Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1543: Who dare to stop me


The sound of broken ribs came from his abdomen, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from Lin Tiancheng's mouth.

Ning Choutian only used 10% of his strength, he didn't expect Lin Tiancheng this kid would actually fight against him, it was absolutely fatal.


Ning Xin also spewed blood onto the clothes, almost dyeing the whole clothes red.

"Xin'er, this, this..." Ning Qiutian's expression was a bit wrong.

There is no such thing as a monster in this cultivation world, otherwise Ning Qiutian would even think that Lin Tiancheng had used sorcery.

"Hurt Interconnection" is such a weird technique that even Ning Choutian, who has lived for most of his life, is unheard of, unseen!

Lin Tiancheng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stared at Ning Choutian with extremely firm eyes, "Hmph, I knew you would be a person who didn't believe in words, and I had to do this!"

Despite the severe pain in the abdomen, Lin Tiancheng did not intend to consume electricity to treat it.

What he is fighting Ning Qiutian now is who is cruel.

If Ning Qiu innocently loves her daughter, then he dare not take Lin Tiancheng's life, otherwise Lin Tiancheng will go to Huangquan with Ning Xin.

Ning Choutian's fist creaked, he no longer paid attention to Lin Tiancheng, but soared towards the golden dome.

Seeing him like this, he is preparing to attack the seal pattern of the prisoner's cave.

Except for Elder Guo and the dead Elder Han, the eight elders and the president have all gathered on the prisoner's den.

Except for the elder Ren and the dead elder Han, the strength of the other elders is at the beginning of the Golden Core period!

I heard that the strength of the president has reached the peak of the Golden Core Stage, and as long as there is a certain chance, he can easily break through to the early Mahayana stage.

However, even so, it would be difficult for them to contend with the original Ning Qiutian who had restored their strength.

You know, 30 years ago, Ning Qiutian fought against the seven peak powers of the Jindan stage with his own power!

This also fully demonstrated the difference between the realm of the Mahayana stage and the Jindan stage. It was definitely not a gap of a star and a half, but a gap that could not be easily crossed.

At the same time, thousands of disciples from the headquarters of the Alchemist Association have surrounded the extinct crater, staring scorchingly at the golden dome pattern!

"It turns out that the great demon of the blood race has been imprisoned in Houshan. If he escaped this time, wouldn't it be another great catastrophe!"

An older disciple murmured to himself, "It's terrible, 30 years ago, the **** sculls and the sight of corpses are still vivid! This big demon can't come out again!"

Those who have experienced the battle 30 years ago will never think of a second experience.

At that time, there were no less than 100,000 cultivators killed and injured in the cultivation world of Dongcheng District, the eastern capital, all of which were caused by this great demon.

The president said to Elder Ren with a heavy face, “Elder Ren, I’m afraid we can’t suppress this great demon with the strength of these people! You quickly go to the master of the training sect Ouyang Jie, the master of the Xuantian Sect, Ye Xuantian, Feng Lei The pavilion master Feng Qingzi, the unfeeling valley master Wuyazi, and Lei Zhentian, the owner of Benlei Villa, all invite them. Go quickly and don’t delay!"

Although the headquarters of the Alchemist Association and the Practitioner Sect often have frictions in their business, and their relationship is not harmonious, but at this point of view, what everyone should do is to be the same.

These five sect forces were all involved in the battle to suppress the blood clan. Today, the big demon of the blood clan Ning Qiutian is likely to break through the formation.

The demon came to the world, and the forces that had dealt with the blood clan would definitely come as soon as they knew this news, otherwise, when the demon gasped, it would be him who suffered.

Elder Ren immediately took the order and evacuated here soon.

Under the golden dome, the **** illusion constructed by Ning Qiutian disappeared.

The blood between heaven and earth seemed to have received the traction of Ning Qiutian's body, centering on him, quickly gathered into his body.

Compared with just now, Ning Qiutian's current strength seems to be much stronger.

He incarnates into a scarlet giant more than ten meters high, a fist like a huge rock rushing towards the golden pattern with extremely brutal force.

Of course, in the prisoner's cave, the golden pattern left by the predecessor of the Mahayana realm who has passed away is not paper.

Ning Choutian's huge body was covered with a golden array pattern on his back, causing Ning Choutian to suffer internal injuries and spit out blood.

His anger was wide, like a beast in a cage roaring.

"I want to go out, who dares to stop me?"

This sky-shaking roar echoed in the valleys, and the president of the President and the thousands of disciples at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association trembled.

The president's face was gloomy, and he was praying silently, hoping that the five great suzerain elders would come before Ning Qiu escaped from the prisoner's den, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Finally, a beam of blood-colored light gushed out from below the extinct volcano like a torrent bursting into the sky.

From a distance, it looks like a volcanic eruption, the end is coming.

At the moment when the golden array pattern rushed away, Lin Tiancheng seized the opportunity and almost turned the "Meteor Chapter" in the Nine Turns to Life Jue in his body to the extreme, and fled towards the breakthrough.

However, a scarlet tentacle entangled Lin Tiancheng almost at a faster speed, making him immobile.

"Boy, do you think you can go?

Although I will not kill you, but you never want to run away! "Ning Qiutian took advantage of the situation and absorbed Lin Tiancheng into his palm.

He already believed that Lin Tiancheng was a child from a legendary force. Based on this alone, Ning Choutian would never let him live well.

Because of Ning Xin, he can't kill Lin Tiancheng now, so he can only take Lin Tiancheng back to the land of Baiyue and make plans.

A patter of blood rained down from the top of the prisoner's cave, and the bodies of the children of the Alchemist Association Headquarters spattered were full of **** smell.

This is Ning Qiutian's blood evil technique, weird and vicious, by sucking the blood of other cultivators to enhance his own power.

And these patters of blood in front of me are very likely to be the blood that Ning Qiutian absorbed from other cultivators in the battle 30 years ago!

Ning Qiutian turned into a human form, wrapped Ning Xin and Lin Tiancheng in his hands and rushed out of the prisoner's den.

Suddenly, there was a commotion over the entire extinct crater.

"The Great Demon, the Great Demon is out!"

Some of the less courageous disciples of the Association began to throw away their helmets and abandon their armor, while some were shivering with fear and did not dare to look directly at the big demon.

With his hands behind him, the president sternly shouted to thousands of disciples at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, "If anyone dares to flee, he will be killed!"

It is an indisputable fact that the great demon Ning Qiutian escaped from the prisoner's den!

A monk can run, but a temple cannot be run.

Only by finding a way to suppress Ning Qiutian as soon as possible, will it not cause another catastrophe in the cultivation world of Dongcheng District.

"Sect Master Nie, long time no see, don't come here unharmed!" Ning Qiutian stared at Nie Li playfully, full of provocative charm.

The president took a closer look and discovered that Lin Tiancheng was actually held in the palm of his hand by the great demon Ning Choutian.

With a majestic expression on his face, the president said sternly to Ning Choutian, "Ning Choutian, Xiu is going to lie here! Let Tiancheng go."


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