Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1513: Court case

"Elder Han, you really let me down! The blood evil pill matter and this matter are more serious, can't you tell them?"

The president frowned and stared at Han Yun blushingly.

Xu Can has verified Lin Tiancheng's body and swears to Tian.

Is this not enough to prove whether Lin Tiancheng is a real man?

Even if Lin Tiancheng really offended Ning Xin, Elder Han should consider the overall situation in such a major matter.

Elder Han was very unhappy in his heart, but after all, it was the president who stood above the hall, but he did not dare to make trouble.

He arched his hand and said confidantly, "President, even you can't refine the antidote to the bleeding pill. How can Lin Tiancheng, a stinky kid who is not dry, can refine the antidote? You can't believe it. His slander! Also, these are two different things! The association has the rules of the association. If he violates the law and impunity, I am afraid it will be difficult to convince the public."

Elder Han didn't believe that Lin Tiancheng could refine the antidote from beginning to end.

He only believed that when he helped Ning Xin find the prisoner's cave, the other party would naturally give himself an antidote.

So what he has to do now is to please Ning Xin in every possible way and find the prisoner's den as soon as possible!

There were several elders who were in the alchemy room that day, but they had seen Lin Tiancheng rescue Wuyazi in the Valley of Unrequited Love.

However, this hall is a solemn place, the president does not speak, and they don't have much to say.

After a moment of silence, the president turned around and said, "Okay! Since you have to be true! Then I will give you an explanation today! Elder Guo, Tiancheng should not have gone far, you go Please come back, just say that I said it!"

"If Tiancheng really does something like this, in order to give Elder Han and Ning Xin an explanation, I will definitely punish him! But if Elder Han blames little friend Tiancheng, you have to follow the rules of our Alchemist Association! "

Elder Han's stubborn attitude, if the president does not give him an explanation today, I am afraid that this matter will be difficult to deal with.

After Elder Guo got the instructions, he took two steps and made one step before leaving the hall quickly.

Fortunately, he arrived in time.

"Little friend Tiancheng, wait a minute!" Elder Guo panted and trot towards Lin Tiancheng quickly.

Whether or not he can refine the antidote to the bleeding evil pill depends entirely on Lin Tiancheng, and Elder Guo naturally takes Lin Tiancheng very seriously.

Hearing this familiar voice, Lin Tiancheng turned around in confusion, "What's wrong? I have already returned the medicinal robe of the Alchemist Association Headquarters. Is there anything else I forgot to return?"

Elder Guo heard the dissatisfaction in Lin Tiancheng's words and immediately smiled apologetically, "Tiancheng, don't be angry, of course Guo believes in you!

I hurried over, just to convey the meaning of the president! "

"Could the president also punish Ning Xin for failing me?"

"No, Tiancheng, you misunderstood! The president of the president wants you to go back to court with that stinky girl Ning Xin, he wants to give you justice!

You also know that the president is so overwhelmed by the blood evil pill, we can't do without you! "

Elder Guo showed a melancholy expression. He was very afraid that Lin Tiancheng would hate the entire alchemist association headquarters because of the unfair treatment received by Elder Han.

"Are you fair to me?"

"Yes! We all believe that Little Friends Tiancheng is not that kind of person!

If it proves that that girl Ning Xin is slandering you, we will definitely punish her, as well as Elder Han! "

Lin Tiancheng became interested, he had already given up his baby bumps, and even if he was really going to court, he was fearless.

If he really left like this, he would have admitted to Ning Xin's stinky girl.

In addition, Lin Tiancheng really wanted to know what kind of business was between Elder Han and Ning Xin.

"Okay, because of the face of Elder Guo and the president, Heavenly Achievement will let them verify their integrity again!"

Lin Tiancheng bowed his hand respectfully towards Elder Guo, and then followed him into the hall.

At this time, Ning Xin was vividly telling the elders and the president of Lin Tiancheng's crimes.

She didn't expect this matter to cause trouble to the president at first.

However, this is exactly what she likes to hear.

Lin Tiancheng's big guy, she saw with her own eyes, absolutely couldn't run away this time.

She wants to make things big, she must make Lin Tiancheng that **** succumb to her feet no matter what.

"The president, please make it clear that the beast, seeing that the little girl is weak, wants to do something like that to the little girl!"

Then, while pointing at Xu Can, she choked and cried, "President, I want to report Xu Can, he was bought by Lin Tiancheng by that animal, and he lied when he verified that he was right. Lin Tiancheng Not a waste person at all!"

"Fortunately, Elder Han arrived in time to stop that guy's behavior. If the president does not make the decision for the little girl, the little girl will not live!"

The corner of Elder Han's mouth conjured up an imperceptible smile.

After doing so many things, at least Ning Xin's stinky girl knew that she had paid.

At this time, Elder Guo and Lin Tiancheng entered the hall one after another.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng walking towards him, Elder Han seemed to have spotted the prisoner, and immediately accused Lin Tiancheng, "Boy, be lenient in confession and strict in resistance! Why not tell the president of your crime truthfully?"

Ning Xin saw Lin Tiancheng appear, crying loudly by several decibels!

Since coming to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, her beauty tricks and bitter tricks have been tried and tested, and Lin Tiancheng will naturally be no exception.

Elder Guo pointed at the archer of the club's longbow, "Chairman, I have already brought you!"

Only then did the president turn around slowly, without a look, and could not tell whether he was angry or happy at this moment.

Lin Tiancheng didn't look at Elder Han and Ning Xin at all, but went straight to the president, bowed his hands and said, "Tiancheng meets the president!"

The president waved his hand and said flatly, "Tiancheng, Elder Han accused you of indecent assault on Ningxin. Can you admit it?"

Lin Tiancheng said righteously, "Of course he doesn't admit it. Although Tiancheng is not a good man, he is definitely not that kind of dirty villain!

Besides, Tiancheng has been a useless person since he was a child, so I dare to ask Senior Sister, how did Tiancheng insult her? "

Lin Tiancheng felt that Ning Xin was a sinister and cunning woman.

Lin Tiancheng already knew that she was a member of the blood race.

But Lin Tiancheng didn't understand, what was the purpose of her mixing into the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, and what kind of activities did Elder Han and her have?

"You..." Ning Xin's face flushed, she couldn't get angry when she thought of the big guy Lin Tiancheng.

Elder Han walked slowly towards Lin Tian and pointed at him angrily, "Lin Tiancheng, don't be too arrogant. This is the conference hall of the Alchemist Association headquarters. Believe it or not, I will now let people rectify you on the spot!"

There was a little anger on the face of the president, and he immediately yelled at Elder Han, "Elder Han, go back, please pay attention to your identity!"

Even if Lin Tiancheng really did indecent things to Ning Xin, he would have to wait until the antidote to the blood evil pill was refined and settled after the fall.

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