Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1516: In the flowers

"Yes! I didn't expect my sister to make such a decision at this time! But..."

Hearing this news, Lin Tiancheng felt very uncomfortable!

Although he didn't have too much intersection with Su Lan's girl, some words were just misunderstandings that didn't explain clearly.

But when she heard that she was going to marry, her emotions were still very complicated.

"But what? Since Ye Qingyun can save your mother's life, shouldn't you Su family be very happy?"

Lin Tiancheng was a little ashamed. If he had enough battery last time, he would definitely rescue Bai Yirong in the first place.

At that time, Su Lan's girl should have forgiven herself.

"If my sister can marry Xuantianzong, that would be a good thing? But Ye Qingyun is not a good person!"

Having said this, Su Lan couldn't help but raised her eyebrows and squeezed her fist tightly.

The position of Xuan Tianzong in the Dongcheng District of the central capital is probably second only to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association and the weapon training school!

Because the Alchemist Association headquarters and Refining Artifact Sect have more financial resources and connections than Xuantian Sect.

If only talking about combat power, Xuantianzong should be the first in the entire central capital of Dongcheng District, because their sealing technique is really terrifying.

However, as a student of Zhongdu College, Sunan knew Ye Qingyun very well.

With one-handed sealing technique, Ye Qingyun has a very high status in the student party of Zhongdu College.

There are many young and beautiful women in Zhongdu College who have been played with by him in turn and applauded!

This kid has never taken feelings seriously. He has confessed to Su Lan many times, but his real purpose is nothing more than to play with Su Lan's body.

Sunan's elder brother loves his younger sister very much, and has rescued her younger sister from Ye Qingyun's mouth several times.

However, even though he has the strength of the early Jindan period, he is still not Ye Qingyun's opponent.

He was severely beaten by Ye Qingyun many times!

After Su Lan finished speaking, Lin Tiancheng asked, "Since your sister has already agreed to this marriage, what are you doing now?"

Su Nan asked with some expectation in his eyes, weakly asked, "I don't want my sister to marry that kid. I think you are very unusual. You should still have a way to save my mother!"

Sunan pinned his last hope on Lin Tiancheng.

"What if there is, so what if there is not?" Lin Tiancheng said with a smile.

Lin Tiancheng's help to treat Bai Yirong was entirely in the face of Su Lan's friend.

Now, Su Lan is about to marry as a wife. If Lin Tiancheng goes to Huoyun, he seems to be getting involved in the Huoyun Sect and Xuantian Sect.

Moreover, Su Lan didn't think of herself as a friend, otherwise, it was not Sunan who came to find Lin Tiancheng this time, but Su Lan.

In other words, Su Lan put the last hope of saving her mother's life on Ye Qingyun's body, not Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng couldn't help but frowned. This can only be blamed on him not having enough power.

At that time, he also wanted to charge a part of Su Lan's body, plus the original electricity, it would definitely be able to completely save Bai Yirong.

However, he was also worried that the charging process would only cause Su Lan to misunderstand him even more, so he did not do this.

Sunan saw Lin Tiancheng's loss, and said with a weird expression, "Tell me the truth, does your kid like my sister?"

A gentleman is magnanimous, like it is like it, there is nothing to hide.

Lin Tiancheng replied immediately, "Yes!"

"Well, if you can save my mother, I will ask my father to cancel the marriage. As for whether you can catch my sister in the future, it's up to you!"

After saying this, Sunan slammed Lin Tiancheng's chest, as if expressing his brotherhood with Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng asked puzzledly, "Where do you tell that I like your sister? Also, how do you know that I will be able to save your mother?"

Sunan shook his head and said, "I don't know if you can save my mother, but you are at least better than Ye Qingyun's kid!"

The people of Xuan Tianzong were only able to make his mother fall into endless sleep.

But Lin Tiancheng was able to wake his mother from her deep sleep.

"Also, if you don't like not caring about my sister, you won't care so much about getting her forgiveness, let alone coming to my Fire Cloud Sect!"

In fact, Sunan knew something of the truth from Lin Tiancheng's eyes when he looked at his sister outside the Chiyang Crystal Mine!

After all, he has a lot of girls in the Zhongdu Academy.

"Well, if that's the case, then I will let you go!"

Although there are still many misunderstandings between Lin Tiancheng and Su Lan, he cannot tolerate the intervention of a third party.

What's more, Ye Qingyun is still a sloppy brother, if Su Lan followed him, she would ruin the rest of her life.

In the Huoyun Sect, a group of Xuantianzong children brought by Ye Qingyun sat on the left side of the main hall, and on the right were several older elders from the Huoyunzong Su clan.

Su Yan sat on the hall, Su Lan stood on his left.

Ye Qingyun placed the lid of the teapot and took a sip of tea. Then he said, "Uncle Su, Madam Su's condition is no longer serious. After my seal this time, she can live for at least another three years!"

However, everyone in the Su family looked heavy, and the heavy ones could hardly even lift their heads.

Of course, what the Su family hope most is that Bai Yirong can live like a normal person, rather than lying in bed like a vegetable.

How is that different from being dead?

Su Yan really wanted to draw a few ear scrapers at this time!

If he hadn't longed for the power of the blood demon pill at the beginning, and did not bring the blood demon pill back into the fire cloud sect, Bai Yirong would not have eaten the blood demon pill by mistake.

However, this is the main hall of Huoyunzong. On the left side of the main hall are people from Xuantianzong. Even if he hates himself, he can't do that.

Su Yan sighed long, and then replied to Ye Qingyun, "Okay, it's good to be alive!"

Ye Qingyun's face showed a little proud look, "Well, the bloodline power of the blood race is really strong, but fortunately, my Xuantianzong's sealing technique can control it!"

At this moment, an elder standing behind Ye Qingyun stepped forward and said, "Sect Master Su, since Mrs. Su’s condition has been controlled, according to the agreement, should we talk about the relationship between the two children? Married?"

There was an imperceptible smile at the corner of Ye Qingyun's mouth.

This is his real goal, and Bai Yirong's life and death are not his business!

However, he pretended to say to the old man behind him, "Elder Xu, don't worry, my marriage to Su Lan is already a certainty! Now, the Su family is very sad, let's find a good day. Come to propose a kiss again!"

Su Yan turned to the daughter beside him and asked, "Lan Lan, you have all thoughts about it, you will have to follow Master Ye in the future!"

Su Lan gritted her silver teeth and fell into deep thought.

She and her elder brother are both students of Zhongdu College, and they are naturally clear about Ye Qingyun's romantic deeds.

If she liked Ye Qingyun, she would have already fallen under his fierce offensive.

She sighed long, and when she was about to nod, she heard Sunan's voice!

"Hold on! Sister, you can't agree to this marriage!"

Sunan brought Lin Tiancheng to the hall quickly!

After Su Lan found Lin Tiancheng, her eyes were a little bright, but she soon dimmed again.

Ye Qingyun immediately stood up from his seat and looked at Sunan with a smile, "It turned out to be the eldest brother, I said, why didn't I see the eldest brother in Huoyunzong today?"


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