Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1548: Get out of me

Zhang Qiuyue showed beastly, barking her teeth and howling low, like a lightning bolt, she rushed towards the nine-color phoenix-tailed fox nearly ten meters high.

Her fist carried a scarlet flame like blood. This kind of flame looked quite weird. When she touched the nine-color phoenix-tailed fox, she passed through it like this, even the quilt of the nine-color phoenix-tailed fox. All the tails hit were burning.

The nine-color phoenix-tailed fox has nine tails, each of which is a life it spent a hundred years of cultivation, so the nine-color phoenix-tailed fox is also called the nine-life monster.

Zhang Qiuyue's punch almost wiped out the life of the Nine-Colored Phoenix-Tailed Fox after a hundred years of cultivation. Of course it could not be tolerated.

"Little thing, I really underestimated you. Since you want to die so much, go to die!"

A flaming red foxtail pierced Zhang Qiuyue's heart like a sword burning with flames. The speed was too fast. Zhang Qiuyue almost raised the speed to the extreme, but he could only watch it stabbing. Come.

Just at the moment of the moment, Master Zhang swallowed a Dragon Yuan Pill without hesitation!

What is Long Yuan Dan?

There are no more than five in the Dongcheng District Cultivation Realm of Zhongdu, just because this medicine is very precious.

It can enhance the strength of the devourer in a very short time and bring great gains.

However, no one is willing to swallow this pill without a last resort!

Things must be reversed!

In a short period of time, Long Yuan Dan helped the Devourer increase its strength, and then it would leave various ills on the body.

It is as if a rubber band exceeds its elastic limit, it will lose its elasticity, or even break directly.

However, at this point, Master Zhang has no retreat, and he must do his best to save Zhang Qiuyue's life.

"Go away!"

Master Zhang stabilized his figure, poured almost all the true energy in his body onto the double swords, and then smashed into the waist of the Nine-Colored Phoenix-Tailed Fox in a sweeping force.

With the increase of Long Yuan Dan, Master Zhang's current strength has almost reached the middle of the Golden Core period.

The strength of this sword should not be underestimated, but the Nine-Colored Phoenix-Tailed Fox still didn't seem to take him seriously.

An extremely thin purple tail entangled Master Zhang's double swords with lightning speed, and pierced his arm mercilessly.

Master Zhang spit out blood, and at the same time, his whole body was bruised, and his entire body seemed to have increased a little.

Then, Master Zhang grabbed the purple tail with both hands and pulled the ten-meter-high nine-color phoenix-tailed fox behind him with four or two strokes.

The nine-color phoenix-tailed fox was completely angered, and its heels suddenly kicked against Master Zhang's abdomen.

Under this heavy force, Master Zhang's body rolled backwards like a ball, and finally hit the tip of a sharp stone.

All of a sudden, he suddenly smashed his head and went into shock on the spot.

"Father, father..."

Zhang Qiuyue sobbed and choked, it seems that the fact is a foregone conclusion, even though Zhang Qiuyue has the blood of ancient divine beasts flowing in her body, with her current strength, she is not at all an opponent of the Nine-Colored Phoenix-tailed Fox.

Master Zhang's injury became more and more serious, because the Long Yuan Pill passed the effect, his meridians began to break, and blood escaped from the capillaries.

Not only that, the breath of Master Zhang's cultivator became weaker and weaker, and his internal organs were greatly damaged.

These are all the ills brought about after swallowing Long Yuan Dan, which almost turned Master Zhang into a semi-crippled vegetative.

The nine-color phoenix-tailed fox once again locked its gaze on Zhang Qiuyue, what it really wanted to **** on was the blood of the ancient beast.

Soon it controlled Zhang Qiuyue, opened its sharp fangs, and pierced Zhang Qiuyue's neck.

At this time, the nest where the nine-color phoenix-tailed fox was located became extremely hot, and a strange wind was set off.

"Hmm..." Another weird voice sounded in the cave, and a fiery red and rather huge figure flashed past the eyes of the Nine-Colored Phoenix-Tailed Fox.

Afterwards, the body of the Jiucai Phoenix-tailed fox burned with flames.

She realized what was wrong and wanted to escape, but was strangled her neck by a huge phoenix burning all over her body!

She tried to resist, tried to struggle, the giant fire phoenix's sharp claws controlled it to death.

"Sao Fox, you dare to move even my child, you are really brave!"

After the spirit beast that was burning with the raging fire stabilized its figure, a fire phoenix that was nearly ten meters high raised up to the sky and murmured!

After feeling the terrifying strength of the fire phoenix, the nine-color phoenix-tailed fox immediately crouched on the ground and kept begging for mercy from the fire phoenix.

"Please forgive me, I don't dare to think too much anymore!"

The courage of the nine-color phoenix-tailed fox is almost shocked. She also lives in the depths of the desire for confusion all the year round, but she has never heard of the appearance of a fire phoenix here.

With the unpredictable strength of the Fire Phoenix, she easily tore the nine-color phoenix-tailed fox in the early stage of the Mahayana stage into pieces.

The fire phoenix did not linger, and the moment it left the cave, it uttered a scream that resounded through the blurred realm.

She was shocking the spirit beasts who tried to absorb the blood of the ancient sacred beasts in Zhang Qiuyue.

Zhang Qiuyue stared at the familiar figure in a daze, but didn't understand what was going on.

When her mood gradually stabilized, the fiery red feathers that appeared on the surface of her body were also retracted, and she returned to her human form again.

She dragged the whole body of Master Zhang with broken meridians and left here slowly, and happened to ran into Elder Guo and Mu Yu who came to look for them in the central area of ​​the domain of the mist.

Master Guo inspected Master Zhang's injury in general, and stopped the blood from the wound with the help of wound pills.

However, the biggest injury of Master Zhang was not these injuries, but the fatal injuries left by the Long Yuan Pill he had taken.

At this time, Master Zhang was already a half-handicapped person.

Master Guo urged everyone to carry Master Zhang back to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

The fierce battle over the prisoner's den was still going on.

The contest between the two realm powerhouses at the beginning of the Mahayana period was simply ruining the heavens and the earth, as if the heavens and the earth also lost their color for them at this moment.

Lin Tiancheng only had the strength of the early Jindan stage, he could not be Ning Qiutian's opponent at all, he could only seize the opportunity to assist the president from the side.

However, this attack from the side had indeed caused a great disturbance to Ning Choutian.

"You kid, get out of me!" Ning Qiutian raised his eyebrows. He knew that Lin Tiancheng had already used some secret technique to connect with his daughter.

If he hurts Lin Tiancheng, who has a high-level healing technique, then his daughter will be injured.

So he dared not do anything to Lin Tiancheng, and was able to find a way to avoid him!

In spite of this, Master Zhang is also very difficult to deal with, after all, he is not a practitioner who specializes in actual combat!

Even if he was at the same level as Ning Qiutian, he could not defeat him.

However, Lin Tiancheng was like a fly that could not be driven away, always flying around Ning Qiutian, constantly disturbing him.

"Ning Choutian, aren't you the big demon? You did it to me!" Lin Tiancheng's mouth raised a smirk.

Ning Xin was seriously injured. He struggled to stand up and said to Ning Choutian, "Father, don't care about me, kill this kid."

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