Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1527: Devil of the Blood Race

"Is Tiancheng the benefactor of our entire Fire Cloud Sect?" Su Yan asked again.

"Yes!" It was the first time that Su Lan saw her father getting angry with herself, and she was suddenly at a loss.

"Well, since Tiancheng is the benefactor of our entire Huoyun Sect, then, is this your attitude towards the benefactor?" Su Yan said, pointing to the mattress on the ground.

If this matter is changed to Su Yan, he will not be able to do it!

Lin Tiancheng quickly cleaned up the messy mattress on the ground, and said to Sect Master Su who raised his eyebrows, "Sect Master must not blame Su Lan, all this is what Tiancheng meant! I really like Miss Su, but no Before receiving Miss Su's approval, Tiancheng will never offend her Qihao!"

Su Lan's eyes were a bit wrong, she didn't expect Lin Tiancheng to say this.

Su Yan asked Su Lan suspiciously, "Is that true?"

"Right!" Su Lan nodded with some guilty conscience.

Su Yan carried Su Lan on his back and whispered to Lin Tiancheng, "Tiancheng, my girl has a thin skin since she was young. As a man, you should take the initiative!"

Su Yan felt that he had to let Lin Tiancheng and his daughter make rice and cook mature rice. Even if the old fellow Yun Zhonghe came to ask the crime, he would have some excuses.

Otherwise, the good son-in-law who got it will slip away again.

"Yes, Tiancheng remembered!" Lin Tiancheng smiled awkwardly.

Others were afraid that the cabbage they raised would be eaten by the pigs, but Su Yan was good, and he took the initiative to let himself harm the cabbage, which made Lin Tiancheng wonder what to do.

After explaining some matters, Su Yan slowly left Su Lan’s room. Before leaving, he did not forget to exhort again, "Lan Lan, don’t mess around anymore, otherwise, you will have good fruit tomorrow. eat!"

After confirming that Su Yan had indeed left, Lin Tiancheng closed the door tightly.

"Go back to sleep! Your father shouldn't be here again!" Lin Tiancheng waved his hand at Su Lan, and then turned back to his mattress.

Su Lan stood behind Lin Tiancheng foolishly, her heart full of guilt, "You should go to sleep! I'm afraid you catch a cold!"

Seeing that Su Lan was still up, Lin Tiancheng had to get up and send her to the bed, and carefully covered her with a quilt, "Go to sleep! It's getting late!"

That night, Su Lan opened the curtains, and leaned sideways, looking at Lin Tian's mature sleeping back.

Whether a man really likes you or his body is known after being alone in the same room.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Tiancheng left Huoyunzong early and returned to the Alchemist Association.

He promised that the president would deliver the juice of the tree of life in three days, but after Lin Tiancheng applied chemical fertilizer to the tree of life, he let the tree of life enter the mature stage ahead of schedule.

In order to avoid unnecessary explanations, Lin Tiancheng decided to give the tree of life to the president in three days.

In fact, the mature tree of life can be transplanted into this different world, and Lin Tiancheng also needs to free up the black land to plant other heaven and earth spiritual materials.

He is going to plant the tree of life directly in the backyard of the Alchemist Association and let it grow. It is also very convenient for the president to take the juice.

Lin Tiancheng's consciousness entered the farmer's application, and he found that after a day, the tree of life was full of vitality.

Lin Tiancheng did not hesitate, and immediately took another bottle of juice from the tree of life.

He was also fed Blood Sha Pill by the blood mother at that time, because the blood Sha Pill did not last as long in the body as Bai Yirong or Wuyazi, and it consumed a little power. Using 360 Antivirus Lin Tiancheng could easily check and kill them.

However, Lin Tiancheng still has 8 electricity, he can directly refine a Tiancheng Pill, there is no need to consume electricity.

Borrowing the alchemy room of a disciple from the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, Lin Tiancheng equipped some auxiliary medicinal materials and began to refine "Tiancheng Pill"!

He hadn't started refining for long, the entire alchemy room began to agitate.

The disciples in the alchemy room began to discuss, "The female devil of the blood race has appeared again, and she is now in the president's yard!"

"The female devil of the blood race? Are you talking about the one who stunned the entire Dongcheng District 30 years ago?" an older disciple asked.

"Yes, I heard from Elder Guo that the strength of this blood female demon has reached the peak of the Golden Core Stage. It seems that he is here to trouble our Alchemist Association!"

"What else are you talking about, go and see!"

At this moment, the pill refining room was originally a Wuyangyang crowd, and only Lin Tiancheng was left here to continue refining the pill.

While refining the Tiancheng Pill, he fell into contemplation.

"Blood mother-in-law? Hasn't she already returned to the land of the blood race? Is she trying to start a revenge plan?"

This made Lin Tiancheng couldn't help thinking of Bai Yirong.

The power of the bloodline in Bai Yirong's body was almost eliminated by Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng guessed that it was very likely that the **** mother-in-law made the hands and feet that stimulated the remaining bloodline power in her body.

But why did the blood mother come to the alchemist association headquarters?

Isn't she afraid of exposing the whole blood clan to the cultivation world of Dongcheng District, Zhongdu?

The blood race has many enemies in Dongcheng District. The blood mother-in-law appears at the alchemist association headquarters at this time, unless the blood race has the strength to make a comeback.

After concocting the Tiancheng Pill in the same way, Lin Tiancheng took the pill immediately, completely clearing the blood power in the body.

He no longer has to worry about being controlled by the blood power of the blood people, so he rushes to the courtyard where the president is.

The courtyard where the president is located is west of the entire backyard residential area. It is the most impressive building in the entire backyard.

Unexpectedly, nearly a thousand disciples from the headquarters of the Alchemist Association gathered outside the president's courtyard, poking out their heads and looking inside.

In addition to Elder Han and Master Zhang, the eight elders of the Alchemist Association were waiting at the gate of the courtyard, looking a little anxious.

Among them, all the disciples of the Law Enforcement Department are holding sticks in their hands. As long as the president gives an order, they will rush into the courtyard at any time.

Lin Tiancheng crossed the crowd, came to Elder Guo's side, and asked him, "Elder Guo, what is going on?"

After seeing Lin Tiancheng's arrival, the eight elders turned their eyes to him, as if he were the savior.

Elder Guo shook Lin Tiancheng's hand and asked with a solemn expression, "Tiancheng, Tiancheng Pill can dissolve the efficacy of the blood evil pill, how confident are you about this matter?"

Although Elder Guo saw Lin Tiancheng rescue Bai Yirong and Wuyazi with his own eyes, this matter is related to the peace of the entire Dongcheng District cultivation world, and he needs to confirm it again.

Lin Tiancheng said very confidently, "Ten percent sure!"

"Okay! Come with me and I will tell you what is going on!"

Elder Guo looked particularly solemn, pulling Lin Tiancheng aside, and then said, "This matter is a long story. This may have to start with the incident thirty years ago!"

Early this morning, the **** mother-in-law broke into the alchemist association headquarters fiercely, and even severely injured several association disciples!

Elder Guo and several other elders tried to stop the blood mother at the same time, but they were not her opponents.

It's just because Mother Blood used Lin Tiancheng's seven-star Spirit Gathering Fruit to break her strength to the peak of the Golden Core Stage without any suspense!

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