later, she messed up the entire embroidered bed and even overturned the table full of dishes.

She said to Lin Tiancheng, "If Junior Brother doesn't want to be ruined at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, it is best to honestly give me the secrets of ancient alchemy!"

Ning Xin stretched out her hand to ask Lin Tiancheng for a secret, but Lin Tiancheng still looked calm.

Both Ning Xin and Lin Tiancheng's strengths are at the pinnacle level of the expansion phase. If Ning Xin wants to **** Lin Tiancheng's cheats, she may miss it.

However, she held a Hongmen banquet in this embroidery room today, just to make Lin Tiancheng unable to escape.

Ning Xin twisted her nice waist in front of the bed and smiled confidently, "As long as you hand over the secret book to me honestly, I will let you go now!"

Lin Tiancheng simply lay upside down on Senior Sister Ning Xin's embroidery bed, and directly erected Erlang's legs.

"Sorry, this is the thing I can't eat the most!"

Senior Sister Ning Xin has not only used this bitter trick on Lin Tiancheng, and it has been tried repeatedly.

"Come on! Come on!" Senior Sister Ning Xin shouted immediately, the voice was really harsh!

However, Lin Tiancheng still lay on her embroidered bed nonchalantly, seemingly not worried about ruin.

Ning Xin, who was originally calm, saw Lin Tiancheng's look like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, she couldn't help being annoyed, "Just pretend! See how long you can pretend!"

Soon, dozens of disciples patrolling the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, under the leadership of Xu Can, hurried to Ning Xin's embroidery room.

It just so happened that it was Xu Can's turn today.

"What's the matter, Senior Sister, what's the matter?" Xu Can slowly asked anxiously.

Ning Xin clutched her messy chest tightly, hurriedly hid behind Xu Can, and said cryingly, "Quickly, Xu Can, catch this pervert, he wants to indecent me!"

Xu Can looked around the messy surroundings, then looked at Lin Tiancheng, who was still on the bed, and asked immediately, "Master, what is going on? Could it be that you really did something like that to Senior Sister?"

A dozen disciples following Xu Can surrounded Lin Tiancheng involuntarily, holding a sharp sword in their hands.

Lin Tiancheng turned over, jumped from the bed to the ground, and said calmly, "Senior Sister Ning Xin is a real joke. Tiancheng was bitten by a snake when she was a child. Since she was a child, I have been a useless person. How could I be wrong with Sister Ning Xin? What do you think?"

At this time, Lin Tiancheng had already consumed two electricity, using Meitu Xiuxiu, and directly lost things.

Senior Sister Ning Xin immediately stood up and retorted, "Impossible!"

She clearly saw Lin Tiancheng's reaction, but Lin Tiancheng said he was a useless person. How could this be possible?

Lin Tiancheng smiled and said, "If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing wrong with it! Besides, if Sister Ning Xin took the initiative to invite me, Sister Ning Xin might not be able to eat so many dishes!"

Xu Can turned around and looked around the screen to look at the scattered dishes, no fewer than fifteen.

There are two wine glasses, two wine jugs!

However, Xu Can looked at the scars on Senior Sister Ning Xin's body and the torn hole in the tight cheongsam, and suddenly fell into a dilemma.

"Impossible, you are definitely not a useless person, unless you can prove it to everyone?"

Ning Xin looked at Xu Can pitifully, "Junior brother, fortunately you came in time, otherwise the senior sister will be defiled by this beast!"

"Don't worry, Senior Sister! I will definitely figure this out!" Xu Can comforted.

Lin Tiancheng smiled, "I was a waste person since I was a child. I didn't expect the senior sister to ask me to verify my body. Isn't this revealing Tiancheng's scar?"

Xu Can cheered. Lin Tiancheng and Senior Sister Ning Xin were both pharmacists at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, and their status was much higher than that of his "senior pharmacist."

What the two said was reasonable, and he didn't dare to make a rash assertion, otherwise he would not think about offending anyone.

"Let's do it! You are waiting here, I will go and invite Elder Guo over!"

After putting down these words, Xu Can went straight to Elder Guo's wing.

Guo De is the law enforcement elder at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, and these things happen to be handled by him.

Senior Sister Ning Xin glanced at Lin Tiancheng, an imperceptible smile flicked across her mouth.

"Boy, fight with the old lady, you are still very tender!"

Since Lin Tiancheng toasted and didn't eat or drink fine wine, Ning Xin didn't mind making this matter a big deal.

She had just seen Lin Tiancheng react, how could she be a waste person?


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