Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1553: Borrow place

What happened just now is vividly visible, and Sulan's viciousness made Sulan frightened.

Wu Yazi, whose whole body was injured, almost used the strength of his whole body before climbing to the edge of the bed, but accidentally rolled to the ground.

Wu Yazi pulled Sulan's clothes corner, "Sulan, go, you are not the opponent of the old witch, I will hold her, you go quickly!"

Wuyazi was also very surprised. Although she herself was seriously injured, the old witch was not much better.

But why did she turn back so quickly? Is it because she wants to make herself a puppet even if both lose and lose?

Sulan's tears fell down, and he squatted down and helped Wuyazi back on the edge of the bed, "No, the disciple won't go, even if he is dead, the disciple will always guard the master's side!"

Wu Yazi wiped the tears from the corner of Sulan's eyes, and she already had a decision in her heart!

She decided to compromise with the blood mother-in-law, she was willing to be a puppet of the blood race forever, let them be at their mercy!

But the only condition is to let Sulan this girl make a living!

Wuyazi killed nearly a hundred disciples of Jueqing Valley overnight. She felt that this kind of sin would not be paid off for her life.

Sulan is the last female disciple in the Unfeeling Valley. Of course Wuyazi does not want to let Sulan lose her life for herself!

If it weren't for Sulan, she would never have the idea of ​​succumbing to the blood race.

She wants to avenge the more than one hundred disciples, and fight against the blood race to the end.

The door was opened, and Lin Tiancheng stepped in!

"Lin Tiancheng, how could it be you?" Sulan was surprised and delighted, she kept wiping tears from the corner of her eyes, her face was full of smiles, as if she saw light in the dark.

Wu Yazi let out a long sigh of relief, and straightened up some messy clothes all over her body, and then got up and bowed to thank Lin Tiancheng.

"Tiancheng, thank you for helping me dissolve the medicinal properties of the blood evil pill!"

Lin Tiancheng waved his hand, "Senior Wuyazi, hasn't it been a thank you before? You are embarrassed by you!"

Wu Yazi's body staggered a bit, Sulan quickly helped Wu Yazi to lie on the bed.

After Wuyazi's breath eased slightly, he said, "You don't know what happened just now. If you didn't help me dissolve the blood pill before, I am afraid I have become a puppet of the blood race, and Sulan this girl may also be The old witch killed it."

Sulan and Lin Tiancheng described in detail what had just happened in the Valley of Unfeeling, which was roughly the same as Lin Tiancheng had guessed!

The blood family's revenge plan has already started, and the blood mother-in-law came to the Unfeeling Valley just to turn Wuyazi into a puppet for their blood family to drive.

Because of Lin Tiancheng's help, Wuyazi's body only left part of the bloodline power hidden in her bloodline.

This part of the power is very weak, unless the bloodline power is completely filled in Wuyazi's bloodline, the blood mother can turn it into a puppet.

In other words, the blood mother-in-law and Wu Yazi were both injured, but Wu Yazi's injuries were obviously heavier.

Lin Tiancheng made it clear that he wanted to completely remove the bloodline power hidden in Wuyazi's body.

The expression on Sulan's face was a bit agitated.

To get rid of the control of the blood clan, Wuyazi must get Lin Tiancheng's help.

Otherwise, when the mother-in-law comes next time, Wuyazi may have been eroded by the bloodline power hidden in her bloodline.

At that time, she will be easily controlled by the blood mother-in-law because of the bloodline power, and there is no room for resistance.

Before Lin Tiancheng took the initiative to speak, the extremely sensible Sulan said first, "I know, you need my cooperation to help my master treat!"

The girl Sulan was very good, and Lin Tiancheng nodded.

Sulan said shyly to Lin Tiancheng, "It's not good to do that kind of thing in front of my master! To improve the effect of your healing exercises, can you not do it at the same time!"

After saying this, Sulan's white cheeks suddenly turned red!

Of course Lin Tiancheng understood Sulan's meaning, he wanted to ask himself if the effect of the healing exercises was enhanced and the treatment did not have to be done at the same time.

This is of course possible, as long as Lin Tiancheng can charge, treatment can be done anytime and anywhere.

"However, there seems to be only one bamboo house nearby."

It may be that the main hall of the Valley of Unrequited Love had been destroyed by Wu Yazi himself. Lin Tiancheng didn't find it, only this lonely bamboo building.

Sulan's cheeks were red and blood was almost oozing out, and she lowered her head, not knowing what to do with him for a while.

Wuyazi looked at Lin Tiancheng, and then at Sulan. From the words of the two, she already understood the meaning.

At the time in the alchemy room, she was in a coma, and she didn't know what happened before she woke up!

It is impossible for Sulan to tell Wuyazi such a thing.

However, she now understands, "It's okay, special period, special treatment, you are here! It is not good to be seen outside!"

Wuyazi gritted his teeth, endured the pain in his body, and moved his body inside.

She had never done anything like this before, and her cheeks became unconsciously hot when she thought of what would happen next.

She kept telling herself that Lin Tiancheng was treating herself, but she must not think about it.

Sulan owed her body to Wuyazi, "Master, sorry!"

She never thought that she would sleep in the same bed with her master. This is simply the following crime, no matter which sect force she is in, she is a big taboo.

However, as Wu Yazi said, special things, special treatment.

However, in front of the master, Sulan still couldn't let go.

Lin Tiancheng patted his shoulder to comfort him, "You have to think of it as a relationship between a healer and a patient. You do this for your master, so you don't need to be so restrained!"

Electricity began to soar sharply.

However, the moment Lin Tiancheng stretched out his hand, his arm accidentally swept across Wuyazi's chest.

Wuyazi's whole body trembled slightly, his cheeks flushed, and he couldn't help but snorted.

She realized her gaffe, and quickly turned her body sideways.

In the same bed, it is absolutely false to say that she saw nothing.

But she didn't expect that she would feel about this kind of thing, and it was discovered by Lin Tiancheng.

This is human nature, Lin Tiancheng didn't care that much either, and once again focused on Sulan.


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