Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1537: Scarlet Giant

Elder Han has lost his will, completely like a killing machine.

However, from the moment he became a puppet, he would never stop before completing the master's command.

After Lin Tiancheng hesitated for a moment, he finally jumped towards the extinct crater.

He knew that if he continued to stay on it, whether it was Elder Han or that stinky girl Ning Xin, he would not be an opponent.

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But if he jumped into the lake in the extinct crater, he might not be a dead end.

"Om, hum, hum..."

Above the extinct crater suddenly agitated an energy shield emitting golden light!

This energy shield is quite similar to the enchantment guarding the map under Qi Yunfeng's Broken Soul Cliff.

However, the formation pattern of this energy mask is more complicated than the enchantment guarding the map, and the energy is more powerful!

Lin Tiancheng's body fell rapidly, and at the moment when he touched the energy shield, that powerful energy almost tore his flesh apart.

After passing through the energy shield, what appeared in front of Lin Tiancheng was not the sparkling lake, but the endless sea of ​​blood.

This sea of ​​blood was surging and boiling, and a column of blood spewed up from time to time. Except for the dark red color, it looked like molten surging in the earth's crust.

The strong smell of blood filled Lin Tiancheng's nose, making him feel as if he was in hell, his whole body was terrified!

"What's the matter? It's obviously a lake here, why did it become like this?"

Lin Tiancheng immediately pushed the True Qi power in his body to escape this sea of ​​blood!

However, above the dome is a golden energy shield!

Easy to come in, difficult to get out!

Even if Lin Tiancheng tried his best, he couldn't escape from here.

After she was done, Ning Xin was about to leave here with her puppet, but the bloodline power in her body suddenly surged uncontrollably.

This feeling is like being pulled by a certain force, and this feeling of pulling comes from below the extinct crater.

"What's the matter? Is there something weird down here?"

Ning Xin felt a little weird more and more. Logically speaking, the bloodline power contained in the blood of the blood clan would only respond after being sensed by the blood line power of the same blood clan.

Ning Xin immediately activated the bloodline power in the body, and soon there was a response from the extinct crater.

This feeling was so familiar, Ning Xin was excited and excited, "It's father, it turns out that the prisoner's cave is below here!"

Ning Xin no longer hesitated, took her puppet, jumped towards the dead volcano, and jumped down.

The president also felt the energy fluctuations surging above the crater, and brought a large number of disciples toward this side quickly.

Lin Tiancheng, who was bewildered, seemed to have been asleep for a century, and gradually awoke from the chaotic blood.

He didn't know where he was or where he was, as if everything in front of him was a fictitious space.

The blood-colored sky filled his eyeballs, and there was only hazy light and shadow in the chaos, and he could not see clearly.

The surrounding environment was full of **** smells, which made him feel very uncomfortable and a faint nausea.

But this **** chaotic environment is very suitable for Ning Xin's girl.

She quickly adapted to the environment here, and the power of the blood in the body seemed to have been increased!

Following the direction from the induction, she gradually fumbled with the puppet, Elder Han.

Suddenly, thunder and lightning flashed above the sky, and thunder exploded, like ten thousand wild horses galloping past.

Lin Tiancheng, who was groping in the chaos, also discovered the energy fluctuations between the heavens and the earth, and began to fumble towards this side gradually.

Suddenly, Ning Xin and Elder Han received a strong suction and were directly drawn in.

Even if Ning Xin exerted the power of blood to the extreme, there was no way to resist this power.

A blood-colored vine tentacles directly pierced Elder Han's heart, and then, like a creeper, densely wrapped around his body, and began to **** the blood in his body.

Soon, Elder Han became like a skeleton with only a skin bag, and then slowly floated above the dome like a hydrogen balloon.

Seeing this tragic scene, Ning Xin was so frightened that she repeatedly shouted to the giant tree that was wound like blood vessels, "Father, is that you? I am Xin'er!"

Two **** tentacles opened the hanging blood vessels in front of them, and two huge eyeballs stared at Ning Xin, "Ning Xin, really, is it really you? Why are you here?"

After receiving a response, Ning Xin finally realized that the giant tree in front of her was her father Ning Qiutian.

Her body was trembling constantly, and finally she knelt down on the ground limply, her eyes gradually becoming moist, "Father, my child is here to save you! My child has finally found you!"

When Lin Tiancheng came to this side, there was movement, and he immediately used two electricity to turn on the speaker, listening to the movement of this side.

He didn't dare to get too close, this terrifying **** sky was the illusion created by Ning Qiutian.

Ning Qiutian was a real realm powerhouse in the Mahayana period. Although he was confined here by the realm powerhouse in the Mahayana period, he still had his scope of activity under the dome.

Ning Qiutian slowly stood up straight, and the dust fell from his body and piled up almost one meter high.

And he looked like a giant blood-colored giant five or six meters tall!

He slowly stretched out his hands like two trunks of blood, gently resting on Ning Xin's shoulders.

"Xin'er, why are you here?"

Ning Xin quickly got up and took her father's tentacles, "Father, my daughter will take you out of here, and the children of our blood race are back! They are all waiting for you to go back in the land of Baiyue!"

Ning Choutian slowly retracted the blood-colored tentacles, shook his head, and sneered, "It's useless, I can't leave here, and you can't get out, you shouldn't come here!"

"Xin'er is puzzled! Don't you want Xin'er anymore? Have you forgotten your grand ambitions, and the enemies who have hurt the children of the blood race?"

Ning Xin was puzzled!

"This place is called the Prisoner's Cave. The energy mask on the dome you see is the magic circle imposed by a former Mahayana realm powerhouse! Unless my strength can be restored to the original level, no one can Escape here!"

"What, there is such a thing, then we are all going to die here..." Ning Xin looked at the energy mask above the dome in shock.

This prisoner's den was guarded by the president alone. Thirty years have passed, and he dare not enter it rashly once.

How can the formations left by the strong in the Mahayana stage be trifling?

Ning Qiutian, who was trapped here, had tried countless times, but he still couldn't escape from here.

However, he had already figured out something. He believed that as long as he could recover his strength at the beginning of the Mahayana period, he would be able to break through this golden formation and escape from here.

However, back then, the chief Nie Li of the Alchemist Association headquarters, the deacon Song Qingyun of Taiyi Sect, and the Sect Master of the other four silver forces simultaneously shot and severely injured Ning Qiutian, who had just entered the realm of the Mahayana period, and stayed in his body so far. Under the hidden disease.

As long as he activates the true Qi power in his body, a hidden illness will occur, making him feel the pain of burning his body.


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