Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1551: Grumpy girl

Nangongxue is not only a medicinal picker, but also a veritable treasurer.

The heaven and earth spiritual materials and rare treasures she possesses almost fill the entire Baicaotang, and they don't carry heavy species!

No one knows the true origin of Nangong Xue, but anyone who knows Nangong Xue will think that she comes from a sect with great background, so most people will not easily offend her.

Master Guo stepped forward and said, "President, this can be difficult!"

Master Guo said it was difficult because Nangongxue was a little weird!

She never sells her rare treasures, even if it is given a sky-high price, she will not do so.

Unless someone is willing to exchange it with a more precious treasure, the premise is that the treasure can win her heart.

That is to say, unless the headquarters of the Alchemist Association can come up with a treasure that is more precious than the blood of the ancient gods in the Mahayana stage!

This is simply impossible, the blood of the ancient sacred beasts is already very precious, not to mention it needs to be in the Mahayana realm!

"Yes!" The president sighed long!

He has lived for most of his life and has never seen a real beast, let alone a beast whose strength has reached the realm of the Mahayana period.

If they can't bring out more precious treasures, they will not be able to obtain the blood of ancient gods and beasts from Nangongxue, and Master Zhang is likely to lose consciousness completely in a few days.

Zhang Qiuyue wanted to say that she would once again enter the realm of confusion, to find the Mahayana realm spirit beast with the blood of the ancient beast.

However, all of this was caused by her accidentally breaking into the depths of the Blurred Realm, and she did not dare to mention it again.

Moreover, even the ordinary spirit beast Zhang Qiuyue with the strength of the early Mahayana period could not deal with it, let alone the early Mahayana divine beast with the blood of the ancient divine beast!

Everyone seems to be a little lost and don't know what to do!

"I don't need the blood of ancient sacred beasts, I have a way!" Lin Tiancheng stepped forward and said.

This sentence suddenly felt like thunder, attracting everyone's attention to him.

The matter is already very urgent, Lin Tiancheng did not deliberately show up, he must let Zhang Qiuyue cooperate with him as soon as possible, so as to save Master Zhang's life!

Zhang Qiuyue glanced at the words pharmacist on Lin Tiancheng's chest, as if she did not believe in Lin Tiancheng, she closed her eyes back.

Seeing this situation, the president quickly helped introduce the two of them.

The president believed Lin Tiancheng very much. He knew that Lin Tiancheng had a lot of methods.

The president's cognition of Lin Tiancheng began with Lin Tiancheng's analysis of the pharmaceutical ingredients of hemorrhage.

Then, Lin Tiancheng actually has a rare treasure like the legendary tree of life.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tiancheng broke into the prisoner's den, but was able to escape from Ning Qiutian's palm.

Until the end, if it weren't for Lin Tiancheng's resourcefulness and a lot of means, I am afraid that the president and the six elders have been killed by Ning Qiutian.

Such outstanding performance, of course, the president will no longer doubt Lin Tiancheng's ability.

He glanced at Lin Tiancheng, and then introduced to Zhang Qiuyue, "Qiuyue, this is your father's old friend, Lin Tiancheng from the sky city, the rumored genius ghost alchemist!"

Lin Tiancheng hurriedly waved his hand, and said to Zhang Qiuyue, "President, you are damaging me!"

Lin Tiancheng solemnly said to Zhang Qiuyue, "Your father and I are friends. The situation is really urgent. As long as you are willing to cooperate with me, I dare to guarantee my life and your father will be fine!"

The president remembered something, and quickly gave a few orders to Elder Chen next to him.

In fact, Zhang Qiuyue had always heard her father chanting a young boy named Lin Tiancheng in her ears. Although she had never seen Lin Tian as a human, she was already familiar with this name.

She thought about it, since her father admires this young man so much, maybe he is really outstanding.

"It's nice to meet you. Since my father always praises you so much, then you must have something to appreciate him! I beg you to save my father. As long as my father can survive, I will thank you heavily!"

At this moment, Elder Chen of Xuehai Pavilion was holding a yellow Taoist robe in both hands. The position of the robe's chest marked the title of Great Pharmacist and left for Lin Tiancheng.

"Tiancheng, I promised you that as long as we can survive, I will let you serve as the honorary elder of the headquarters of our Alchemist Association! Put it on!"

Zhang Qiuyue's eyes were really a bit surprised, the title of great pharmacist, or honorary elder.

Doesn't it mean that Lin Tiancheng can already be on the same level as the top ten elders of the Alchemist Association headquarters, and because he is an honorary elder, Lin Tiancheng is probably slightly higher than the top ten elders.

She couldn't believe that at such a young age, how could Lin Tiancheng become the honorary elder of the Alchemist Association headquarters so easily.

The six elders did not complain about this practice of the president.

Had it not been for Lin Tiancheng's desperate rescue, I am afraid they would have been in a different place.

Lin Tiancheng casually took over the medicine robe from Elder Chen. In fact, he didn't care about these reputations or anything. He glanced at the weakly breathed Master Zhang and quickly said to Zhang Qiuyue, "Girl Qiuyue, can you take a step to speak!"

In this way, the two came to the left corner outside the wing.

Lin Tiancheng solemnly said, "I have a set of high-level healing techniques. This set of techniques can only stimulate its maximum healing effect when I am very happy, and the way of pleasure requires your cooperation. !"

Lin Tiancheng had no choice but to do this. He had to meet Zhang Qiuyue for the first time.

Lin Tiancheng admired Master Zhang's character very much, and he treated himself very well, so Lin Tiancheng could not let Master Zhang die like this.

"My cooperation? How do you need me to cooperate with you?" Zhang Qiuyue looked at Lin Tiancheng suspiciously, and took a step back unconsciously.

"Don't be afraid, I only need to squeeze a few times with you, and I will be able to exert the power of my high-level techniques to rescue your father!" Lin Tiancheng pointed to Zhang Qiuyue's chest and said solemnly.

Zhang Qiuyue instantly raised her eyebrows and slapped Lin Tiancheng's face with a slap, "Asshole, I didn't expect you to be such a person! My father praised you everywhere, scum!"

Zhang Qiuyue's appearance is not inferior to Yunmeng Gu of Yunfu, and there are naturally many people who covet her beauty.

In her opinion, Lin Tiancheng was the same as those who coveted her beauty, even more disgusting.

I want to get into trouble and take this opportunity to take advantage of myself.

It is nonsense to say that it is necessary to touch that part of oneself to make him more happy and thus stimulate the power of the healing exercises.

Lin Tiancheng was bitter and could not tell. He clutched his hot cheeks and complained, "Why is your girl so irritable! I really do it for your father's good! As long as you are willing to let me touch it, I Your father will wake up soon!"

Zhang Qiuyue has the strength of the early days of the Golden Core, and with such a fascinating appearance, it must be able to charge enough to save Master Zhang with a touch.

"Get away!" Zhang Qiuyue stretched out her hand to push Lin Tiancheng aside, and entered the wing room extremely angrily.

Lin Tiancheng couldn't help sighing. It seemed that it was impossible to treat Master Zhang if he wanted to charge Zhang Qiuyue.

Seeing Zhang Qiuyue and Lin Tiancheng walking in one after another, the president quickly asked, "Tiancheng, let's start now!"

Zhang Qiuyue worried that Lin Tiancheng would say the matter just now, and quickly answered, "Bo Nie, Qiuyue has an unrelenting request here, can you give me your fifth-grade high-level Yisui Pill!"

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