Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1515: The Art of Sealing

As an elder, he knew his mistakes and wanted to oppress his disciples as an elder. This was absolutely intolerable in the eyes of the president.

"Tiancheng, rest assured, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer to this matter!"

After that, the president of the president set his eyes on Han Yun, "Elder Han, since you misunderstood Tiancheng, should you apologize to him?"

The president's words were very serious, it was a command tone, not a discussion with him.

Elder Han's old face was suddenly blushing, and his entire lips were shaking!

You know, he is the head of the ten elders at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association!

The president of the general meeting, he even asked him to apologize to a new disciple because of a small mistake, which he couldn't do!

The awkward atmosphere was deadlocked for nearly a quarter of an hour!

A few elders whispered to Elder Han, "Elder Han, please apologize! Don't annoy the president!"

"Yes! The president has a bad temper, don't make his old man angry!"

However, Elder Han still looked like he would rather die than surrender, straightened his chest, and stared at the president intently!

He takes his status and face very seriously, and it is absolutely impossible for him to apologize to a new disciple!

The president's complexion gradually turned red, and his anger gradually rose to his eyebrows!

"Come here! Take off Han Yun's medicated robe! From now on, Han Yun will no longer be the elder of the headquarters of my Alchemist Association!"

As soon as this remark came out, it was like a thunder!

The president would actually punish Han Yun, the head of the ten elders, for a new disciple!

Of course, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the president is not only doing this for Lin Tiancheng!

Because Han Yun's actions have violated the president's majesty at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

What about the head of the top ten elders, his elder title is still conferred by the president!

Elder Han's expression was a little startled, he immediately turned his head and apologized to Lin Tiancheng with a fist, "Sorry, the old man is clumsy and almost misunderstood you!"

The trouble is still long for this reason, and Elder Han dare not give in.

If the president really deprived him of the title of great pharmacist, it would be difficult for him to get this status in his lifetime.

I would like to ask, who does not want anyone from the Alchemist Association Headquarters, what forces in Dongcheng District, Central Capital, dare to accept him.

Lin Tiancheng just replied coldly, "Don't dare!" Because he didn't feel the sincerity of Elder Han.

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng seemed to be a little confused, the president immediately pointed to Elder Han and said, "Come here, take Elder Han to the confinement room for two days. Within two days, no one is allowed to release him without my order. !"

"And Ning Xin, flies don't bite seamless eggs, I advise you to check it yourself in the future! Bring Ning Xin to the confinement room for three days!"

Although the president of the president has everything to do with every day, and he doesn't care about some trivial matters in the association, it doesn't mean he doesn't know.

Ning Xin probably only came to the Alchemist Association headquarters for three years, but in these short three years, she was promoted from a layman to a pharmacist.

Among them, she played a lot of tricks against the male disciples in the association, including defrauding them of medicinal materials and alchemy.

The president always closed one eye on this, and didn't bother too much.

But today Elder Han also suffered because of her, so she naturally inevitably closed the confinement room.

Lin Tiancheng immediately arched his hands at the president of the president, "The president of the president has been observant of the details and proved himself for Tiancheng. Tiancheng is grateful!"

The president smiled and asked, "Tiancheng, how long will it take us to refine the antidote to the blood evil pill?"

Lin Tiancheng raised three fingers, "Three days is enough!"

The blood on the president's face gradually faded, and a smile rose to the eyebrows, "Very well, then I will personally ask Tiancheng for the tree of life in three days. If there is nothing wrong, everyone will withdraw! "

However, before Lin Tiancheng walked out of the main hall, the disciple guarding the door hurriedly walked over from the headquarters gate.

"Master, someone is looking for you outside the gate! They say something is urgent!"

Seeing the disciple's expression in a hurry, Lin Tiancheng quickened his pace immediately.

"Tiancheng, save my sister, save my mother!"

Standing outside the gate of the headquarters anxiously waiting turned out to be Sunan of Huoyunzong!

Seeing Lin Tiancheng walking towards him, he hurried up to meet him, holding Lin Tiancheng's hands tightly.

"Don't worry, what can you say slowly?"

"Let's talk while walking! Otherwise, I'm afraid it's too late!"


The two of them directly sat on the Purple Butterfly when Sunan came, and hurried to the Huo Yunzong.

On the way, Sunan told Lin Tiancheng that his mother had committed another illness, and this time it was even more fierce!

Lin Tiancheng guessed that Sunan's mother Bai Yirong must have been affected by the power of the blood evil spirit.

Bai Yirong and Wuyazi in Jueqinggu are in the same condition.

Lin Tiancheng only helped them clear the bloodline power that was revealed. As for the bloodline power that was integrated with them, it would take a lot of electricity to completely clear them.

It just so happened that when Lin Tiancheng treated them, the electricity was not so sufficient, and it could only help them delay their illness.

In fact, as long as they are not drawn by the bloodline power of the blood race people, the bloodline power formed by taking the Blood Sha Pill in their bodies will not be controlled.

Su Yan had actually sent sect disciples to Lin Tiancheng before, but Elder Guo told him that it would take a few days for the pill to become effective.

However, Bai Yirong's condition was already very serious.

If Bai Yirong was kept in a state of riot, she would most likely die because of exhaustion.

In desperation, Su Lan thought of Xuan Tianzong.

Xuan Tianzong has a great background, they are good at using the sealing technique.

Thirty years ago, Xuan Tianzong used the sealing technique to fight against the bloodline power of the blood race.

At that time, many cultivators who were invaded by the blood evil pill were given by the Xuan Tianzong to temporarily suppress the blood of the riot.

This type of treatment is only superficial and is equivalent to drinking poison to quench thirst.

The people of Xuan Tianzong relied on the technique of sealing to temporarily seal the power of blood derived from the body of the cultivator who had swallowed the blood pill.

However, this strength will continue to increase until the seal that is finally broken through will directly explode and die.

In fact, a long time ago, Su Yan had already spent a lot of money to invite people from Xuan Tianzong.

This year, Bai Yirong has been in a deep sleep state!

Su Yan looked at his wife like a violent walking dead, and his heart was even more painful.

He would rather let the people of Xuan Tianzong rely on the sealing technique to seal the blood in his wife's body and let her fall asleep temporarily.

Of course, he also knew that when his wife woke up next time, she would inevitably explode and die because of the sealing technique's inability to suppress the bloodline power.

But he has no choice. He doesn't want his wife to leave him now.

At the price of the last time, the people of Xuan Tianzong made Su Yan surrender a mysterious rank fire attribute technique.

And this time the price was Su Lan, and that girl Su Lan took the initiative!

Lin Tiancheng asked puzzledly, "The price is Su Lan, what does this mean?"

"Ye Qingyun, the young master of Xuan Tianzong, has always admired my sister. He also expressed his love to my sister many times when he was in Zhongdu Academy, but was rejected by my sister!"

"That said, this time your sister took the initiative to find Ye Qingyun and asked him to help seal the power of your mother's bloodline, and the price was to marry your sister?"


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