Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1556: Baicaotang

"My father doesn't know people well, and he mistakenly made you a friend! But I won't, you can't even think about it!"

After that incident, Zhang Qiuyue had completely defined Lin Tiancheng as a scum.

Because of Zhang Qiuyue's beauty, many young cultivators pursue her.

Maybe Lin Tiancheng was one of them, but he was even more exaggerated. He wanted to do something like that to himself.

This is not a scum, a beast, what is it?

Now that Nangongxue had discovered it, Lin Tiancheng stopped suppressing his voice and urged Zhang Qiuyue, "Hurry up and take your hand. I will first help you dissolve the mandala flower poison in your body, and then find a way to treat you. Rescue from the mysterious iron prison!"

Nangongxue chuckled, "What a big tone, boy, do you know what a mandala flower is? What is a black iron prison?"

Lin Tiancheng ignored her, but stretched out her right hand and asked Zhang Qiuyue to put her hand in her palm.

Lin Tiancheng is not a dog licking. Zhang Qiuyue is Master Zhang's daughter. Although she is not her own, she treats her as if she was her own.

Of course Lin Tiancheng couldn't just watch Zhang Qiuyue die here like this, otherwise, even if Master Zhang wakes up, I am afraid he will not be happy.

Who knows that Zhang Qiuyue is very stubborn.

Not only did she hate Lin Tiancheng, she even said with extreme disdain to Lin Tiancheng, "The mud bodhisattva crosses the river, and you cannot protect yourself! Don't think that you can escape from the Baicaotang by accidentally avoiding three organs!"

Lin Tiancheng is just a mountain boy from the sky city. Just as Nangongxue said, someone like him who has never seen the world doesn't even know what mandala flower poison is and what black iron is.

Even if Zhang Qiuyue died here, she didn't want to let a scum like Lin Tiancheng touch it.

Lin Tiancheng was a little angry. He kindly treated himself as a donkey liver and lungs.

"You really thought that I was just trying my luck after breaking through these three institutions? Tell you the truth! These institutions are just a display in front of me!"

Zhang Qiuyue only glanced at Lin Tiancheng in vain, and did not want to talk to such an idiot with mental retardation.

He said that he could solve the mandala flower poison, and even if he opened the mysterious iron prison, he still dared to say that these organs in the Bai Caotang were decorations in front of him.

Zhang Qiuyue had personally tried these mechanisms. She had just taken a step. Not only was she poisoned by the mandala flower, she was also trapped by this extremely tough black iron.

Lin Tiancheng's strength is only in the early stage of the Golden Core period, so why should he dare to speak such big words, unless he is a mentally retarded idiot.

Nangongxue half-covered her red lips and chuckled, "Hehe, your kid is the most breathtaking person I have ever seen. Have you ever heard of public defeat and Wentian? All these institutions in my Baicao Hall were designed by him! "

Zhang Qiuyue's expression was astonished, and she muttered silently, "Gongyu Wentian, the 98th generation heir of the Gongyu family, this is how Nangongxue can invite such a big man to design the mechanism in the Baicaotang for him!"

Zhang Qiuyue suddenly felt a sense of relief without regret.

When she died under the organs of public defeat and Wentian, at least she felt that she would not die so aggrieved.

Who is the public loser? It is said that he was a strong man in the Mahayana realm. He lived in the organ city in the north all the year round and would only deal with some gold-level forces.

This also proved once again that Nangong Xue's identity was extremely difficult, and it was very likely that she came from a gold rank force.

Lin Tiancheng bluntly said to Nangongxue's sarcastic inquiry, "No!"

"Uh, a very straightforward answer! Forget it, you didn't commit any mistakes, before I don't regret it, let's go!"

Nangongxue didn't like killing. She wanted to kill Zhang Qiuyue only because Zhang Qiuyue wanted to steal her treasure.

Instead of retreating, Lin Tiancheng stepped forward and said, "What if I can escape these institutions?"

Nangongxue stopped talking, she was too lazy to care about such an idiot with mental retardation.

Since he wanted to die so much, Nangong Xue didn't plan to stop it anymore.

Lin Tiancheng swaggered into the Baicaotang with a flashlight, but the pace was a bit strange, it seemed that there was a certain pattern.

Zhang Qiuyue drooped her purplish lips and looked at Lin Tiancheng's back disappearing in the Bai Caotang in an incredible way.

"Well, this guy actually went in, and he was unscathed! Could it be that Nangongxue deliberately shut down all institutions?"

Zhang Qiuyue's expression was a bit shocked, just now, she wanted to sneak into the Hundred Caotang, only to be trapped in this mysterious iron prison as soon as she took a step, only waiting to die.

But Lin Tiancheng was fine, and walked in with such a big swing.

"Does this guy really have any supernatural powers? No, absolutely impossible! What's the scum like this!"

After Nangongxue determined that Lin Tiancheng was an idiot, she took back her spiritual sense and ignored Lin Tiancheng's life and death.

She lay in the wooden barrel, enjoying the ambergris bath comfortably.

Ambergris is an extremely precious medicinal material in the entire cultivation world. It has a peculiar scent. If used in a bath, it can make people smell like Ambergris for a long time.

In addition, it is also a great tonic for Yijing Washing.

After some groping, Lin Tiancheng escaped all the organs and came to the inside of Bai Caotang.

However, during this period, he consumed six electricity to see through all the organs in this Hundred Cottage.

The name of Gonglu Wentian is indeed not covered, some of these institutions are quite hidden, and some are even inside the half-meter thick wall.

This is a great loss to Lin Tiancheng's power and spirit.

After entering the Baicaotang, Lin Tiancheng did discover many rare treasures.

Compared with the rare and exotic treasures in the original Sihai Pavilion, the Baicaotang is like a heaven and an underground.

Lin Tiancheng roughly searched for the blood of the ancient sacred beast, then hurriedly walked towards the inner courtyard.

If he could find the bloodline of the ancient sacred beast, Lin Tiancheng wouldn't mind taking it away. It was a price for Nangongxue to despise him.

Moreover, Zhang Qiuyue was very poisonous, and it was impossible for Lin Tiancheng not to save it.

As a result, it will consume a lot of power, and I don't know if it will be enough to save Master Zhang.

It would be great if you could find the blood of ancient gods and beasts here.

The reason why he wants to leave here in a hurry is because he doesn't want to be noticed by Pi Xiu Beast of the heaven and earth spiritual materials in the Baicaotang.

If you really knew it by that guy, it would be small to offend Nangong Xue, but it would be a big thing to send a violent thing.

Although Lin Tiancheng didn't own so many treasures, he didn't want to be wasted by Pixiu Beast!

After checking it over and over again, Lin Tiancheng really didn't find any trace of the blood of the ancient gods.

At this time, he heard the sound of splashing water from a small attic, so he followed the sound and walked over.

It turned out that Nangong Xue was soaking in the beauty bath in this small attic!

"Sorry to bother you! Lin wants to exchange a treasure with Girl Murong!"

Murongxue was shocked and spoke a little hastily, "You, how did you guy get in?"

What she cared about was not that she was soaking in the barrel naked, but that Lin Tiancheng actually escaped all the organs designed by the public defeat Wentian and walked in from outside the Baicaotang.

Lin Tiancheng said with a smile, "I came in from the front entrance, and it is true that there are still many loopholes in these powerful organs, which need to be improved!"


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