Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1538: burn one's boats

Hearing this news, Lin Tiancheng's heart was also shocked.

In other words, the only way to open this formation was to help Ning Qiutian restore his strength to the early stage of the Mahayana stage.

And the president is only the guardian of this formation, even he, there is no way to open this energy shield.

Just when Ning Xin and Ning Qiutian were in deep thought, Lin Tiancheng walked towards them slowly.

"Lin Tiancheng, it turns out that you are not dead yet. If that is the case, then I will kill you first!"

Not waiting for Ning Xin's girl to take action, Ning Qiutian's **** tentacles quickly entangled Lin Tiancheng like vines, and wrapped him around him.

He was locked up in the prisoner's den for thirty years, and he ate everything he could eat here.

Just the little blood of Elder Han just now wasn't enough to stuff his teeth, and seeing that there were still alive people here, he couldn't wait to absorb Lin Tiancheng's blood.

Lin Tiancheng suddenly said, "Hold on, Senior's strength, it is easy to kill me! However, Junior has a way to restore Senior's strength and help Senior get out of here!"

Lin Tiancheng could only rely on Ning Qiutian to leave the prisoner's den!

After breaking through the cauldron, Lin Tiancheng was going to save this great demon first, and then he would find a way to escape!

"Hehe! You have a way to improve my strength, it's so arrogant!" Ning Qiutian glanced at the title of pharmacist on Lin Tiancheng's medicine robe, and began to send Lin Tiancheng into his huge mouth!

Ning Xin hurriedly folded her hands and said to his father, "Father, maybe this kid really has a way!"

Although Lin Tiancheng is just an ordinary pharmacist at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, his attainments in alchemy are beyond the reach of even some great elders!

What's more, Lin Tiancheng has also learned ancient alchemy, and he is a truly talented ghost pill master!


When studying Haige, Lin Tiancheng easily solved two problems in alchemy!

Then, he even found the Tree of Life, saying that it was able to dissolve the efficacy of the Blood Sha Pill!

You know, the blood evil pill has exhausted father's life's hard work, even the president of the alchemist association headquarters, Nie Li, can't crack it!

It is conceivable that Lin Tiancheng is definitely not talking empty words here!

"I do have a way. If it wasn't for seniors to get out of this ghost place, I would have escaped a long time ago, so why risk my life to find the door and die!" Lin Tiancheng said to the scarlet giant without changing his face.

Ning Qiutian held up the food to his mouth, saying that it was fake, but he also wanted to get out of here.

He asked his daughter suspiciously, "Is this kid really capable of this?"

"My father, please see, what is this?"

Ning Xin carefully handed the tree of life he had snatched from Lin Tiancheng to Ning Qiutian.

Ning Qiutian's deep eyes exuded a faint glow, and he looked at this baby in surprise.

"Life force, one of the eight great powers, where did you get this baby?" Ning Qiutian stared at the small tree in his hands with piercing eyes, feeling its majestic breath of life.

Lin Tiancheng was shocked after hearing Ning Qiutian's words.

He just learned from the president that the bloodline power of the blood race is one of the eight divine powers.

Now listening to the meaning of Ning Qiutian's words, the power of life is also one of the eight divine powers.

"It's no wonder that the tree of life can dissolve the medicinal effect of the blood evil pill, because its juice contains the power of life!"

Lin Tiancheng already knew the eight divine powers, two of them.

Lin Tiancheng guessed that the mysterious power in the map he was guarding might also be one of the eight divine powers.

"Don't hide it from Senior, this tree of life is actually what I found from the Realm of Blurring!"

Lin Tiancheng didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble for himself.

Behind the tree of life is the power of life, one of the eight mysterious powers.

If Ning Qiutian escaped safely from here, then he would definitely ask Lin Tiancheng for life force.

Then Lin Tiancheng is not asking for trouble.

"Yes, father, he said it is a Tiancheng pill that can refine the effects of the blood dissolving pill, and the child does not know whether it is true or not!"

Ning Choutian slowly grew the scarlet tentacles bound to Lin Tiancheng, and threw Lin Tiancheng to the ground.

"Yes, I didn't expect that the blood evil pill that I had studied for so many years was actually able to be cracked! I am beginning to believe what you kid said!" Ning Qiutian stared at Lin Tiancheng with piercing eyes.

When he was refining the blood evil pill, he deliberately incorporated the power of the blood line to make it impossible for others to crack it.

Unless someone can get the power of life among the eight divine powers, this is the only power that can crack the power of blood.

But this power only exists in legends, and no one has seen it in reality.

Only at this moment, Ning Qiutian stared at the radiant young sapling in his hand and realized that the life force really exists.

This further proves that the eight divine powers are not a legend, but eight mysterious powers that actually exist.

Lin Tiancheng's eyes turned straight, glanced at Ning Xin and then he said, "As long as the senior takes two pills of the junior, combined with my unique technique, it will definitely help you restore your strength to the original level!"

"Well, as long as you can help me restore my strength, I can spare you not to die!" Ning Qiutian said very proudly.

Ning Xin got up and warned Lin Tiancheng, "Lin Tiancheng, if you dare to do anything to my father, I will kill you immediately!"

In front of her father, Ning Xin's character has changed a lot, and she is no longer as humble as before.

"Hehe, Senior Ning wants to kill me like pinching an ant. Do you think I dare to do anything in front of him?"

Ning Qiutian waited a little anxiously, and said loudly to Lin Tiancheng, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, give me the pill now!"

Lin Tiancheng hurriedly took out from the recycling bin a pill that he had found in Sihai Pavilion, the third-grade low-level nourishing pill.

He handed a nourishing pill to Ning Qiutian's hands.

Ning Qiutian is a genius alchemist of the blood clan. He knew at a glance that this was just an ordinary spirit nourishing pill. He immediately furiously said to Lin Tiancheng, "You kid dare to play me!"

Ling Ling Pill only works for those who are in the phase of expanding the veins. Ling Ling Pill did not do anything for him.

After that, his **** color was as thick as a tree trunk, and when he shot, he wrapped Lin Tiancheng's neck and sent it into his huge mouth.

"Senior, this nourishing pill really does not play a big role, but with my special practice, the two will work together, and it will definitely be able to recover your injury! The junior dare not make fun of your own life!"

Looking at Ning Qiutian's huge mouth like an abyss, Lin Tiancheng really felt the fear of death.

If he really swallows it like this, then his road to cultivation will end here.

However, his parents and his wives are still waiting for him in the Republic.

At this time, Lin Tiancheng turned on 360 Antivirus and began to restore Ning Qiutian's injuries.

At the same time, a zhenqi force was injected into Ning Qiutian's body.

Ning Choutian sensed the changes in his body, and put the spirit nourishing pills into his mouth with suspicion.

It would take at least forty electricity to completely recover Ning Choutian's injury.

Lin Tiancheng now only has 8 electricity, and after 4 electricity, he stopped.

"Why don't you continue?"


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