Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1544: Ghost couple

Ning Choutian brought Lin Tiancheng to his eyes and smiled, "Are you talking about him? Squeezing it to death is just as simple as squeezing an ant! You are talking about why I should let it go!"

"You..." The president's face was flushed, his hands clenched his fists, and he shouted to the remaining six elders, "Come with me, you must keep Tiancheng anyway!"

Lin Tiancheng's importance to the cultivation world of Dongcheng District in Zhongdu is self-evident.

Because only he has the tree of life in his hands, only the Tianchengdan refined with the help of the tree of life can dissolve the efficacy of the blood evil pill.

Today's Dongcheng District is no longer what it used to be, and many sect bosses have broken through to the peak of the Jindan period, and even at the beginning of the Mahayana period, they only missed the door.

Ning Qiutian was sealed in the Prisoner's Cave, and because of his serious injury, his body's true energy was exhausted. In these thirty years, his strength should not have changed much!

Therefore, as long as the Blood Sha Pill can be cleared, Ning Qiutian's idea of ​​wanting to make a comeback will be shattered.

One can imagine the importance of Lin Tiancheng to the whole situation.

Lin Tiancheng immediately shouted to the president and the elders, "You don't need to first aid me, Ning Choutian dare not hurt me!"

Lin Tiancheng also saw the situation very clearly.

Even if the president of the golden core stage and the six elders in the early stage of the Jin Dan stage make simultaneous shots, it will never be the opponent of Ning Qiutian in the early stage of the Mahayana stage.


Ning Qiutian, who was still laughing wildly just now, was indeed choked by these words!

"Boy, believe it or not, I will kill you now!" Ning Qiutian sternly shouted to Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng said with a smile without fear, "If you are not worried about your daughter becoming a ghost couple with me, then you can do it!"

Lin Tiancheng caught Ning Choutian's weakness, and Ning Choutian loved his daughter very much.

Based on this alone, Lin Tiancheng knew that he did not dare to kill himself!

Ning Qiutian was very angry, a blood-colored vine quickly wound Lin Tiancheng into a blood-red silkworm chrysalis, and set it over the prisoner's cave.

"If this is the case, then I will kill these old things first, and then take you back to my place of Baiyue to settle the account slowly!" Ning Qiutian pointed to the president and the other six elders and said.

The scarlet vine was very tough. Lin Tiancheng poured the power of zhenqi into his hands and tried to break it, only to find that the scarlet vine had not moved.

He can't sit and wait for death. If Ning Qiutian is really caught back to the land of Baiyue, sooner or later he will run out of power, and then he will not be able to use the include app to connect with Ning Xin's girl.

If this time comes, then it will be Lin Tiancheng's death date.

The president said, "Ning Choutian, I think you have been suppressed under the prisoner's den for more than 30 years, and thought that you can regret your mistakes! Who knows that you are still so evil!"

"Haha! Don't forget, I will be here now because of you!" Ning Qiutian's eyes were extremely cold.

When a dog is anxious, he will jump the wall.

In fact, before the blood clan was suppressed, Ning Qiutian was not as cruel as it is now, and he would not use the blood evil technique to **** the blood of the cultivator.

However, because the continued growth of the blood clan violated the interests of certain sect forces, they joined forces to deal with the blood clan, causing countless deaths and injuries to the blood clan children.

A young alchemist association headquarters elder handed over to the president, and said courageously, "The president, the disciples are willing to take the initiative to invite you, and you will see this big demon for a while!"

This young elder had not participated in the battle thirty years ago, it was like a newborn calf, and had not seen the true horror of Ning Qiutian.

Before the president could veto, the young elder had already flew towards Ning Qiutian.

"I want to see if your big demon really has that great ability! Look at the sword!"

Although this elder is young, he also has the strength of the early Golden Core period!

The face of the young elder was full of confidence, the sharp sword he held in his hand almost condensed the true energy of his whole body, and it could almost penetrate the mountains and crack the rocks.

Thousands of disciples all cast their eyes on this young elder!

"Come back soon!" the president sternly shouted, but it was too late.

Just when the shimmering long sword was about to pierce Ning Qiutian’s throat, an extremely sharp blood-colored tentacles pierced the young elder’s neck at an unpredictable speed, and he was broken in the previous step. Angry.

"How is this possible?"

The young elder stared at Ning Choutian with dismay.

With the loss of blood, his eyes began to loosen, and eventually fell like autumn leaves to the bottom of the prisoner's cave.

"Junior Brother, Junior Brother..."

The elders of the association frowned one by one, calling for the young elder who was falling.

"Fight against this big demon, and avenge our junior brother!"

"The elders of the Alchemist Association have been ordered to fight with this great demon today! Even if it is death, don't make him feel better!"

The president knew that the strength of these people could not deal with Ning Qiutian, but the matter had reached this stage, and they had no way out.

Lin Tiancheng is still trying to destroy the scarlet silkworm chrysalis!

The president and the other six elders flew towards Ning Qiutian above the prisoner's cave.

They displayed their own techniques and abilities, and launched a fierce offensive like Ning Qiutian from different angles.

Ning Xinfei took the initiative to ask Ying, "Father, let me meet these old guys!"

The president glanced at Ning Xin, feeling a bit chilly in her heart.

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It was a snowy night about three years ago.

A woman in ragged clothes fainted outside the gate of the Alchemist Association headquarters because she had not eaten for a long time.

The president Nie Li took her into the headquarters of the Alchemist Association out of kindness, and allowed him to learn alchemy with other brothers.

However, Ning Xin often uses some improper means to deceive other brothers' alchemy and alchemy herbs.

The president has always closed one eye.

But he never thought that Ning Xin would be Ning Qiutian's daughter.

For three whole years, she hid in the headquarters of the Alchemist Association in order to find the prisoner's den and rescue her father.

Not only that, she still didn't know what shameful means she had used, and even colluded with Elder Han.

However, had it not been for Tiancheng to expose the two, the president would still be kept in the dark, which only shows that it is unclear.

Ning Xin said to the president, "President, thank you for your cultivation over the years! After you die, I will definitely come to your grave and put a stick of incense in person to repay you for your grace!"

Ning Qiutian said to Ning Xin, "You are not injured lightly, so let's stay there! It's just seven old guys, let's see how I can catch them!"

Just as the fierce fighting started here, the scarlet silkworm chrysalis that bound Lin Tiancheng burned a raging fire.

That's right, Lin Tiancheng thought of Huo Yunzong's Huo Yan Jue.

Lin Tiancheng swallowed the Chiyang Lingyuan, and the fire flame art he cultivated was even more powerful than the Su clan's bloodline with the will of fire.


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