Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1554: You don't need to treat me as my current generation

Lin Tiancheng deliberately minimized his movements, and he had to take care of the wounded no matter what.

However, even if Wu Yazi turned her whole body sideways, her cheeks were still red all over the sky, and through the thin gauze, she couldn't see a piece of redness!

Lin Tiancheng used 360 anti-virus software, after consuming 20 electricity, completely eliminated the power of blood in her body.

He patted Wu Yazi's bright wrist lightly, who knew Wu Yazi turned out to be like a frightened kitten, the shabby hairs all over his body suddenly picked up, and his body was shaking unconsciously.

"Turn around! I still need the cooperation of Senior Wuyazi!"

Lin Tiancheng can be sure that he has used 360 antivirus software to completely remove the bloodline power in Wuyazi's body, but for safety reasons, he must run his true energy power in Wuyazi's body once to ensure that it will not any question.

Wu Yazi's expression was obviously sluggish, and Lin Tiancheng actually said that he needed his own cooperation.

Although she said that Sulan is the relationship between the doctor and the patient, she still finds it difficult to accept it.

Don't think it's crooked, treatment is important now!

After hesitating for a while, Wu Yazi bit his thin red lips and closed his eyes. After turning around, he actually hugged Lin Tiancheng.

"You don't need to treat my current generation, since it is to treat my condition, I am willing to cooperate with you!"

She summoned the courage to say these words and hugged Lin Tiancheng.

She only has so much courage, so she has to finish everything in one go.

It may be that Wuyazi has no experience. When he turned around and hugged Lin Tiancheng, he clung to Lin Tiancheng's neck, his whole body looked tense.

Just now, an hour without Yazi lying on the bed was like experiencing purgatory on earth.

People have seven emotions and six desires. In the face of this situation, even the eminent monks who have attained the Tao can hardly enter concentration.

Not to mention Wu Yazi, a young woman who is at an age like a wolf like a tiger.

She also thought that Sulan could not help Lin Tiancheng the happiest level, and thus could not stimulate the maximum effect of the healing exercises.

Forced by the situation, of course she wanted to turn around to cooperate with Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng patted Wuyazi on the shoulder and coughed violently, "I think, Senior Wuyazi has misunderstood, I just want to check it again for Senior Wuyazi!"

At this time, Sulan girl was already standing on the edge of the bed, looking at the master who behaved strangely.

"Master, Tiancheng wants to check it for you!" Sulan also had hot cheeks and quickly reminded Wu Yazi.

Wuyazi seemed to have received 10,000 critical hits, Wenxiang Nephrite twitched unconsciously, and quickly pulled his body back.

Wuyazi quickly hesitated and said, "I, I, I mean, I am willing to cooperate with you in your inspection!"

At this time, she was so embarrassed that her entire face was red, exuding steaming heat.

Sulan and Lin Tiancheng knew that Wuyazi must have misunderstood Lin Tiancheng's meaning at the beginning, but they did not reveal it.

People are hard to tear down!

Lin Tiancheng stepped back out of the bed and said to Wu Yazi, "I have already checked, and there is indeed no blood power in Senior's body, and he will no longer be controlled by the blood people in the future!"

Sulan clasped her fists to congratulate Wuyazi, "Congratulations Master, Congratulations Master!"

Wuyazi pulled the white embroidered quilt beside her and quickly covered the part below her eyes, and coughed a few times, "Okay, that's good, Sulan, please treat Tiancheng! My body is still a little unwell. I need to adapt, I'm really sorry!"

Wu Yazi could clearly perceive that her cheeks and her entire neck were blushing and hot, so she was a little guilty and covered the blush on her face.

An imperceptible smile flashed across Lin Tiancheng's mouth.

Senior Wuyazi was probably around 30 years old, and in terms of body shape, she was comparable to Yunmeng Gu of Yunfu.

She had just acted like that, which already exposed her restless heart.

There must be electricity on Wuyazi's body, and Lin Tiancheng has just verified this by accidentally touching Wuyazi.

This means that as long as the time is right, Lin Tiancheng has great certainty to develop Wuyazi into his own power bank.

This situation is definitely not working now, Wuyazi at this time is like a scared rabbit, already retracted into the rabbit hole!

If Lin Tiancheng is too hasty, it will only make things worse, all he needs to do is to make progress gradually! .

He waved his hand and smiled, "Senior said he was serious, Tiancheng is just a matter of effort, but he inadvertently offended Sulan, Tiancheng feels guilty!"

At this time, Sulan brought a pot of fresh jelly from the flower bones from outside the bamboo building.

"Tiancheng, Sulan has never thought about it like this. You rushed here all the way to treat my master. I am grateful that it is too late! You can't say that!"

Sulan filled a cup of Jelly Jade Dew and handed it to Lin Tiancheng's hand, owing it to her body.

Wu Yazi waited for the luck red on her body to fade, and then slowly got off the bed.

"Tiancheng, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have become the puppet of the old witch! I will remember this kindness in my heart. If there is a need for help in the future, it is my duty!"

Lin Tiancheng nodded, then drank a full cup of tea, "It smells so good! I have never had such a delicious tea!"

Seeing Lin Tiancheng's enjoyment, Sulan chuckled while holding her little cherry mouth, "Tiancheng knows something, this jade lotion is only available in our Heartless Valley, you are also the first man to taste our Heartless Valley Qiongyeyu! "

"Yes! This kind of tea is made by me personally, and only the most distinguished guests of Unfeeling Valley can taste it!" Wu Yazi raised a teacup and advised Lin Tiancheng.

"It's a great honor!" Lin Tiancheng nodded with a smile, drank another cup, and the fragrance was immediately fragrant.

"Then what do you plan to do next, do you continue to stay in Unfeeling Valley? Based on my understanding of the blood mother-in-law, if she does not succeed, she will definitely come again afterwards!" Lin Tiancheng frowned and said.

Lin Tiancheng has known the blood mother-in-law for a day or two. The blood mother-in-law can be said to be the most vicious woman he has ever seen, and he has no trust in others!

In her eyes, there are only two kinds of people, one is the blood people, and the other is the enemy.

Wu Yazi put down the tea cup in her hand and sighed, "Hey, you are right, the old witch did not succeed, she will not let me go easily!"

Wuyazi knew that even if she completely got rid of the control of the blood evil pill, she would still be no match for the old witch.

If you continue to stay in the Valley of Unfeeling, you will eventually become a puppet of the blood clan, and Sulan will also be implicated.

Lin Tiancheng can increase Wuyazi's strength in a short time, but the electricity he just charged from Sulan still needs to be used to rescue Master Zhang.

Of course, he is sure to charge from Wuyazi's body!

"I have a suggestion here. I don't know if it should be said or not!"

"But it's okay!" Wu Yazi's frowning brows finally stretched out.

She really doesn't have any good strategies right now.

"Senior Wuyazi can go to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association with Miss Sulan, and President Nie will definitely help both of you!"

Lin Tiancheng and Wu Yazi roughly talked about what happened at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association in the past few days.

He just wanted to tell Wuyazi that Ning Qiutian, the great demon of the blood race, had escaped from the prisoner's den, and Wuyazi of the Unfeeling Valley joined the army against the blood race 30 years ago. Therefore, she should share the same hatred with the alchemist association headquarters and jointly deal with the blood race. This is the only way for her to survive.


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