Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1555: Datura flower poison

Sulan stepped forward and asked weakly, "Is it really possible?"

Lin Tiancheng waved his hand and smiled, "Of course, you two don't know the character of the president! As long as you are willing to go, he will definitely meet each other for ten miles!"

The blood family's revenge plan is already being implemented, and Lin Tiancheng will tell the president of the matter when he returns, so that he can start contacting the five major sects of the year and prepare to defend the enemy.

Wu Yazi nodded at Lin Tiancheng, waves in his eyes, "Thank you, Lin Tiancheng!"

After handling the matter here, Lin Tianzhi wanted to return to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association with Wuyazi and Sulan.

However, since Nangongxue's Hundred Caotang was above this Unfeeling Valley, Lin Tiancheng decided to see if Zhang Qiuyue was successful.

If she really used Yi Sui Dan to exchange the bloodline of the ancient sacred beast from Nangong Xue, Lin Tiancheng did not need to consume more power.

Every power is hard-won, and with the improvement of strength, Lin Tiancheng found that software needs to consume more power.

Just take the beginning. It takes only about 20 electricity to download a software, but now it’s good. Buying a tree of life seed in the farmer’s app store requires 30 electricity.

Lin Tiancheng has now entered the early stage of the Golden Elixir period. After waiting for a period of time, when the power permits, he decides to open up a piece of black land and plant suitable medicinal materials to prepare for his next promotion.

Lin Tiancheng came to the outside of the Baicaotang in Wushan alone.

Baicaotang is a small house made of bamboo, hidden in the bamboo forest, it looks quite stylish.

However, what made him extremely curious was that Zhang Qiuyue's girl was imprisoned in a mysterious iron prison, and she was kneeling on the ground.

The prison made of profound iron is different from ordinary iron cages. If the cultivator trapped in it wants to break free from the profound iron prison with the power of true energy, then he is wrong.

This kind of profound iron will absorb true qi, and the more true qi released by a cultivator, the more it will absorb.

This kind of profound iron is only available to the powers of the gold rank and legendary rank, even the strength of the silver rank can't use this kind of profound iron, just because its price is too expensive.

This also just shows that Nangong Xue's identity is by no means simple.

Zhang Qiuyue's lips turned white, and she weakly pleaded, "Nangongxue, please save my father! I am willing to exchange my life for the blood of ancient gods and animals."

A faint voice came from the Baicaotang.

"Huh! I don't want to exchange treasures with you, you just want to steal my Baicaotang. Based on this, your life is no longer yours!"

Nangongxue likes to collect all kinds of heaven and earth spiritual materials and rare treasures. She does not refuse other cultivators to exchange treasures with him.

For Zhang Qiuyue's arrival, she was very happy at first.

It's just that Zhang Qiuyue actually wants to exchange a Yisui Pill for her ancient sacred beast bloodline, which is simply a joke.

For Nangongxue, even though Yisui Pill is a fifth-grade high-level pill, it is far inferior to the blood of ancient gods and animals.

It's not that Nangongxue only trades at no cost. She is still willing to exchange some treasures she likes or treasures worth collecting.

After all, she is not a businessman, and collecting these rare treasures is purely a hobby.

It's just that she really doesn't need any Yi Sui Dan.

But who would have thought that after being rejected, Zhang Qiuyue actually wanted to steal the blood of the ancient sacred beast in Bai Caotang.

This is what Nangongxue hates most. She didn't get any of these treasures in the Hundred Cottage.

If others want to steal her baby, it is no different from killing her, and she will never tolerate such a person.

Therefore, in the inside and outside of the Baicaotang, she had already laid a net of heaven and earth, a powerful mechanism, as long as anyone dared to break into her Baicaotang without authorization, there was only a dead end.

It's not that Zhang Qiuyue doesn't know the existence of these institutions, but she really needs the blood of ancient gods to save her father, and time is very tight.

Trapped in the Xuan Tie Prison, she had no choice but to kneel and beg Nangong Xue.

At this time, another faint sentence came from the Baicaotang, "Tell you the truth! You have been poisoned by my mandala flower, you have to wait to die now!"

Nangongxue's words are very cold and poisonous, and this is her attitude towards the thief who steals her own treasure.


"Datura flower poison?" Lin Tiancheng glanced at Zhang Qiuyue, only to discover that there was a trace of black blood on the corner of her mouth, and her face was also black and purple.

Zhang Qiuyue sneaked into the Baicaotang and was cut off her cheek by a plant with purple flower bones and jagged leaves.

She wanted to find the blood of the ancient **** beasts, so she didn't care about this little thing.

Zhang Qiuyue has grown up at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association since she was returned from a pregnancy test by Master Zhang from the Ming Dynasty. Of course, she knows what a mandala is.

Mandala is a poisonous flower that grows in Xicheng District. It is extremely poisonous. No part of the whole plant is not poisonous.

Even if it is such a small root tip, if you don't take it carelessly, it will kill you.

This plant blooms once in three thousand years and bears once in three thousand years. The most poisonous is the purple flowers, so it is also called Datura flower poison.

This plant is very rare even in Xicheng District. Zhang Qiuyue has never seen a Datura flower, and she didn't care when she cut her cheek.

Zhang Qiuyue was desperate. She failed to get the blood of the ancient beast to save her father, and now she is still taking her life here.

Lin Tiancheng consumed two electricity, and immediately turned on the flashlight. What was revealed in front of him was a hidden weapon.

The design of these tools is very particular, and it can be said that they are designed for theft in 360 degrees without blind spots.

Without hesitation, even the powerhouses of the Golden Core Stage peak realm would have no room to fight back when facing these organ weapons.

Lin Tiancheng felt that this was probably designed by Nangongxue looking for someone who is proficient in organ weaponry. If he said that it was not, then it can only be said that Nangongxue is very tricky and very difficult to deal with.

With the help of the perspective of the flashlight, Lin Tiancheng easily evaded three organ weapons and came to the mysterious iron prison.

"Hush! Don't talk, give me your hand, and I'll help you dissolve the antidote!" Lin Tiancheng whispered.

He still doesn't know the true strength of Nangong Xue, it is best to be able to rescue Zhang Qiuyue before Nangong Xue is not aware of it.

Unexpectedly, a faint sentence came from the Hundred Caotang, "Yes, your kid was able to escape my three hidden weapons perfectly! If you can rescue her from the mysterious iron prison, I will not take it seriously. happened before."

Lin Tiancheng looked shocked, he had suppressed his voice to the bottom, and even concealed his breath.

But even so, Nangong Xue was still aware of it.

Lin Tiancheng guessed that the strength of Nangong School may have reached the golden core stage, and it is likely to be above the initial stage.

Zhang Qiuyue stared at Lin Tiancheng coldly, "What are you doing here?"


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