Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1523: The secret history of Xuantianzong

Ye Qingyun was so happy to see that Lin Tiancheng wanted to die!

Ye Qingyun kicked back towards Lin Tiancheng's chest with a heavy kick. At the moment when he was about to touch Lin Tiancheng, the amplification pattern depicted on his body surface glowed with dazzling blue light!

Both the strength and speed of his right leg got a huge increase in an instant, and the whole figure left a few afterimages, almost wanting to kick through Lin Tiancheng's chest!

Su Lan half-covered her red lips and her small mouth, and stared at Lin Tiancheng with some straight eyes. She wanted to say something, but found that she didn't even have the strength to speak.

There was a smile on the corner of Li Lao's mouth, and he said coldly, "It seems that the young master's amplification pattern is good, and I can teach a little new pattern next time!"

But before his words fell, Lin Tiancheng's figure seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Ye Qingyun kicked in the air. Due to the excessive force of the kick, the whole person took the left toe as the axis and rotated a circle, fell to the ground, and came a dog chewing mud.

The smile on Old Li's face completely froze. After he found that Lin Tiancheng's figure had disappeared out of thin air, he stepped directly on Ye Qingyun's back for the next moment.

He guessed that Lin Tiancheng should have just performed a speed-type exercise, and the level of this exercise is by no means lower than the profound level!

Yes, as he guessed.

Lin Tiancheng's Profound Rank Nine Transformation Rebirth Technique is a growth technique. As Lin Tiancheng's strength increases, this technique will continue to grow.

This time the increase in the magic formula also surprised Lin Tiancheng. He guessed that this magic formula might have reached the peak of the profound stage.

At this time, the Su family breathed a long sigh of relief.

It seemed that Lin Tiancheng was not as weak as they thought.

Sunan didn't express too much worry about Lin Tiancheng.

He had competed with Lin Tiancheng before, and knew that Lin Tiancheng had a lot of methods, perhaps it was commonplace for him to compete with each other.

At this moment, Ye Qingyun fell on all fours like a toad, wanting to rise from the ground.

Lin Tiancheng broke his right hand immediately, using the power of True Qi, drew a **** pattern in the air, and pressed a palm on Ye Qingyun's back.

The dazzling blue array pattern light that agitated Ye Qingyun's body surface seemed to be suppressed by this **** array pattern, gradually disappearing, and finally annihilated completely.

"What did you do to me?" Ye Qingyun turned her head, staring at Lin Tiancheng with a look of astonishment!

Lin Tiancheng lifted his foot and kicked it out, and said with a smile, "It's nothing, it just cracked your amplification pattern!"

Ye Qingyun coughed violently, he struggled to get up from the ground, blood was already overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

"It's impossible, how would you know that this is our Xuantianzong's amplification pattern?"

There are many kinds of Xuantianzong's formation patterns, such as the formation pattern that enhances the strength in a short time, the formation pattern that increases the speed, the formation pattern that seals the opponent's true energy...

However, these formation patterns have never been spread, and only the inner disciples of Xuan Tianzong are qualified to learn.

This was not what surprised Ye Qingyun the most. What was most surprised was that Lin Tiancheng knew how to crack his amplification pattern. Even in Xuan Tianzong, there was no such crack pattern.

Lin Tiancheng didn't answer him, but turned and walked in front of Su Yan, again drew a pattern with the wet blood on the air, and pressed it on Su Yan's body.

Soon, the zhenqi power in Su Yan's dantian was released, which made Su Yan seem to be released from the cage, with a raging flame burning all over his body.

"Master, come on, admit a mistake to this little brother, and admit a mistake to Sect Master Su!"

Old Li seemed to discover the trembling hands of Shaking Secret, and he took the initiative to bow Lin Tiancheng.

"This little brother, we don't know Taishan, so please spare my young master's life?"

"Lao Li, what are you doing?" Ye Qingyun looked at Lao Li who had bowed his body with a look of consternation.

"Young Master, this little brother is too one of a kind, we can't afford it!" Old Li whispered.

The young master didn't know the truth, but Lao Li knew it clearly!

The origin of Xuan Tianzong has an untold secret history!

Ye Xuantian, the current Sect Master of the Xuantian Sect, is actually a messenger of the Golden-level Force Tai in Dongcheng District.

Because he was admitted to the Taiyi School, he had seen many outer sect brothers practising the formation pattern, and they were fascinated by their ears and eyes, and finally understood their sealing technique.

However, Taiyi's discipline is strict, and disciples who are involved in miscellaneous affairs must not be able to practice Taiyi's formation pattern practice until three years after the entry.

However, Ye Xuantian was eager for quick success and quick gain, because he had learnt the technique of Taiyi by stealth, and was expelled from Taiyi and was never allowed to enter.

Ye Xuantian, who did not want to leave, knelt for three days and three nights outside the Taiyi Sect, but still did not get the forgiveness of Taiyi Sect elders, and had no choice but to leave Taiyi Sect.

However, relying on the sealing technique that he had secretly learned for many years, he even opened a sect in a corner of Dongcheng District, gradually developed and expanded the sect, and became a silver rank force.

As for the formation pattern that Lin Tiancheng just used to break the seal, only the inner disciples of Taiyi can learn it.

Old Li didn't expect Lin Tiancheng's background to be so great, and he immediately knelt down to Lin Tiancheng and prayed that he would be able to understand the life of the young master when he was old.

"Too one?" Su Yan heard these three words, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

Taiyi Sect is the only gold rank power in the Dongcheng District of the central capital, and it is also the top power in Dongcheng District. Among the sects, there are powerhouses in the Mahayana stage.

No wonder this guy has so much confidence, I really didn't expect him to be too one of a kind!

If that's the case, I'm going to make a decision for this son-in-law!

At this moment, in the entire hall, both the Xuantian Sect and the Huoyun Sect began to talk quietly!

Lin Tiancheng didn't know that the method he worked out to break the seal was actually related to Taiyi.

Seeing these people looking at him with astonishment, and Mr. Li kneeling in front of him begging for mercy for his young master, Lin Tiancheng was a little confused.

"I can crack your Xuantianzong's sealing method, I don't think you have anything to compare with me!

Let's quickly admit a mistake to Sect Master Su! "

Who knows that Ye Qingyun's character is so stubborn, he pinched a light blue pattern, and once again charged Lin Tiancheng.

Although he also knows the existence of Taiyi, he does not believe in this evil!

Lin Tiancheng only has the strength of the peak of the expansion phase. He believes that as long as he seals his true energy power, he can turn him into fish on the chopping board and let him kill him.

He had never suffered such a big loss, and of course he didn't want to give up so soon.

Unexpectedly, Lao Li, who bowed his body, jumped up, appeared in front of Ye Qingyun at an extremely fast speed, and slapped him heavily on his face.

"Young Master, stop! You will ruin yourself!"

Lao Li's slap was very heavy, and instead of letting the young master be killed for offending someone who was too one, it was better to let him wake up the young master himself.

However, his palms were also trembling slightly, and seeing Ye Qingyun's red cheeks slap again, it was important to feel distressed.

"Lao Li, are you crazy? It's him, not me!" Ye Qingyun pointed at Lin Tiancheng and shouted angrily.

He felt that he was really out of luck today and everything went wrong.

Did not marry Su Lan, but was kicked in the crotch by Lin Tiancheng.

It's not bad luck. It doesn't matter if Mr. Li doesn't help when he grows up, he even helps others to teach himself.


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