Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1511: No money leaks

This time Lin Tiancheng charged a full 60 batteries.

The upgrade cost 30 electricity, and the seed of the tree of life was purchased in the farmer’s app store.

In nearly half a month, the soul-raising tree planted on the black soil finally reached the age of a thousand years.

The true height of the soul-raising tree is less than two meters, the trunk is as thick as a human arm, and the leaves on the three branches are also very rare.

It's just that each of its leaves is crystal clear, emitting a faint green light, and it looks like a piece of emerald.

Lin Tiancheng clicked the harvest button, when this mature soul-raising tree was received from the black land in the recycling bin!

After entering the recycle bin, the soul-raising tree that was nearly two meters high turned into a small tree the size of a thumb, which is the most suitable to wear!

Lin Tiancheng can know that this kind of soul-raising wood can enhance his own spiritual power when worn on his body, while also being able to contain the soul.

The soul-raising mummy is one of the three sacred trees in the cultivation world, it is a very precious treasure.

Just as the so-called money is not exposed, Lin Tiancheng decided to at least wait for his strength to break through to the early stage of the Golden Core period before wearing it.

When Lin Tiancheng's consciousness arrived at the recycling station, he was surprised to find that the physique of the brave beast seemed to have doubled, and animal hair began to grow under each palm-sized scale.

I don't know when, Pi Xiu Beast actually broke through from the peak state of the foundation period to the early stage of the expansion period!

Lin Tiancheng guessed that this little guy must have swallowed Ouyang Jie's Dark Night Spirit Python soul in Ouyang Jie's Spirit Bone Sword the last time he had achieved such a quick breakthrough in strength.

After leaving the soul-raising wood in the recycling bin, Lin Tian regretted it.

Pi Xiu Beast is notoriously gluttonous, the spiritual materials of heaven and earth, and the soul of spirit beasts are all its delicacies.

However, Lin Tiancheng felt fortunate that the Pi Xiu Beast sniffed the scent of the Soul Tree, like an electric shock, and hurriedly withdrew after shaking for a while.

Then, Lin Tiancheng's consciousness returned to the farmer application.

He planted the seeds of the tree of life he bought directly on the black soil, so that Lin Tiancheng had 30 electricity left.

Soon, it was not only Xu Can who led the team on patrol to Lin Tiancheng's room.

Ning Xin even specially invited Elder Han from the main hall.

Ning Xin knew that Elder Guo seemed to have a good relationship with Lin Tiancheng, and if he was invited again, he would be biased towards Lin Tiancheng again.

And the disciples at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association know that Elder Han Yunhan, the most beloved disciple is Ning Xin!

You must know that Elder Han's position in the Alchemist Association headquarters is second only to the President of the General Conference, and ranks first among the ten elders.

As for Xu Can, after hearing Senior Sister Ning Xin's call, he immediately asked the patrol disciples to invite Elder Guo.

Xu Can knows very well that he is just a senior medicine apprentice, and his position in the alchemist association headquarters is second to that of Lin Tiancheng and Ning Xin.

He didn't have any right to speak in front of these two people, nor could he make judgments, he could only ask Elder Guo to come and judge.

Ning Xin followed Elder Han, sobbing all the way into Lin Tiancheng's room.

"Elder Han, you must call the shots for me! This beast is insulting me! You must punish him heavily!"

Elder Han comforted, "Ning Xinmo cried, since Elder Han has encountered this matter, then Elder Han will definitely take the charge for you!"

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng was about to suffer, Xu Can stepped forward to defend him, "Elder Han, Senior Sister Ning Xin, you may have misunderstood, Lin Tiancheng is not a real man! I don't think he can do such a thing!"

Ning Xin's crying became louder. She stomped her foot and pointed at Xu Can angrily, "Okay you Xu Can, the senior sister treats you not badly, you open your eyes and talk nonsense! He is obviously not a cripple!"

Ning Xin hadn't come to talk about Xu Can being bought by Lin Tiancheng, but she didn't expect Xu Can to stand up and deceive herself.

Lin Tiancheng put on a look of being aggrieved, and said innocently, "Tiancheng has offended Sister Tiancheng somehow, Sister Tiancheng wants to treat Tiancheng like this!"

Elder Han stretched out his arm, opened his five fingers, and said loudly, "Enough! Lin Tiancheng, I advise you to recruit truthfully! Otherwise, according to the rules and regulations of the Alchemist Association Headquarters, you can't please!"

Unexpectedly, Elder Han could not help but put all the responsibility on Lin Tiancheng.

Standing behind the elder Han, Ning Xin pursed a small mouth, and put on a look like a villain to Lin Tiancheng.

She seemed to be saying, "Let you not give me the secret book, let you not give me the baby, and see if I will kill you!"

Lin Tiancheng stepped forward and said without fear, "What? Elder Han is trying to forcibly put an indecent hat on my head?"

Elder Han could not help but snorted and waved to Xu Can, "Come on! Capture this kid for me, throw him directly out of the Alchemist Association headquarters, strip off his medicine robe with the title of Pharmacist, and never join him. My Alchemist Association headquarters!"

In the entire headquarters of the Alchemist Association, apart from the president, Elder Han has the highest status.

However, Lin Tiancheng was just an ordinary pharmacist, and he wanted to refute the elder's will. It was a rebellion.

This alone is enough to make Lin Tiancheng drink a pot.

"Wait! Elder Han, absolutely can't help it!" A voice came in from outside the wing.

Elder Guo arched his hand towards Elder Han, leaned forward and said, "Elder Han may not know, but Tiancheng is a nobleman at the headquarters of our Alchemist Association. He can refine the antidote to the bleeding evil pill. If you drive him out of the headquarters, I am afraid……"

"What? This kid did such a thing to Ning Xin, can't I let him stay in the headquarters?"

Elder Han eased the angry look on his face slightly, staring at Elder Guo with a chill, "Elder Guo, don't forget your own identity, I am the first of the ten elders!"

Elder Guo was frightened by Elder Han’s stern look, and he couldn’t help but stepped back a few steps, and said angrily, “Elder Han doesn’t know something. I’ve asked Xu Can to verify Tiancheng’s body before, and Xu Can has promised, Lin Tiancheng is indeed disabled in that respect! So Guo Mou still believes that even if it is for the face of the president of the president, Elder Han must think twice!"

It was no small matter to expel Lin Tiancheng from the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

Delaying the time to refine the "Tiancheng Pill" will bring a catastrophe to the entire Dongcheng District cultivation world.

Elder Guo even felt that it was necessary to ask the president of the president to decide the matter.

Hearing this, Ning Xin was very unhappy.

She plucked up her courage and said to Elder Guo, "In fact, Elder Guo, you have been kept in the dark. Xu Can, this kid has long been bought by Lin Tiancheng! The proof just now doesn't count at all. Lin Tiancheng is clearly not a waste person! "

Han Yun threw his cuffs a little dissatisfied, "Guo De, don't you use the president of the president to press me here!"

Then he turned his head and said to Lin Tiancheng, "Boy, since you said you were wronged, then you dare to take off your clothes and let us have a public check!"

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