Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1512: Prisoner's Cave

Elder Han wanted to prove Lin Tiancheng's body, and made it clear that he wanted to humiliate him in public!

Elder Guo was very frightened. He knew Lin Tiancheng's position in the head of the president, and he also knew Lin Tiancheng's importance to the entire cultivation world in Dongcheng District, Central Capital!

"Can't use it! Elder Han, can't use it!"

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Seeing that the time was ripe, Ning Xin stepped forward and said sobbing again, “Maybe it’s because Junior Brother Tiancheng drank some wine and was confused for a while to do such a thing to Senior Sister! If Junior Brother Tiancheng is willing to apologize to Senior Sister, and be soft, Senior Sister is willing to intercede with you in front of Elder Han!"

On the surface, Ning Xin wanted Lin Tiancheng to apologize softly, but what she really meant was that she still wanted Lin Tiancheng to honestly hand over the ancient alchemy secrets and the tree of life.

Lin Tiancheng sneered immediately, "Tiancheng is not wrong, so how can I apologize! Since the Alchemist Association headquarters can't accommodate me, then I will leave now!"

Lin Tiancheng took two steps and took one step before leaving the headquarters of the Alchemist Association resolutely.

Lin Tiancheng seriously suspected that this so-called Elder Han must have had an innocent deed with Ning Xin, otherwise he would not be able to look at her like this.

Elder Guo wanted to open his mouth to keep Lin Tiancheng, but Lin Tiancheng refused.

Looking at Lin Tiancheng's determined back, Elder Guo couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

"Hey! What kind of thing is this! Elder Han, don't say that I didn't remind you, you will regret it then!"

Elder Guo took Xu Can and a group of patrol children and left the room.

Elder Han blew his beard and stared at Elder Guo's back and said, "Guo De, don't forget your identity, it's not your turn to tell me!"

After Elder Guo left, Elder Han eased his color, nodded and bowed at Ning Xin, "Miss Ning!"

Ning Xin put her hands on her chest and nodded with great satisfaction, "Good job, this is your antidote to the blood evil pill this month!"

Ning Xin threw a pill the size of a little finger directly to Elder Han.

Elder Han held it in his hand, quickly stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed it.

In fact, he also knew that this was not the antidote to the blood pill at all, it was just a delaying medicine of the blood pill!

As for the rumor that Lin Tiancheng was able to refine the antidote to the bleeding evil pill, it seemed to Elder Han to be a joke.

Rather than believing this rumor, he might as well give Ning Xin a dog call to delay the onset of his blood evil pill.

Ning Xin put her hands behind her back and turned her back to Elder Han, "I asked you to help me investigate my father's affairs. How is your investigation?"

Elder Han hurriedly folded his hands and smiled, "Yes, I have! I have found out that 30 years ago, Nie Li and Taiyi people jointly imprisoned your father in the prisoner's cave at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association! However, this prisoner Where is the devil's cave? I haven't found it yet!"

"Okay, very good, I limit you to finding this secret place within three days, and when my father is rescued, I will let him personally help you lift the blood evil pill!"

Elder Han knelt directly behind Ning Xin on both knees, kowtow heavily, "I'm going to find it!"

After Elder Han left, Ning Xin fell into deep thought.

She had a lot of eyeliners at the Alchemist Association headquarters, and he had already learned from another elder that Lin Tiancheng had indeed helped Wuyazi of the Valley of Unrequited Love to eliminate the effect of the Blood Sha Pill.

Of course, she would not tell Elder Han about this matter.

In order to help her father complete the domineering career, she must force Lin Tian to sell the tree of life and destroy it before finding her father.

She stretched out her slender jade fingers and pinched them together fiercely, "Boy, you can't escape from my palm!"

In fact, Ning Xin was able to defeat Lin Tiancheng at the beginning, but she didn't want to reveal her identity as a kinsman.

What Ning Xin didn't expect was that Lin Tiancheng's bones were so hard.

Elder Guo knew that the matter was important, so he immediately came to the main hall of the Alchemist Association headquarters and informed the president of the matter.

The president was furious and sternly shouted at everyone, "Send someone to follow Lin Tiancheng, don't let him get lost! Also, let Han Yun's **** come and see me!"

How could the president not be angry, but it took him a lot of thought to find Lin Tiancheng.

Master Zhang has not yet returned to find Lin Tiancheng.

Now, the president of the president can be sure that Lin Tiancheng does have a tree of life that can dissolve the blood pill, and the burden on him can finally be removed.

But Han Yun, this kid, was good, he couldn't help but drove Lin Tiancheng away, **** it.

If Lin Tiancheng disappears again, or is unwilling to help the Alchemist Association headquarters resolve this problem, I am afraid that the catastrophe of the cultivation world in Dongcheng District, Zhongdu will also come.

Soon, Elder Han Yunhan was invited to the main hall of the headquarters.

Seeing the sympathetic glances from fellow colleagues, Han Yun was still a little puzzled.

When he saw Elder Guo, he understood what was going on.

This old thing must have complained to himself in front of the president.

"Old thing, Lin Tiancheng did something like that to Ning Xin, even if you tell the president of the matter, I will take care of it!"

This kind of thing is not clear at first, besides, it is often the man who ignores it!

Moreover, even if Lin Tiancheng did not act indecently, Elder Han could also say that he had misjudged himself, and it is expected that the President of the General Conference would not treat himself to anything.

On the contrary, this Guo De is really damn, he must have a chance to taste his own methods.

The president of the general meeting softened the color a little, and asked Han Yun expressionlessly, "Han Yun, let me ask you, what did you do just now?"

Han Yun arched his hands towards the president of the president, and straightened his chest and replied, "Sir, the president, just now, Lin Tiancheng, this kid turned out to be indecent to Ningxin. Fortunately, I rushed to stop it in time, otherwise it will lead to disaster!"

As for whether Lin Tiancheng is a really indecent star or not, Elder Guo and the president of the president have already stated everything.

And Xu Can can also swear to Tian that Lin Tiancheng is indeed a useless person.

Pointing to Han Yun, the president angrily rebuked, "I don't care if Lin Tiancheng is really indecent. Ning Xin, Han Yun, all you have to do now is to ask for Lin Tiancheng's forgiveness and take him back to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association! Otherwise, don't come back either!"

The president's attitude is very clear. It doesn't matter whether Lin Tiancheng is really indecent and Ning Xin.

It is important that Lin Tiancheng returns to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

The power of the blood race has already laid a foundation in the land of Baiyue, and soon he will use the blood evil pill to fight back against the original enemies.

The catastrophe of the cultivation world in the Dongcheng District of the Central Capital is imminent, and the importance of Lin Tiancheng can be imagined.

Han Yun was very puzzled, and immediately retorted, "Han Yun doesn't understand, is it possible that the president of the president wants to let Lin Tiancheng do evil? I am afraid that this matter cannot be justified by the elders!"

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