Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1552: Unfeeling Valley

The five-grade high-level Yisui Pill represents the highest-spec pill of the entire Alchemist Association, and is the most precious pill that was refined by the president to break through to the Yaozun.

After that, Nie Li relied on the alchemy strength of the medicine sect to refine a lot of pills, but the fifth-rank high-level pills never appeared again.

This is not to say that the president's alchemy is not good, but to refining this high-level pill, we need to take into account the favorable conditions of the time and place, and many other factors, before it is possible to produce such a pill!

The president gave a wry smile, "Silly girl, although my Yisui Pill is precious, it is far inferior to the blood of ancient mythical beasts. I am afraid that Nangongxue might not buy it!"

"But I still want to try it!" Zhang Qiuyue's attitude was very firm.

Even if there is no hope for this matter, she will give it a try.

The president did not give up, took out a brocade box from his spatial ring and handed it to Zhang Qiuyue.

"I'll go with you! Maybe I can help!" Lin Tiancheng said.

He felt that there were still a lot of treasures on his body. If Murong Xue really didn't like Yi Sui Dan, maybe he would like his treasures.

At that time, it would be good to exchange and save Master Zhang's life. After all, Master Zhang's situation would not last long.

However, Zhang Qiuyue only glanced at Lin Tiancheng coldly, and then left alone.

She had a good impression of Lin Tiancheng at the beginning, after all, Master Zhang often praised Lin Tiancheng in her ears.

But who would have thought that Lin Tiancheng would be such a rascal, when Master Zhang was dead, he would actually fall into trouble, wanting to take advantage of him.

Unexpectedly, because of this incident, he and Zhang Qiuyue had such a big misunderstanding.

Therefore, Lin Tiancheng did not follow up. At this time, he thought of Wuyazi and the female disciple Sulan of Unfeeling Valley.

Lin Tiancheng promised Sulan to help Wuyazi completely remove the blood power left by the blood evil pill in his body. Now is the time.

He decided to break through the last step with Sulan as much as possible, in order to get the most power, one part was used on Wuyazi's body, and the other part was used to rescue Master Zhang.

After inquiring from Master Guo about the location of the Valley of Unrequited Love, Lin Tiancheng sat on the purple and golden butterfly equipped for the elders from the headquarters of the Alchemist Association and hurried towards the Valley of Unrequited Love.

After arriving in the Valley of Unfeelings, Lin Tiancheng knew that the Valley of Unfeelings was under Wushan Mountain. In other words, he and Zhang Qiuyue actually came to the same place, but one on the mountain and the other in the valley!

Hundreds of flowers bloom in the Unfeeling Valley, and there seem to be thousands of butterflies dancing here!

Lin Tiancheng followed the path between the flowers and walked straight to the depths of the Valley of Unfeeling.

But before he took a few steps, he heard a violent cough.

The figure slowly approaching him is really familiar!

"It's blood mother-in-law!"

A sense of horror hit the Tianling Gai from the tail vertebrae.

Lin Tiancheng turned sideways and concealed among the flowers, and even his true aura was taken back.

Lin Tiancheng has reached the initial stage of the Golden Core Stage, and with the strength above the Golden Core Stage, he can manage his breath freely.

Mother-in-law blood staggered towards Lin Tiancheng's side, clutching her **** chest, coughing violently.

At this time, the blood mother-in-law appeared in the Unfeeling Valley, which was really strange.

Lin Tiancheng guessed that the blood family's revenge plan should already be on the way.

Now, with the help of Lin Tiancheng, Ning Qiutian's strength has reached its peak.

Coupled with the help of Blood Sha Pill, he can control more cultivation powerhouses to work for him, so their blood race has no worries.

In this way, doesn't it mean that the blood mother-in-law has probably inspired the blood force hidden in the blood of Wuyazi.

"Where is Sulan that girl? Has she been killed by the blood mother?"

The blood mother-in-law had come to the closest distance to Lin Tiancheng, which was about four or five meters away.

Lin Tiancheng had already concealed his breath, but when he thought that if something happened to Sulan, his plan would be disrupted and his heartbeat would speed up.

The plan is completely disrupted, and Master Zhang's life is likely to be lost. How can Lin Tiancheng calm down?

The **** mother-in-law who was staggering stopped suddenly and looked at the flowers on Lin Tiancheng's side.

Lin Tiancheng's heart suddenly touched his throat, and it was close at hand. If Lin Tiancheng's strength was still in the phase of expanding his veins, his aura had already been noticed by the blood mother.

Because of various factors, Lin Tiancheng couldn't control his violently beating heart. The only thing he could do was hold his breath to reduce the possibility of being discovered.

At this point, he has no friendship with the blood mother-in-law, and the blood people will not remember him at all.

He believed that as long as he stood in front of the blood mother-in-law, she would kill him mercilessly.

A gray wild rabbit leaped up from Lin Tiancheng's side, barking non-stop in his mouth, and disappeared to the end of the flowers at a very fast speed.

The blood mother turned her gaze back, and then started to stagger towards the outside of the Unfeeling Valley.

However, Lin Tiancheng heard the **** mother-in-law's whisper, "Lin Tiancheng, I'm doing good deeds everywhere, I should have killed you cruelly!"

The blood mother-in-law has always wanted to bring Lin Tiancheng into the blood clan, let Lin Tiancheng work for her blood clan.

But she also cherishes talent, loves talent, so she didn't kill Lin Tiancheng early, otherwise, with the blood mother-in-law character, Lin Tiancheng would have died in the blood mother-in-law's hands when Yunmengshan refused to join the blood clan.

In order to prevent Lin Tiancheng from becoming an opponent of the blood race, she even secretly let Lin Tiancheng drink the blood of Gu Chengwu.

To be on the safe side, when she was in Yun Mansion, Lin Tiancheng had to take the blood evil pill!

But she had countless calculations, and she did not expect that Lin Tiancheng would have the means to dissolve the blood evil pill.

Is my good deed everywhere?

"Could it be that the blood mother-in-law failed to kill Wuyazi?" Lin Tiancheng looked at the back of the blood mother-in-law, lost in thought.

He knew what blood mother-in-law said.

Lin Tiancheng eliminated the bloodline power that had appeared in Wuyazi's bloodline. Mother-in-law Xue wanted to control Wuyazi's bloodline, naturally it was not that simple.

After confirming that the blood mother-in-law's back had disappeared from sight, Lin Tiancheng took two steps and made one step towards the depths of the Valley of Unrequited Love.

Nearly a hundred tombs have been erected on both sides of the flower path!

All of this was because Wu Yazi killed nearly a hundred unfeeling valley disciples unconsciously after being affected by the blood evil pill.

"Master, you will be fine, you will be fine!"

A weak voice came to Lin Tiancheng's ear from the delicate and small bamboo building on the left.

This voice belonged to that girl from Sulan, and it seemed that nothing happened to her. Lin Tiancheng's hanging heart was finally released.

Just hearing the creaking sound from the door, Sulan's girl became alert!

She quickly stood up, pulled out the long sword around her waist, and said nervously, "Don't worry, Master, even if the disciple is dead, she will fight the old witch!"

Sulan's strength has reached the pinnacle state of the expansion period, but how could she be the opponent of the blood mother in the pinnacle period.

Her mouth was very stubborn, but her legs couldn't help trembling, and her right hand holding the sharp sword was also shaking.


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