Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1525: Happily

Su Lan quickly stepped forward and quickly dragged her mother, "Mother, let me cook for everyone! Your injury is not healed, you need to rest!"

As soon as these words came out, Su Yan and Sunan both showed incredible expressions.

They had never seen Su Lan cook in person.

From the moment Da Su Lan was born, Huo Yunzong invited a group of people with good cooking skills.

Even the wife of the suzerain rarely cooks in person, and Su Yan, the suzerain of the Huoyun Sect, has not tasted his wife's craftsmanship for several years.

Today, Bai Yirong actually wants to cook a dinner for Lin Tiancheng, which is enough to show that Bai Yirong is very satisfied with Lin Tiancheng's son-in-law.

Even Su Lan, who had never been in the kitchen, wanted to show his hand. Su Yan felt that Lin Tiancheng, the son-in-law, might be a certainty!

Su Nan asked suspiciously, "Sister, do you really have this craft? Why have I never heard that you can cook?"

Su Lan pursed her little cherry mouth, and said dissatisfied, "Look at me! Just make a meal, what's the problem? Just wait and see!"

After speaking, Su Lan rolled up her sleeves and hurried towards the imperial dining room in the fire cloud.

Lin Tiancheng and others waited in Huoyunzong's dining room for about half an hour, and Su Lan's dishes were successively served by the maidservant.

The food is really not so ugly. It is clear that clear soup can be burned into porridge by her, and it is clear that fried food can be burned into black charcoal by her.

Su Yan, Sunan, and Bai Yirong all frowned, not knowing how to start.

Su Lan is the jewel in the palm of Huo Yunzong and is extremely precious. She is willing to take the initiative to cook for Lin Tiancheng today. Of course, Su Yan and others are happy. Even though the food is not well done, they dare not blame their baby daughter.

Bai Yirong frowned and said, "Or, let me make some dishes for Tiancheng myself!"

Bai Yirong got up and prepared to walk to the royal dining room in the backyard.

Lin Tiancheng also hurriedly got up and clasped his fists in gratitude, "Ms. Su, no need, Miss Su's enthusiasm, Tiancheng is grateful, there is no reason to dislike it!"

Lin Tiancheng stretched out his hand and filled a bowl of white jade soup.

The moment he put it in his mouth, he seemed to swallow a mouthful of salt water, which was not something people drink at all.

This mouthful of salt water ran down Lin Tiancheng's throat to his stomach. The whole person was utterly unpredictable, but he still showed the appearance of tasting delicious food.

"That's right, this soup is full of flavor!" Lin Tiancheng waited until he was completely relieved before saying.

By coincidence, Su Lan walked over from the backyard with a plate of charred dishes with no visible ingredients.

"Yeah! I think it's pretty good too, isn't it just cooking? What's the problem with this!" Su Lan pouted at Sunan, showing a look of pride.

Su Yan didn't want to make the atmosphere embarrassing, so he immediately raised his chopsticks and asked everyone to rush to hold a handful of his baby girl's field, "Yes, yes! Let's try it together!"

Sunan secretly glanced at Lin Tiancheng with a smirk, and handcuffed a piece of dark stuff to Lin Tiancheng, "Since the man Tiancheng said that my sister's craftsmanship is good, then eat more. You can't let her down. All kind!"

Bai Yirong glanced at the smirking Sunan, and tentatively picked up a purple and black object and put it in her mouth, "Ah!"

"what happened?"

It took Bai Yirong a long time to relax, and quickly said with a smile, "It's nothing, I just burned it, it tastes really good!"

In fact, no matter where it tasted good, she was obviously salty by the black thing in her mouth, and she was about to rise to the immortal.

Seeing that everyone thinks that her craftsmanship is good, Su Lan wiped the sweat from her forehead and smiled with satisfaction.

Father, like son.

She didn't know how ugly the dishes on this table were. She only knew that these dishes were the result of her labor.

"Since everyone likes to eat, let's eat more!" Su Lan began to get up, taking turns to give everyone dishes.

This is the fruit of her labor. Since everyone likes to eat, she certainly hopes that everyone can enjoy it.

This kid Sunan is very thief. He touched his stomach and pretended to burp, "Uh! I don't seem to be hungry yet, Tiancheng, since you like my sister's craftsmanship so much, I will give you all this! "

Sunan held the bottom of the bowl and buckled a bowl of dark things into Lin Tiancheng's bowl!

Lin Tiancheng looked at the bowl full of dishes in front of him, his eyes straightened involuntarily.

Don't say it, Su Yan's family is really passionate about Lin Tiancheng, and they don't treat him as an outsider.

However, their level of enthusiasm made Lin Tiancheng a little overwhelmed, and this full bowl of salty and terribly salty dishes would not be terrible to eat.

But he couldn't live up to Su Lan's kindness, so he lowered his brows and worked hard.

Seeing this, Su Yan and Bai Yirong nodded slightly, with satisfied smiles on their faces.

They felt that Lin Tiancheng was a rare good son-in-law.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng eating the dishes she made, Su Lan was also very happy, raising her chopsticks, and putting a piece of tofu like coal into her mouth.

"Ah! So bitter!"

Su Lan quickly spit out her fragrant tongue and choked a few more salivas, which relieved her energy.

Su Yan, Sunan, and Bai Yirong didn't actually move their chopsticks much.

Su Lan quickly grabbed Lin Tiancheng's bowls and chopsticks, and stopped saying, "Quickly stop eating, you can't eat this thing!"

Lin Tiancheng tried his best to swallow the extremely difficult food in his mouth.

"No, I think it's pretty good! There are so many delicious foods, don't waste it!"

"Everyone has a taste, it's actually pretty good!" Lin Tiancheng waved his chopsticks towards everyone, motioned.

He really didn't want to let down Su Lan's kindness, just because Su Lan personally cooked these dishes for himself.

Su Lan looked at Lin Tiancheng obsessively, her eyes were slightly ruddy, and the Aegean Sea in her heart also made waves for Lin Tiancheng.

She did not expect that even her parents and brothers could hardly swallow dishes, but Lin Tiancheng had the expression of eating the most delicious food in the world. How could she not be moved inside.

Bai Yirong reached out and wiped the teardrops from the corner of Su Lan's eyes, and asked inexplicably, "Why are you crying so well? Let's eat quickly!"

Su Lan quickly controlled her emotions, and took back the tears that overflowed her eyes, "Why! I was just choked by hot pepper!"

Sunan immediately said, "Where does the tofu you eat have chili?"


All of a sudden laughter echoed in the entire dining room.

Although the dishes are difficult to eat, these people all ate very happily, as if they were really a family.

When the dishes on the table were almost done, an old lady with a rickety figure came up.

The old mother leaned at Su Yan and Bai Yirong and asked, "Sect Master, Sect Master, should the old man make a room for my uncle in the backyard!"


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