Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1549: Is a cruel man

The biggest taboo of the strong is to have all kinds of fetters, Ning Xin does not want to block her father's ambition because of herself!

At this moment, Ning Qiutian's blood-colored giant hand slammed into the club's chest, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person fell like a butterfly with folded wings!

The other six elders were also broken one by one by the cold face at the peak of the Golden Core Stage, and they fell to the ground one after another, lying in various directions.

Lin Tiancheng's mind was shocked. He had helped the president completely remove the impurities in his body, and there was no way to use 360 ​​antivirus software to help him improve his strength.

If it is optimized by an optimization master, it may be possible, but Lin Tiancheng has only five batteries now.

If you use the optimization master to fully optimize the president, you need at least 50 power.

So this road simply does not work.

"Boy, when I kill this old thing, I will come to you to settle the account!"

Ning Choutian didn't believe in this evil, he felt that there must be a way to crack Lin Tiancheng's interconnection skills.

Ning Xin's nervous expression finally eased. She was sweating for her father's situation before. Worried that his father would follow Lin Tiancheng's way because of his own bondage.

A **** tentacle of Ning Qiutian directly penetrated the abdomen of the president of the president with an extremely rapid momentum, and the internal organs and white bones were faintly visible.

Just when Ning Qiutian was preparing to take the life of the president, Lin Tiancheng squeezed Tai'a sword and drew it across his thigh. Blood was splashed all over, and a deep blood stain came out.

"Ah..." Ning Xin let out a scream, and a deep blood stain appeared on her thigh, and the blood splashed under her abdomen.

"You try to move him again, believe it or not, I will die with your daughter!"

If the president was killed by Ning Qiutian, then Lin Tiancheng wouldn't want to live a good life, so he had to find a way to save the life of the president.

Ning Qiutian immediately withdrew the **** tentacles, and flew to her daughter's side, helping Ning Xin to stop the gurgling blood from the wound.

Lin Tiancheng gritted his teeth and slashed his left leg again!

Although he was also in pain, and there was no battery to treat his injuries in a short time, he could only do so.

"What on earth do you kid want to do?" Ning Qiutian glared at Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng sneered coldly, "It's very simple, your blood people get out of the alchemist association headquarters, otherwise, I will let your daughter die with me now!"

Lin Tiancheng put the extremely sharp Tai'a sword on his neck again, and a blood stain had been cut on his neck.

Really a ruthless person!

"Hold on, hold on..." Ning Qiutian waved his hand to stop.

Originally, he could kill the president easily immediately, but because of Lin Tiancheng's failure to succeed.

"Father, don't agree to him!" Ning Xin still didn't want to cause her father to quarrel because of herself.

Lin Tiancheng winked at the six elders and motioned to them to retreat quickly, and then sneered at Ning Qiutian, "You have to think about it clearly, I'll kill you. If you cut it, it will be gone, but Your baby girl..."

Lin Tiancheng had grasped Ning Qiutian's lifeline, and already knew that the father and daughter of the two had a deep relationship.

Suddenly, Ning Choutian winked at the cold face without a trace.

He wanted the cold face to control Lin Tiancheng in a very short time. As long as he controlled Lin Tiancheng, he could kill Nie Li and kill this old enemy.

The cold face immediately understood, taking advantage of Lin Tiancheng's carelessness to attack from behind, but Lin Tiancheng's divine consciousness had long been beyond the imagination of these people.

He gritted his teeth this time and directly pierced Tai A Jian through his right thigh.

This sword was too heavy, and Lin Tiancheng in pain took a breath.

Ning Xin's injuries were even more serious. She fainted on the ground due to excessive blood loss. Her face was pale and her lips had lost a little blood.

There is no alternative for Lin Tiancheng. If he doesn't do this, there will be a dead end.

Lengmian didn't expect that Lin Tiancheng would be such a ruthless person. He immediately withdrew a few meters away, not daring to step forward.

At this moment, Pingmu in Lin Tiancheng's mind appeared with a reminder.

If the battery is insufficient, the include application automatically cancels the interconnection.

This made Lin Tiancheng's scalp numb, and the include software was his last straw.

Now that even the last straw is gone, Lin Tiancheng can only rely on acting to make the final dying struggle.

"Well, if you are ruthless, I can't even hide it if I can't offend!"

Ning Qiutian glanced at the cold face, "Go, take that old guy! Let's leave here now!"

Ning Xin's injuries are already serious, and she must be treated as soon as possible, otherwise her life is likely to be in danger.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tiancheng put the Tai'a sword on his neck again, and shouted to Ning Qiutian, "Stop, who allowed you to take away the president? I'm talking about you guys getting out of the alchemy association headquarters. , Or I will..."

Lin Tiancheng shook the Tai'a sword in his hand, and a deep cut appeared on his neck.

In fact, at this time, Lin Tiancheng's include has been unusable due to insufficient power.

Therefore, this cut only appeared on Lin Tiancheng's neck. Lin Tiancheng's expression was calm and composed, but his heart was already uneasy.

If this detail was discovered by Ning Qiutian, it would have revealed a flaw.

Time passed bit by bit.

His eyes were extremely firm, staring at Ning Choutian, without any intention of giving in.

Lengmian didn't speak, he completely obeyed Yu Ning Qiutian's instructions.

Ning Qiutian picked up her daughter in both hands and said coldly to Lin Tiancheng, "I will let you go for the time being today!"

Ning Qiutian was not in a hurry to deal with Nie Li.

His current strength has been restored to its original heyday, and Lin Tiancheng's only tree of life that can dissolve the blood pill was also held in his palm.

So, what else can the headquarters of the Alchemist Association use to fight him?

Seeing the three people disappearing into the sky, Lin Tianchang let out a long sigh of relief. His back was already soaked, and his whole body collapsed to the ground weakly.

"Tiancheng, are you okay?"

The president was injured very seriously. After taking a trauma pill to himself, he struggled to crawl to Lin Tiancheng's side and handed him a trauma pill.

"Tiancheng, I am already half-footed into the coffin, you don't have to hurt yourself for me!"

The president also knew very well in his heart that when Lin Tiancheng took advantage of the chaos, he could actually escape here easily.

But he didn't. Instead, he chose to fight Ning Qiutian with the elders and the president of the Alchemist Association headquarters.

Lin Tiancheng, who collapsed on the ground, also let out a hearty laugh, "The president is serious, you are extremely important to our entire Dongcheng District cultivation world, and you must rely on you to fight against the blood race! As for me...hehe! "

Lin Tiancheng laughed at himself, "I am very useless, I failed to save the tree of life!"

The president's face immediately froze, and he couldn't see whether he was happy or worried.

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