Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1536: Death volcano mouth

Lin Tiancheng had an idea and carefully picked the thriving tree of life from the black land used by the farmer.

Then, he turned to Elder Han and said, "Elder Han, I don’t know why you are willing to follow this little girl! But I have a tree of life here, which is a priceless treasure, whether you sell it or give it to the general manager. President, both can bring you good benefits! If Elder Han is interested, consider it!"

If Elder Han succumbed to Ning Xin just because of money, then the spirit stone that Lin Tiancheng's tree of life can exchange for may not be spent in his lifetime!

If, through the hands of Elder Han, transfer the tree of life to the president!

Then he exists like a savior to the entire cultivation world in Dongcheng District, Zhongdu.

A catastrophe was avoided!

Then his status in the minds of the cultivators in Dongcheng District, Zhongdu, is probably no less than that of the president!

Lin Tiancheng just played a careful eye, if Elder Han is not interested, then Lin Tiancheng can only accept it.

"The tree of life? You mean the little tree in your hand is the tree of life?"

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Elder Han's eyes were a little blurred, he leaned closer, and looked up and down at the shining tree in Lin Tiancheng's hand.

This small branch has thick stems, but very few leaves, about as high as a human elbow bone, it does not look like an ordinary plant.

Elder Han smelled the fragrance of the tree of life, and he couldn't help but feel aroused, as if the blood all over his body suddenly became alive.

"It turns out that the tree of life really exists. So, the blood pill in my body can be resolved?" Elder Han's whole body trembled in excitement.

"Blood Sha Pill, could it be that Ning Xin dropped you blood Sha Pill, is it any wonder she can control Elder Han?"

The clever Lin Tiancheng quickly smelled the ugly activity between the two.

At this time, the sealing technique applied to Ning Xin's bloodline was also broken by her powerful bloodline power.

Unexpectedly, that girl Ning Xin took advantage of Lin Tiancheng and Elder Han's attention, and drove a small blood line along Lin Tiancheng's back over his elbow, and swept away the tree of life at a very fast speed.

"Smelly girl, quickly hand over the tree of life!"

Elder Han squeezed his fist fiercely and smashed it towards Ning Xin's head with extremely majestic force!

The 10 blood lines that Ning Xin's fingers turned into intertwined intertwined each other to dissolve Elder Han's fist and rebounded him.

After Elder Han knew that Lin Tiancheng actually had a tree of life, his whole person became excited.

He was called to and fro like a dog by Ning Xin all these years, just to get the antidote to the blood evil pill.

But now he knew that as long as he got the tree of life and got the medicine, he could get rid of Ning Xin's control.

In addition, he will kill Lin Tiancheng, grab Ning Xin's stinky girl, and ask the president for credit.

When he transferred the tree of life to the president, the president had no reason to suspect that he was in collusion with the blood.

At that time, he will have both the antidote and fame.

Seeing this form, Lin Tiancheng turned around and fled.

Where there is life, there is hope.

The seed of a tree of life means 30 electricity. Lin Tiancheng does not have 30 electricity now, which does not mean that there will be no electricity in the future.

If you continue to stay here, whether it is Ning Xin's stinky girl or Elder Han won, Lin Tian Chengdu has only a dead end.

In Lin Tiancheng's opinion, even if Elder Han had the strength of the mid-term Jindan period, he would not necessarily be Ning Xin's opponent.

Because Ning Xin can control Elder Han by means of Blood Sha Pill, and at the same time, the blood in her body is also flowing with extremely powerful blood.

Lin Tiancheng did not turn back to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, but fleeed in the opposite direction.

People of the blood race are pervasive, not to mention that there is also an elder in the Alchemist Association headquarters who is under one person and above 10,000.

Lin Tiancheng would only wait to die if he stayed there.

But Lin Tiancheng still overestimated the strength of Elder Han!

It didn't take long for Elder Han to be controlled by Ning Xin's bloodline and turned into a zombie.

His eyes were blank, his pupils were bloody, and his body was full of murderous aura.

"Go, don't let that kid escape for me!" Ning Xin pointed to Lin Tiancheng's escape direction and instructed Elder Han.

Elder Han no longer had his own consciousness at this time. He had only one thought, and that was to follow the master's order to kill Lin Tiancheng.

In the backyard!

The guard in charge of Lin Tiancheng noticed that Lin Tiancheng was missing, and quickly reported the matter to the president!

The teacup that the president just raised, after hearing the news, the teacup fell to the ground and smashed into pieces.

"What, didn't I ask you to keep a good day? Something happened to me so soon!"

The president made two steps and made one step, and hurried to Lin Tiancheng's wing.

Elder Ren also rushed over at this time, and anxiously explained to Chairman Dong, "Chairman, I just discussed a few academic issues with my little friend Tiancheng, and then, Ren Mou saw his little girlfriend Come find him, and..."

When Elder Ren said so, he wanted to separate himself from his relationship.

He has not yet found the prisoner's den where his master is imprisoned, so he can't reveal his "cold face" identity.

"Little girlfriend, you mean Yun Zhonghe's granddaughter?"

The first day Lin Tiancheng came to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, the president met Lin Tiancheng's little girlfriend in the Xuehai Pavilion.

Just when the president was still angry, another guard disciple ran over non-stop to report, "Tell the president, the disciple found a fight in the back mountain!"

Elder Ren was shocked. According to the schedule, with Miss Ning Xin's strength, Lin Tiancheng should have been killed long ago.

"Did something happen?"

The president angrily flicked his sleeves back with his hands and flew towards the back mountain at the speed of a meteor chasing the moon.

At this time, the president is not only worried about Lin Tiancheng's life.

There is also the prisoner's cave hidden in the back mountain, once discovered by the blood people, the consequences will be disastrous.

A group of powerful disciples quickly followed the president of the president and flew over.

Lin Tiancheng deliberately searched for some quiet and remote paths. After he climbed over the mountains, a huge lake lay in front of him.

The topography of this mountain looks like an extinct volcanic crater. The surrounding area of ​​the crater is already covered with dense vegetation.

The huge lake blocked Lin Tiancheng's path. If he only relied on the power of True Qi to fly, Lin Tiancheng would probably fall into this abyss before he flew far.

At this moment, he happened to hear movement behind him again.

When he looked back, he found that two dark shadows came quickly in the dense jungle.

In an emergency, Lin Tiancheng thought of Costin.

But he called Xiaoqing several times without any response.

"Could it be that Xiaoqing has returned to the sky market, back to the original world?"

A strong smell of blood gradually hit, which was emitted from Elder Han.

After seeing Lin Tiancheng's figure, Elder Han grinned and let out a low roar, like a hungry wolf that had been imprisoned for dozens of days.

Ning Xin put her hands on her chest and said to Lin Tiancheng tiredly, "Sister doesn't want to play with you anymore. Either take the initiative to jump off, or just feed my puppet!"

Lin Tiancheng glanced at the bottomless volcano, then glanced at the ferocious Elder Han, and was caught in a dilemma for a while.


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