Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1524: Maka

Lao Li whispered in front of Ye Qingyun, "Young Master, this kid is an inner disciple of Taiyi. Today, we have to admit it, and we can't go on fooling around!"

After Mr. Li's painstaking persuasion, Ye Qingyun finally admitted to the plant and reluctantly handed over to Lin Tiancheng and apologized, "I have been offended just now, but I still look at Haihan!"

Lin Tiancheng shook his head and smiled, "Hehe, it is not me who you want to apologize, but Madam Su!"

Su Yan opened the mouth and said, "Boy Ye family, if you want to get right about this, unless you give up an arm yourself."

Huo Yunzong is not a lamb to be slaughtered. Ye Qingyun dared to persecute his wife. It would be cheap for him to let Ye Qingyun give up an arm.

"You..." Ye Qingyun stuck in his heart, glaring at Su Yan.

Elder Li stepped forward and said, "Sect Master Su was serious. The situation was urgent at the time. It was excusable for the young master of my family to want to protect himself. He also hoped that Sect Master Su would be magnanimous and raise his hands high."

Although Elder Li said that, he still didn't put Huo Yunzong in his eyes.

Today, if it weren't for Lin Tiancheng, a disciple of the inner sect who had been killed halfway, the Young Master's Huo Yunzong would have gone well.

At this time, Bai Yirong walked slowly to Su Yan's side, holding his arm to soothe him, "You and Tiancheng are hurting the Ye family, my body is no longer serious, in my opinion, this matter Just forget it! Let them go!"

Bai Yirong thinks more long-term!

If Su Yan really abolished Ye Qingyun's arm, Huo Yunzong and Xuantianzong would have had a battle.

For the relatively weak Huo Yun Sect, this is tantamount to annihilation.

Bai Yirong certainly did not want to see such a thing happen.

Hearing Mrs. Su's words, Lao Li quickly pulled Ye Qingyun and quickly walked out of the hall.

"Madam, this kid almost killed you, so you can't just let him go!" Su Yan dragged Bai Yirong's elbow and said.

Bai Rong clung to Su Yanyu and said sincerely, "I came back from Guimenguan this time, and I know more about the preciousness of life. I don't want to cause a dispute between the two sects because of me."

Su Yan roughly understood what the lady meant, and sighed for a long time, "Since it is the will of the lady, then this matter will stop here! This time, thanks to Tiancheng, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

Bai Yirong leaned back to express his gratitude to Lin Tiancheng again.

Lin Tiancheng hurriedly stepped forward to support her, "Mrs. Su, it is absolutely impossible. Tiancheng can pull you back from the ghost gate. This is the great virtue of your last life."

Sunan stepped forward and hammered Lin Tiancheng's arm, "Tiancheng, I don't want to thank you! You will be my brother from now on, don't hesitate to tell me wherever you are."

Su Yan was a little unhappy when he heard this, "Nonsense, how come Tiancheng is your brother!"

Su Yan had already determined that Lin Tiancheng was his son-in-law, even if the crane in the cloud came, it wouldn't work.

If Sunan regards Tiancheng as his own brothers, then what are Lin Tiancheng and Su Lan?

"Yes, yes! It should be said that it is not a real brother than a real brother!" Bai Yirong quickly agreed with a smile.

Su Lan's cheeks were rosy again.

Sunan still didn't know that his father and mother had appointed Lin Tiancheng as the son-in-law, and he was a little confused about their call.

Bai Yirong looked at the sky outside the hall, and said to Tiancheng, "Tiancheng, according to me, it's too late. Or stay in Huoyunzong tonight!"

As soon as Sunan heard it, he slammed Lin Tiancheng's shoulder, "This is good! I have always wanted to discuss it with Brother Tiancheng again."

Su Lan didn’t understand Sunan’s attempt, and immediately sneered at her brother’s bandit behavior, “Brother, you are too much, Tiancheng has already given you a bottle of Chiyang Lingyuan, you can’t ask him for it anymore. ."

"Chiyang Lingyuan? What Chiyang Lingyuan?" Su Yan asked puzzledly.

Su Lan realized that she couldn't hide it, so she had to tell what happened to Qi Yunfeng.

"So, it's no wonder that Nan'er's strength has been able to break through to the early stage of the Golden Core Period so smoothly, it turns out that it has inherited the kindness of Tiancheng!"

When Su Yan said the words Chiyang Lingyuan, his eyes lit up.

This kind of treasure is born by nature, and only thousands of Chiyan Crystal Mines could appear as a sacred thing like Chiyang Lingyuan.

Moreover, this kind of treasure is simply a great tonic for practitioners of the fire attribute cultivation technique, even the Sect Master Su Yan of the Fire Cloud Sect can hardly conceal his admiration.

Of course, Lin Tiancheng also noticed Su Yan's fiery eyes, and generously took out another bottle of Chiyang Lingyuan from the recycling bin.

At that time, Su Lan helped Lin Tiancheng to take over five bottles, one for Lin Tiancheng, one for Sunan, and one for Su Lan, so he still had two bottles left.

With the help of Xunlei Download, Lin Tiancheng has already cultivated the "Fire Flame Art" to the extreme with the energy of the Chi Yang Lingyuan.

Therefore, the extra Chiyang Lingyuan has little effect on Lin Tiancheng's improvement of strength, at most, it provides him with fire elemental energy when he casts the "Fire Flame Art".

In fact, it is the same for Sunan, but this guy is very dependent on this baby after he tastes the sweetness.

This is just like traditional Chinese medicine. When your body is well, you can only nourish your body by taking the conditioning medicine, and the effect is not so obvious.

"Sect Master Su, this bottle of Chiyan Lingyuan should be regarded as a tribute to you by the younger generation, and it may help you break through to the peak of the Golden Core Stage."

Bai Yirong quickly refused, "Tiancheng, I can't do anything. We don't know how to repay your kindness to our Su family anymore. You should take it back!"

I really didn't expect Lin Tiancheng to be so generous, Chiyang Lingyuan is the treasure that everyone rushes to in the cultivation world, but Lin Tiancheng gives it away casually.

Su Yan also hurriedly reached out and blocked Chiyang Lingyuan back, "It can't be done, it can't be done, if that's the case, even if I marry your daughter, I won't be able to repay the favor!"

Su Yan said no, but his fiery eyes never left the Chiyang Lingyuan in Lin Tiancheng's hand.

Su Lan's entire cheeks turned red all of a sudden, she stood on her tiptoes, and punched Su Yan's chest with her small fists.

"Humph! I always make fun of me and ignore you!"

Su Lan turned her head and ignored them.

"Father, since you don't want this baby, that son will be used!" Sunan grabbed it.

Su Yan directly hit Sunan's head with a violent horror, and he hugged his head and curled up on the ground in pain.

"Since it's Tiancheng's kindness, then I, Su, is disrespectful!" Su Yan conveniently put it in his bag.

Oh! It smells so good!

This is not the time to pay attention to the status of the suzerain, Lin Tiancheng is right, Su Yan is really confident that he will break through to the peak of the Golden Core Stage.

At that time, their entire Huoyun Sect's status in the Central Capital Cultivation Realm will be greatly elevated.

Bai Yirong knocked Su Yan on the arm and said dissatisfied, "How can you, an elder, ask for something from a junior, quickly, return it to Tiancheng."

"Madam Su, see you outside. Naturally, the things I gave Lin Tiancheng will not be returned. Sect Master Su is good for life!" "Haha! Madam, don't talk to Tiancheng anymore. You will be a family from now on. !" Su Yan held Bai Yirong next to him very strongly.

Bai Yirong gave him a white look, "Well, if that's the case, then I will cook today and you will talk."


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