Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1542: Nine-color Phoenix-tailed Fox

The Central and Inner Ring areas of the Misty Land maintain the most primitive state of the virgin forest.

In fact, the Central area is where the most prevalent beasts appear.

In the outer ring area of ​​the Misty Realm, there are many casual cultivators, or the children of the mercenary group, who hunt these beasts, and because they are close to the range of human activities, the number is small.

The inner ring area has long been divided by some beasts with the blood of ancient gods and beasts, even the spirit beasts who have reached the realm of the Mahayana period dare not rush into it!

Therefore, some spirit beasts of the Jindan or Mahayana realm tend to gather in the central area, and it is also the place where spirit beasts appear the most.

This kind of phenomenon in front of us is really abnormal!

Just when the disciples of the bloodthirsty mercenary group were about to retreat, a cry for help echoed in the primeval forest.

As soon as I heard this voice, I knew that it was a girl who was calling for help.

The sound was very rapid, and it passed through the forest at a very fast speed.

In the end, under the leadership of Mu Yu, these people still had the courage to follow the voice and searched for the past.

What appeared in front of them was a nine-color phoenix-tailed fox. Each tail was more than ten meters long and had a different color.

Its height is almost ten meters, and every step it takes, it is probably at least ten meters!

A girl about twenty years old was held in her mouth by this nine-color phoenix-tailed fox and rushed to the depths of the desire for confusion.

Its speed is so fast that these people don't even see the true appearance of the nine-color phoenix-tailed fox and the girl.

Where the nine-color phoenix-tailed fox passed, the towering trees over ten meters high turned into a mess.

In just a few seconds, the nine-color phoenix-tailed fox disappeared!

Mu Yu finally understood that it turned out that the nine-color phoenix-tailed fox with the blood of ancient gods and beasts appeared in the central area of ​​the Miscellaneous Domain, which led to the hiding of the wild beasts in the central area.

Mu Yu quickly realized that when the nine-color phoenix-tailed fox left the central area, the wild beasts would soon return here, so they must leave here immediately.

Just as they were about to leave, there was a figure chasing at a fast speed in the opposite direction of the Nine-Colored Phoenix-Tailed Fox.

This person is Master Zhang!

Seeing Master Zhang's hurried look, he seemed to be chasing the girl who was taken away!

It is also a kind of fate to be able to meet in such a place, Mu Yu originally wanted to stop Master Zhang.

However, Master Zhang just glanced at them, did not stop at all, and continued to chase the Nine-Colored Phoenix-tailed Fox.

I don't know what happened, Mu Yu didn't dare to stay in the central area of ​​the Misty Realm, so she had to take the disciples of the bloodthirsty mercenary group and quickly evacuated here.

"Nine-color phoenix-tailed fox? Now, how could that girl in Shishi meet the nine-color phoenix-tailed fox?" Master Guo muttered puzzledly.

Although Master Guo said that he had never been in or out of the realm of confusion, he had also heard others talk about the origin of the Nine-Colored Phoenix-Tailed Fox.

Master Zhang is probably a life of nine deaths this time!

Master Guo asked Mu Yu with a face of difficulty, "Can Miss Mu take us to the place where you found Master Zhang! After the matter is over, I must thank you again!"

The president has already given a death order, to see people alive, and a corpse to die.

The blood race and the alchemist association headquarters is about to fight, and the ten elders are the core and the backbone of the headquarters.

Leader Mu wanted to come forward and discuss with Elder Guo about the "lead expenses".

The Central area of ​​the Miscellaneous Realm is not a fun place. The bloodthirsty mercenary group is fighting for fate every time they go out. Of course, the head of Mu has to think about his brothers.

Mu Yu stepped forward and said, "Elder Guo is polite, just to show the way, and there is no need to pay a lot of money to thank you! However, I must explain in advance that I can take you to that place! But if you encounter any danger, I will leave as soon as possible!"

Head Mu's face was dull, and he looked at his sister bitterly.

Really a prodigal, the Alchemist Association headquarters is not short of money, and the heavy thank you mentioned by Elder Guo must be a lot of spiritual stones.

Elder Guo nodded his head and thanked Mu Yu, "Miss Mu’s kindness, Mr. Guo is in his heart! When the time comes, the bloodthirsty mercenary group will purchase the medicine from our Alchemist Association, and I can apply to the president for friendship price!"

Hearing these words, Head Mu's expression only slightly improved.

The children of the bloodthirsty mercenary group enter and leave the realm of confusion all the year round, and there are not a few injured, and they often need a large number of wound healing pills.

For the head of Mu, it is also a big expense.

In this way, Mu Yu took a group of children of the bloodthirsty mercenary group, and Elder Guo and others began to march towards the Central Region in the domain of confusion.

Lin Tiancheng is here.

He and Ning Xin broke through the last step, and the battery has reached 80!

It took Lin Tiancheng 20 electricity to treat Ning Choutian's injury. As a result, he still has 60 electricity, which can be said to be quite sufficient.

At this time, he did not hesitate to spend 30 electricity to purchase the tree of life seed in the farmer application, and plant it on the black ground.

After Ning Qiutian escaped from the prisoner's den, his first plan must be to turn those cultivators who swallowed the blood Sha Pill into his puppets, thereby strengthening the power of their blood.

Therefore, only by planting the tree of life as early as possible, Lin Tiancheng can resolve this crisis.

In this way, Lin Tian achieved 30 electricity left.

Ning Qiutian, who closed his eyes and meditated, suddenly laughed wildly. He felt the long-lost power, and his whole body was full of energy.

He suddenly raised his hand, took Lin Tiancheng into his palm and kneaded his five fingers quickly, "Boy, you offended my daughter, I am afraid you will not survive today."

Lin Tiancheng didn't change his face, and said coldly, "Huh! I knew you would be such a despicable person! If you dare to pinch me to death, your daughter will never want to survive."

Ning Xin felt the urgency from her neck almost at the same time as Lin Tiancheng, her face quickly turned red and her breathing was a little short.

"Ahem, ahem..."

"What's the matter? What did you do to my daughter?" Ning Qiutian asked harshly, and hit Lin Tianquan with a punch.

The force of this punch was so heavy that Lin Tiancheng's abdomen was sunken!


Ning Xin also let out a painful cry, clutching her sunken abdomen, staring at Lin Tiancheng for unknown reasons!

Ning Qiutian glanced at Lin Tiancheng and then at Ning Xin, "What's the matter? Xin'er, what's the matter?"

Ning Xin endured the severe pain, shook her head and replied, "The child doesn't know, but when the father teaches the kid, the daughter will feel the same pain! And this feeling is very real!"

"This is the end of the matter, then I will have a showdown! I have used mystery to reach an interconnection with your daughter! As long as you dare to hurt me, your daughter will feel the same degree of pain! If you kill me, your daughter will also No doubt he will die!"

Ning Choutian didn't believe in evil, clenched his fist and smashed Lin Tiancheng again.

Lin Tiancheng had warned Ning Choutian, he didn't believe that Ning Choutian dared to kill himself unscrupulously!

Lin Tiancheng not only did not dodge, but instead went up!

He now has enough power to heal the injury at any time after disassociating from Ning Xin's girl. Ning Xin is probably going to hurt her muscles and bones.


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