Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1509: Verify the body

Since Lin Tiancheng was not afraid of being ruined at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, Ning Xin could only make this matter a big deal.

Ning Xin leaned in Lin Tiancheng’s ear and whispered in a low voice, “This trick of mine has been tried and tested repeatedly. It has been recruited by many disciples of the Alchemist Association. Give me the secret book before Elder Guo comes, and I can spare your life. ."

Lin Tiancheng said coldly, "Really? But I've always been a hard and soft person!"

Ning Xin frowned, her pair of small pink fists squeezed to death.

It was the first time that she had seen such a person who was not afraid of death. If this were changed, the disciple who was tricked into her room would have already lost his armor.

But Lin Tiancheng was the first person to be hard-mouthed until he died!

Half a quarter of an hour later, Elder Guo hurried over from his residence, and during this time, Xu Can had already told him the whole thing!

The red face is a disaster, nothing is wrong!

Ning Xin has a natural beauty, plus she herself is so sexy, it is normal for such things to happen to her from time to time!

It's not the first time Elder Guo helped her deal with such a thing.

It's just that this time, what he didn't expect was that Lin Tiancheng would be the one who had a bad idea about Ning Xin.

When encountering things that are unclear and unclear, most men suffer more, so boys must protect themselves when they are outside.

When Ning Xin saw Elder Guo coming again, she immediately cried and said, "Elder Guo, you must be the master of me! This beast has a bad idea about me, I don't want to follow his wishes, he even shot I!"

Elder Guo ignored Ning Xin and slowly came to Lin Tiancheng, "Tiancheng! You still believe that you are old and old! But since you say you have some obstacles in that respect, can Xu Can look at the old age? I'll verify your body!"

Encountering such a thing is indeed very difficult.

Since Lin Tiancheng said that he was bitten by a snake when he was a child, in that respect he is a useless person.

Then, only verifying the body is the best method of proof.

"Elder Guo's face must be given to Tiancheng! However, Tiancheng couldn't swallow the breath after being exposed to the scars! Since Senior Sister insists on doing this, dare to make a bet with Tiancheng!"

Excluding the two electricity used by Meitu Xiuxiu PS, Lin Tiancheng now has 19 electricity left.

Because of the need to plant the tree of life, Lin Tiancheng urgently needs electricity.

Senior Sister Ning Xin is also a strong person at the pinnacle of the expansion phase, and in order to obtain the ancient alchemy secret book for Lin Tiancheng, she even wants to slander Lin Tiancheng by any means.

Lin Tiancheng naturally wouldn't mind charging part of her body.

"What a gambling method?"

"I can verify the identity of Junior Brother Xu Can, but if what I say is true, I want Senior Sister to spend the night with her! Of course, if what I said is false, I can leave Senior Sister to deal with without any complaint. !" Lin Tiancheng said solemnly.

Senior Sister Ning Xin stepped forward and said, "Okay, just do what you said!"

She can conclude that Lin Tiancheng is not a waste.

If Lin Tiancheng loses the bet, she will let Lin Tiancheng not only honestly hand over the ancient alchemy secrets, but also the tree of life.

Afterwards, Elder Guo took a dozen disciples and Ning Xin back to the screen, leaving only Xu Can and Lin Tiancheng to verify the body there.

After a quarter of an hour, Xu Can walked out from behind the screen.

"Knowing to Elder Guo, what Master Tiancheng said is true, he is indeed lacking in that aspect!"

Hearing this result, Ning Xin walked around the screen quickly, wanting to see what happened.

However, Lin Tiancheng had already put on his clothes and looked at Ning Xin's lost expression with interest.

"Impossible, I clearly saw...Xu Can, have you been bought by this kid?" Ning Xin pulled Xu Can over.

Xu Can swears to the sky, "Xu Can's words are true, if you deceive Senior Sister Ning Xin, Xu Can is willing to accept the thunderous thunder, not to die!"

Elder Guo's face rose with a bit of anger, and he sternly scolded Ning Xin, "Enough, I believe that Tiancheng is a human being, Ning Xin, you have to reflect on your behavior!"

Elder Guo didn't help Ning Xin deal with such things once or twice, just as the so-called flies don't bite seamless eggs.

Since things will happen to Ning Xin, the first thing she needs to do is check her behavior.

Ning Xin saw the strange eyes of the other disciples and quickly tightened the clothes on her chest.

Elder Guo turned around and prepared to leave, but stopped and said to Ning Xin, "Yes, as for whether you want to spend the night with the sky, then this is your young man's business! If the same thing happens again later, I absolutely Will punish you severely!"

Senior Sister Ning Xin was blushed by Elder Guo De, and her chest was rising and falling violently, but she did not dare to refute.

"Don't worry! I am willing to bet and lose, Ning Xin will definitely do what she says!"

Ning Xin turned her body and gave Lin Tiancheng a blank look, then looked at Lin Tiancheng's body with an unkind look.

She didn't believe that Lin Tiancheng was a useless person. Since Lin Tiancheng said that she would spend the night with him, she could take this opportunity to prove Lin Tiancheng's body.

As long as she found out that Lin Tiancheng was not a waste person, then Ning Xin would definitely make Lin Tiancheng repay the previous humiliation and pay a hundred times the price.

After Elder Guo left, Xu Can continued to patrol with the rest of his disciples.

Because Ning Xin's embroidery room had been messed up, and the room was full of the smell of leeks, Lin Tiancheng was going to go back to his room to do business with Ning Xin.

"Come with me!"

Ning Xin muttered extremely dissatisfied, "Go and go, you'd better not let me get any handles, otherwise I will report the matter to Elder Guo!"

Ning Xin seriously suspected that Xu Can had been bought by Lin Tiancheng, otherwise she would not open her eyes and talk nonsense like this.

After returning to the room, Lin Tiancheng closed the door, then lay on the bed, and fell asleep without saying a word.

Lin Tiancheng knew that Ning Xin must be very unwilling, and she was bound to do something extraordinary to herself.

Ning Xin's enthusiasm and openness did not deceive Lin Tiancheng.

She walked slowly to the edge of Lin Tiancheng's bed, and actually climbed onto Lin Tiancheng's bed.

She wanted to let Lin Tiancheng take the initiative to undress and let herself see what happened.

However, she is a woman after all, and it is not easy to say this.

So he played a little bit carefully and deliberately unbuttoned his neckline.

Then, she pressed closely to Lin Tiancheng's body.

As long as Lin Tiancheng is a normal man, he will definitely react, and his lies will naturally be exposed.

It's useless to pretend to sleep!

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng hadn't reacted at all, Ning Xin felt incredible. He even boldly put Lin Tiancheng's hand on his neckline.

Ning Xin can still accept this kind of scale, after all, it's not the first time she has used beauty tricks.

Moreover, in order for Lin Tiancheng to present her true form and honestly hand over the ancient alchemy secrets and the tree of life to herself, she can do whatever it takes.

Lin Tiancheng's palm was at the mercy of Ning Xin, and the battery level began to soar for a while!


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