Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1519: Life energy

Lin Tiancheng had 10 electricity left at this time. Fortunately, Bai Yirong's injury was under control. Next, he only needs to feed her a pill made from the sap of the tree of life.

Su Yan asked anxiously, "Tiancheng, did the kid Ye Qingyun do something to my wife?"

Su Yan also guessed something from Lin Tiancheng's expression.

Lin Tiancheng nodded: "Yes, that guy severed your wife's aorta. Fortunately, there is not enough time. I have helped Mrs. Su to reconnect it. Next, I only need to refine the pill."

Su Lan's expression was even more shocked: "Ye Qingyun dare to frame my mother, I want to kill him!"

Seeing Su Lan's emotions a bit agitated, Lin Tiancheng immediately caught her: "No hurry, let's heal your mother first. Your brother is staring at Ye Qingyun's boy, he can't run."

This is the boundary of the Huoyun Sect, and there are many elders of the Huoyun Sect in the main hall. It is expected that the people of the Xuantian Sect will not escape with their wings.

Su Yan seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly shook his palms, and suddenly realized: "This **** thing, is it any wonder that you are deliberately distracting me?"

Su Yan explained to Lin Tiancheng that just an hour ago, Ye Qingyun vowed to use his Xuantianzong's sealing technique to seal Bai Yirong's blood.

In fact, Su Yan was still very worried about this.

The last time to help Bai Yirong seal the power of blood was the supreme master of Xuan Tianzong Ye Xuantian himself.

But this time, Ye Qingyun volunteered to come forward, seeming to be very concerned about this matter.

It turned out that he was a half-hearted guy, halfway through the seal, he was almost beaten back by the power of the blood in Madam Su's body.

At this time, Old Li hurriedly pulled Su Yan away, and then he and Ye Qingyun did some shameful deeds in Huafang Pavilion.

In other words, neither Ye Qingyun nor Li Lao could control the power of this bloodline. In order not to be backlashed, they had to kill Bai Yirong.

However, in order to prevent Su Yan from discovering it, he used the sealing technique to disguise.

At that time, Su Yan saw that his wife's emotions had been controlled. Although there were still some doubts in his heart, he did not care that much.

Bai Yirong is alive, that's enough.

But he didn't expect Ye Qingyun and Old Li to be so shameless. After killing Bai Yirong, they dare to brazenly say that they want to marry Su Lan.

Su Yan clasped Lin Tiancheng's hand with both hands, "Little friend Tiancheng, thank you for saving my wife's life, I, I..."

Su Yan no longer knew what words to use to thank Lin Tiancheng.

Had Lin Tiancheng not taken the shot in time, I am afraid he would really be separated from his wife.

Lin Tiancheng patted the back of Su Yan's hand and comforted: "Sect Master Su, don't worry! Su Lan is my friend, so it's okay to do a little bit for my friend!"

Su Lan's red lips trembled slightly, and her whole body stepped backwards weakly.

She didn't expect Lin Tiancheng to treat him as a friend until now.

Lin Tiancheng picked some auxiliary medicinal materials for refining "Tiancheng Pill" from the recycling station, as well as the medicine furnace borrowed from Qin Xue's girl.

The auxiliary materials are not enough, but the main medicinal material of Tiancheng Pill is the sap of the tree of life, and the others are not that important.

Without any cover, Lin Tiancheng immediately opened his position in the Huafang Pavilion and began to refine the "Tiancheng Pill".

"Tiancheng Pill" is a third-class high-level pill. It is not difficult to refining the Tao. The most difficult thing is how to get the juice of the tree of life.

And Lin Tiancheng is now a pharmacist, and his strength has reached the pinnacle of the expansion phase. With the knowledge he downloaded from the ancient alchemy secrets, it is not difficult to refine a Tiancheng pill.


A ball of flame shot through Lin Tiancheng's fingertips, flew into the furnace, and began to lick the bottom of the furnace continuously.

Lin Tiancheng's technique seems to be very skillful, and that flame can be big or small under Lin Tiancheng's control!

It seemed that Lin Tiancheng had perfect control over this group of flames.

Su Yan asked a little surprised: "Could it be that the little friend Tiancheng is also proficient in fire attribute elemental techniques?"

As the Sect Master of Huoyun Sect, Su Yan had seen many alchemists refining pills.

Ordinary alchemists have to rely on Huozhezi to ignite the fire of alchemy. Only those advanced alchemists can understand some fire-attribute elemental techniques to help them refine elixir.

After all, elemental exercises are still very difficult to see, especially this kind of fire attribute elemental exercises.

Lin Tiancheng's expression was a bit wrong.

Su Lan quickly defended Lin Tiancheng: "My father, this is how Tiancheng rescued me outside Chiyang Crystal Mine. In order to express my gratitude, I gave him a more common fire attribute element technique secret book! "

Lin Tiancheng secretly glanced at Su Lan, and couldn't help taking a long breath.

Because the boy from Sunan wanted to teach Lin Tiancheng, he had no choice, Lin Tiancheng had to use Thunder download to download the supreme practice of Huo Yunzong "Huo Yan Jue".

He didn't tell Su Yan about this. After all, stealing the secrets of Huoyunzong's supreme exercise technique was a no-brainer.

Su Yan nodded with a weird expression, "So it is!"

This girl Su Lan is not good at lying, Su Yan can tell from her erratic eyes that she is lying now.

In addition, he also felt the aura of the flame that Lin Tiancheng released was extremely strong, almost a bit stronger than his Will of Fire.

Since Lin Tiancheng and Su Lan didn't want to say anything, Su Yan stopped questioning them, and it was naturally that the most important thing for his wife to wake up was now.

After a quarter of an hour, Lin Tiancheng finally succeeded in refining the pill.

The moment the lid of the medicine stove was opened, the entire Huafang Pavilion was full of fragrance, and the dazzling green light reflected on the beams.

The refreshing scent made Su Yan and Su Lan take a few more breaths.

"This is the first time this old man has seen such pure energy! There are so many treasures in the hands of little friend Tiancheng!" Su Yan looked at Lin Tiancheng with some envy.

The last time he was in the Refining Sect, Su Yan already knew that Lin Tiancheng has one of the three sacred trees, the soul-raising tree, and now he has a tree of life, and this pure life energy turned out to be him. All unseen unheard baby.

"Okay! Give this pill to your wife!"

Lin Tiancheng carefully put the refined Tiancheng Pill into Su Yan's palm.

Seeing puffy beads of sweat coming out of Lin Tiancheng's forehead, Su Lan couldn't help taking a step forward, and pulled out a purple shampoo from between her cuffs, and lifted her toes to wipe the sweat beads for Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng smiled awkwardly, "Let me come."

Su Lan lightly patted the back of Lin Tiancheng's hand: "Don't move, it will be better soon."

Su Lan, the girl suddenly treated Lin Tiancheng so well, but Lin Tiancheng was a little uncomfortable.

"Moved, really moved!"

Since taking Tiancheng Pill to Bai Yirong, Su Yan's eyes widened, staring at Bai Yirong.

The effort paid off. Half a quarter of an hour after taking the pill, Bai Yirong's little finger actually jumped.

Soon, her five fingers were constantly relaxing, like bamboo shoots after the rain, slowly revealing vitality.

A stream of pure life energy traveled through Bai Yirong's throat, through the internal organs, and then the meridians and cells throughout the body.


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