Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1520: Slap is the way of hospitality

She seemed completely reborn, and even the skin was full of luster.

At this moment, Su Lan also exclaimed: "Father, I am promoted!"

That's right, just because of the extremely pure life energy exuded by the Tiancheng Pill, Su Lan's strength broke through to the pinnacle realm of the expansion phase.

Good things are in pairs, Su Yan naturally laughed from ear to ear!

Sure enough, what was recorded in the ancient alchemy secrets was true, and only the juice in the tree of life could dissolve the bloodline power of the blood evil pill.

Bai Yirong opened her eyes slowly, looked around Huafang Pavilion, and looked at herself again, as if she was ten years younger.

All this is so incredible to her!

Bloodshot instantly covered his eyeballs, and tears burst into his eyes.

"Su Yan, Lan Lan!"

Seeing a family of three hugging each other tightly, Lin Tiancheng also had an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

Su Yan kept reproaching herself: "I blame me for this, otherwise, you won't sleep for three years, and you almost lost your life."

"Mother, Lan Lan missed you so much! Lan Lan thought she would never see you again!" Su Lan choked with sobs.

Bai Yirong wiped the tears from the corner of Su Lan's eyes, and looked at Lin Tiancheng somewhat puzzled: "Could this be the benefactor who saved me?"

"Yes! His name is Lin Tiancheng. If it weren't for him, I'm afraid you and I would be separated from each other." Su Yan introduced Lin Tiancheng to his wife.

Lin Tiancheng arched his hands and said, "Uncle Su has seen you outside."

Su Lan took the initiative to pull Lin Tiancheng to a corner, and whispered: "Tiancheng, thank you for saving my mother's life.

From now on you will be my Su Lan's friend. As for the previous misunderstandings, I will not blame it! Besides, I can give you a chance..."

"A chance?" Lin Tiancheng looked at Su Lan with some puzzlement.

Su Lan jolted Lin Tiancheng's chest angrily, and ran back to his parents with blushing cheeks.

Su Yan and Bai Yirong were here. Seeing Su Lan's shy look, they quickly understood what was going on.

Regarding children, Su Yan, as a big man, naturally had a hard time talking.

Bai Yirong smiled and reminded Lin Tiancheng: "Tiancheng, thank you for saving my life, my daughter is kind-hearted, you can't bully her!"

Su Yan looked troubled, he already knew when he was in the Refining Sect that Lin Tiancheng had an unclear relationship with Yun Menggu of the Yun family.

However, his wife and daughter seemed to be very satisfied with the boy next door, and he was not happy to stand up at this time and sweep everyone's Yaxing.

He felt that it was necessary to find out whether Lin Tiancheng and Yun Menggu were married, if not, it would be the best.

Ye Qingyun even dared to persecute his wife. Not only would Su Yan not marry Su Lan, but she would also be punished.

As for Lin Tiancheng, Su Yan felt that this guy was not simple.

Lin Tiancheng has many heavenly spirits and earth treasures on his body. If he is just an ordinary pharmacist at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, Su Yan definitely doesn't believe it.

Moreover, Lin Tiancheng also understood the fire attribute elemental technique, and the flame aura seemed to be stronger than the fire will of the Su clan.

He guessed that Lin Tiancheng's physique was very suitable for cultivating fire attribute elemental exercises. If he had nothing to do with Yun Menggu, he would be accepted as a son-in-law, then it would be more appropriate.

In addition to this, the most important point is that even the president of the Alchemist Association Headquarters could not solve the problem of Blood Sha Pill, but Lin Tiancheng was able to do it.

This shows that he also has extremely high attainments in alchemy, and his future is bright and boundless.

At this moment, a loud noise came from the front door.

"No, it looks like that kid Ye Qingyun wants to escape!" Su Yan couldn't help but said that the Meteor strode directly towards the hall.

Lin Tiancheng and Su Lan glanced at each other, and the other's cheeks were a little hot unconsciously, and there was a look in their eyes.

This made Lin Tiancheng realize that there is a play between him and Su Lan.

Later, he also hurried to the main hall.

The disciples of Huo Yunzong surrounded the entire hall.

And the group of Xuantianzong guards Ye Qingyun and Old Li, forming a wall of people!

Seeing Su Yan finally appeared, Sunan immediately reported: "Enjoy your father, Ye Qingyun wants to escape!"

Seeing that only Su Yan and Lin Tiancheng came out of the backyard, but did not see Bai Yirong, he leaned to Ye Qingyun’s ear and whispered in a low voice: “Young Master, that kid Lin Tiancheng did speak big words, they It might just be suspicious!"

If Su Yan really knew that Ye Qingyun had killed his wife, I am afraid he would come to claim Ye Qingyun's life as soon as possible.

Up to this moment, he just let Sunan kid control their Xuantianzong people, and didn't really do anything.

In addition, Lao Li was very confident about his Xuantianzong sealing technique. Even if Su Yan and Lin Tiancheng could really find something wrong, they would never tell what was wrong.

After listening to this wave of strong analysis by Lao Li, Ye Qingyun seemed to gain confidence, unconsciously straightened his chest, raised his eyebrows, and said: "Sect Master Su, is this your way of hospitality? I am kind. I was kind enough to help you control your wife’s injuries, you unexpectedly let me surround me!"

Sunan's chest was ups and downs violently. Although he still didn't know what Lin Tiancheng had done to control Ye Qingyun and the group, he was very unhappy with Ye Qingyun's attitude towards his father.

After getting a bottle of Chiyang Lingyuan from Lin Tiancheng, his strength directly broke through to the early stage of the Golden Core Stage.

Ye Qingyun's kid only converged a little, and stopped hitting him when he met before.

Sunan wanted to ask Lin Tiancheng for another bottle of Chiyang Lingyuan. After taking it, he would surely be able to overpower Ye Qingyun.

At that time, he could also let out the bad breath in his heart.

However, Chiyang Lingyuan is such a precious thing, Lin Tiancheng is willing to give him a bottle, it has been his life's blessing, he really can't open his mouth, and then ask Lin Tiancheng for a second bottle.

Lin Tiancheng smiled at Su Yan, arched his hands and said, "Sect Master Su, the way of hospitality like this kind of dog is naturally a slap!"

"Lin Tiancheng, what are you talking about, do you think I dare not move you when you are in the Fire Cloud Sect?"

Ye Qingyun leaped forward, and his huge fist hit Lin Tiancheng's eyebrows directly.

Su Yan moved slightly, and the flame aura in the entire Huoyunzong hall became intense.

Whether it was from the Huo Yun Sect or the Xuantian Sect, seeing Su Yan's blazing flames slap, all his pupils shrank suddenly.


A shocking applause echoed throughout the hall.

Looking at Ye Qingyun who was flying towards him clearly, Su Yan slapped him out.

The force of this slap was very heavy and very hot. Seeing Lin Tiancheng's heart jumped, he got goose bumps.

The hot slap mercilessly burned Ye Qingyun's handsome cheek!

"Ye Qingyun, Tiancheng is right. To treat a dog like you, slap is my way of hospitality!"

Seeing that his young master was beaten, Old Li also jumped out of the encirclement, and wanted to step forward to catch Ye Qingyun who was crumbling.


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