Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1526: Send the wolf into the room

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Su Yan and Bai Yirong have designated Lin Tiancheng as their son-in-law, while Sunan has designated Lin Tiancheng as their brother-in-law.

He asked Lin Tiancheng to come to Fire Yunzong for two purposes, one was to save his mother, and the other was to help him prevent his sister from marrying Xuantianzong Ye Qingyun.

After hearing that Lin Tiancheng was an inner disciple of Taiyi, he even raised his hands in favor of the marriage between his sister and Lin Tiancheng.

In the four major urban areas of the central capital, each has a gold rank force sitting on one side.

And Taiyimen is the Dongcheng District of Zhongdu, the only one, and the strongest gold rank force.

What's more, Lin Tiancheng is still an inner disciple of Taiyi Sect, and the implications are self-evident.

Su Yan's face was dull, and he said to the old mother, "No, it's so late, and it's too late to clean up. Let Tiancheng live in Lanlan's room tonight! Go down!"

This sentence also represents Bai Yirong's meaning, but as a woman, she is embarrassed to say this.

Sunan got up and leaned into Lin Tiancheng's ear, and whispered, "Whether you can chase my sister down is tonight, you have to seize the opportunity, my eldest brother will leave first!"

After speaking, Sunan bowed his hand to his father and mother.

The old mother also retired with Young Master Su.

"No! I..." Su Lan refused.

Although she had completely accepted Lin Tiancheng in her heart, her father had clearly sent the wolf into the room by doing so.

It may take a long time for Su Lan to accept Lin Tiancheng mentally and physically.

Lin Tiancheng smiled helplessly, "Sect Master Su, there is a difference between men and women! Let's arrange another room for me!"

Lin Tiancheng now only has 8 batteries. If he could charge Su Lan's body today, it would be great.

Moreover, Su Lan's strength has also reached the pinnacle state of the expansion phase, and she must be able to rush a lot of electricity from her body.

Last time, in the Chiyang Crystal Mine, Lin Tiancheng only had a taste of Su Lan because of the appearance of Sunan.

However, Lin Tiancheng still can't forget Su Lan's white and flawless nephrite warm fragrance.

However, Su Lan had just let go of misunderstandings about Lin Tiancheng, and Lin Tiancheng had just gotten a good impression from her!

You can't do anything too hastily, otherwise things will be reversed. Lin Tiancheng has a deep understanding of this.

There was a touch of majesty on Su Yan's face, and he said with some dissatisfaction, "What's wrong with this, a man who should be married and a woman who should be married, Lan Lan, you will live up to Tiancheng's kindness!"

Su Yan's tone seemed to give orders to Su Lan, it seemed that Su Lan would be angry if he didn't agree.

Su Yan turned and left the dining room.

Bai Yirong quickly followed, and whispered to Su Yan, "Will you be too hasty like this? It's not good if the two of you are in conflict!"

Su Yan said, "What's the rush, you and I weren't love at first sight, we were together in less than three days!"

Bai Yirong's wrinkled face also instantly turned crimson, and she twisted Su Yan's arm fiercely.

"Devil, you still said this..."

This situation and situation made the two of them seem to have suddenly returned to the age of their first love.

All the sweet pasts flooded into my heart, and the corners of his mouth made a smile unconsciously.

In fact, that kind of hazy and young love is the most precious and nostalgic, which is what people call first love.

Lin Tiancheng and Su Lan, the two shy youths, seemed to be in this dim time, and Su Yan just helped.

Lin Tiancheng is a rare good son-in-law. He sincerely hopes that his daughter can seize the opportunity and let them achieve a good relationship.

After all, if you miss this village, there will be no such shop.

Lin Tiancheng slowly followed Sunan to her room. The Su family didn't arrange an empty room for themselves, and he didn't make any reservations, so he had to follow Su Yan's arrangement.

Although he wanted to recharge, he never thought about getting Su Lan so soon.

After each wash, they both entered Su Lan's Xiangge.

This room is very warm and full of girly atmosphere, which instantly aroused Lin Tiancheng's masculine atmosphere.

He was about to climb onto Su Lan's bed, but was forcibly pushed down by the girl.

Su Lan pursed her mouth and said dissatisfied, "You can't come up, you sleep on the ground tonight!"

Su Lan threw a mattress off the bed and pulled the curtain quickly, for fear that Lin Tiancheng might steal a trace of the scenery.

Although she had completely accepted Lin Tiancheng in her heart, her body could not handle it.

"Okay!" Lin Tiancheng seemed to have guessed this result a long time ago, and he didn't show much surprise.

Unfolding a mattress, half of the cushion and half of the cover, Lin Tiancheng fell asleep sideways.

Refining the pill and teaching Ye Qingyun that kid had consumed a lot of his true energy, and he was really tired now.

Su Lan felt that her previous misunderstandings about Lin Tiancheng might be unspeakable.

However, Lin Tiancheng's **** is an indisputable fact, and Su Lan is convinced of this.

She even felt that Lin Tiancheng would definitely rectify the Fa on the spot today, and would depend on her embroidered bed alive.

But to her surprise, Lin Tiancheng did not force herself, but lay down honestly under her embroidered bed and fell asleep peacefully.

"Does this guy really have no evil thoughts towards me?"

Su Lan secretly lifted a corner of the curtain and glanced at Lin Tiancheng's back, her eyes were a little lonely.

The night was getting colder, and Lin Tiancheng was still asleep on the ground, but Su Lan was tossing and turning on the embroidered bed and couldn't sleep.

A faint of cool breeze blew up the curtain, causing her to shrink.

She was worried that Lin Tiancheng would catch a cold, so she straightened up and even got off the embroidered bed, wanting to wake Lin Tiancheng and let him sleep in the bed.

However, she worried that Lin Tiancheng would offend herself, and after hesitating, she went back to bed.

In the middle of the night, Su Yan got up to go to the toilet, only to find that his daughter's room was still brightly lit.

He looked around for a while, and walked slowly under the window sill of his daughter's room.

After piercing the thin window paper, he was surprised to find that Lan Lan dared to let Lin Tiancheng, the noble benefactor, sleep under the bed, which was simply without tutoring.

He made Lin Tiancheng and Lan Lan be in the same room, which was a good thing to bring them together.

But Lanlan was good, not knowing how to seize the opportunity to even dare to let the benefactor of the entire Fire Cloud Sect sleep on the ground.

Su Yan was very angry, strode out of the door of the wing room, and knocked **** the room!

Both people in the room were awakened by this loud and rapid knock on the door.

Lin Tiancheng opened the door in a daze. Unexpectedly, Sect Master Su came to round up the room. He quickly stepped back and said, "Sect Master, you are..."

Su Lan didn't expect that her father would come to round the room in the middle of the night, and got out of bed in a panic.

"Father, why don't you have a good rest in the middle of the night?"

Su Yan threw his sleeves angrily, and said in dissatisfaction, "Can I still sleep well like you are?"

"Lanlan, let me ask you, did Tiancheng save your life?"

"Yes!" Su Lan nodded.

"Did Tiancheng **** your mother back from Yan Wangye?"



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