Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1559: Superman

Pi Xiu Beast cast a white look at Murong Xue and snorted proudly, "Huh! Am I the kind of spirit beast you can get casually? Don't use these things to demean my identity!"

Both Lin Tiancheng and Murongxue stared at the brave beast dumbfounded.

Lin Tiancheng knew that Pixiu Beast could talk, but this guy rarely talked.

The words Pai Xiu Beast said today were very similar to Lin Tiancheng, and he felt that he did not raise this guy in vain.

"This little guy can even talk?" Murongxue stared at Pixiu Beast in surprise, "I really like it more and more!"

However, the eyes of Pi Xiu Beast always fell on the spiritual material of heaven and earth above those walls, and it seemed that he was not interested in Murong Xue in front of him.


Lin Tiancheng squatted down, put the Pixiu beast on the ground and stroked its forehead.

"As long as you listen to me, I can take you to find Xiao Qilin!"

Don't look at the young Pixiu beasts, but spirit beasts developed earlier than humans!

Last time, this guy ran into the Fire Cloud Sect with Su Lan in an upright manner, and got his little unicorn out!

Moreover, when Lin Tiancheng captured the little unicorn in the Chiyang Gold Mine, the Pi Xiu beast was making a lot of noise.

Therefore, this guy like Pixiu Beast must like little unicorn.

This trick was really useful. After Lin Tiancheng said the little unicorn, the eyes of Pi Xiu Beast were a little bright, and he ran back to Lin Tiancheng's recycling bin!

Murongxue stubbornly held Lin Tiancheng's wrist, and kept begging, "I beg you to give me the Pixiu beast, okay? You can pick anything in my Hundred Cottage!"

It can be seen that Murong Xue is a brave beast who really likes Lin Tiancheng.

However, Lin Tiancheng still shook his head, "Sorry, my transaction today is limited to the blood of ancient beasts! As for the brave beast, I really haven't considered it!"


Unexpectedly, at this moment, Murong Xue let out another scream that shook the sky.

She happened to see another treasure from Lin Tiancheng's drooping neckline, the soul-raising tree, the head of the three sacred trees.

What kind of person is Lin Tiancheng?

Chiyang Lingyuan, a sacred animal with the blood of ancient sacred beasts, and the soul-raising tree, the head of the three sacred trees, which one is not a priceless, peerless treasure.

Lin Tiancheng raised his head and happened to catch a glimpse of Murong Xue, the girl staring at her neckline unabashedly.

"Uh! Sorry, I won't change this thing either!"

After returning the clothes to Murong Xue, Lin Tiancheng quickly walked out of the Baicaotang.

Murongxue's love for this treasure has reached a feverish state.

Lin Tiancheng worried that Murong Xue, the girl, would rely on her strength above the early stage of Jin Dan to **** her own treasure.

After Murongxue put on the clothes, she quickly followed Lin Tiancheng.

"Don't leave, listen to me, I don't care about you peeking at me in the bath. You have to pick one thing for the Pixiu beast and the soul-raising wood!"

Lin Tiancheng ignored her.

Whether it's doing business or making a deal, what you pay attention to is one willing to fight and one willing to endure, like Murong Xue's strong buying and selling, of course Tiancheng will not agree.

Before Lin Tiancheng came to the Xuan Tie Prison, she found that Zhang Qiuyue had fainted on the ground, and her breath was very weak.

Datura flowers have begun to spread, not only her face is black and purple, but the skin on her whole body is like this!

"Don't blame me for being cruel, blame this girl for trespassing in my Hundred Cottage, but if you are willing to exchange baby with me, I can give you the antidote to mandala flower poison!" Murongxue put her hands on her chest , Seems to be waiting for Lin Tiancheng to give in to himself.

Lin Tiancheng did not follow her last sentence, but continued to ask, "How to open this mysterious iron prison?"

Murongxue was a little angry, stomped and said, "Unless you have a sharper weapon than Xuan Tie!"

Murong Xue could see that this Zhang Qiuyue is very important to Lin Tiancheng.

She was absolutely sure that Lin Tiancheng would succumb to herself and agreed to exchange treasures with herself.

She really wanted Lin Tiancheng's soul-raising tree as the head of the three sacred trees.

There are three well-known sacred trees in the cultivation world, the soul-raising tree, the thunder tree, and the gold magnet forest.

The soul-raising wood, one of the three sacred trees, can be worn on the body to nourish the soul primordial spirit, and slowly grow the soul, and it can also live in the soul to ensure that the soul is not scattered.

Lei Zhimu, one of the three sacred trees, Wannian Lei Zhimu, can release the pale golden thunder of evil spirits.

The gold-magnet wood, also known as the Luobao tree, has brown leaves that can produce gold-magnet heavy light by itself, restraining the metal magic weapon.

These three sacred trees, the soul-raising wood is the first, and it is the treasure that all the masters in the cultivation world dream of!

After exhausting some thoughts, Murongxue finally found Lei Zhi and the Golden Magnet Forest. Only the first of these three sacred trees was left, the Soul Raising Tree.

Of course, if Lin Tiancheng was willing to exchange Pixiu beasts with her, she would be even more happy.

Lin Tiancheng ignored her, but whispered in a low voice, "Something harder? Can't you try it too!"

Lin Tiancheng immediately took out the big golden broadsword from the recycling bin, drew out the Tai'a sword, and slashed it with ease, and even smashed the Xuan Tie with no effort.

Murong Xue stared at the golden broad sword in Lin Tiancheng's hand dumbfounded, with incredible expressions in her eyes.

Xuan Tie Lao is made of Xuan Iron Ore and is extremely tough.

She could tell that Lin Tiancheng's golden broadsword was a high-grade spiritual weapon.

Murongxue has seen a lot of high-grade spiritual tools, but if you want to split the black iron prison, you need to pay attention to the toughness of the sharp weapon materials, not whether it is a high-grade spiritual tool!

In other words, the material of Lin Tiancheng's golden broadsword was even more special than black iron ore, and its toughness was even far higher than black iron ore.

baby! Definitely baby!

Lin Tiancheng can be said that his whole body is a treasure, and there is nothing that prevents Murong Xue from feeling hot.

It's no wonder that Lin Tiancheng just entered the secret tunnel, he said, "I have most of the treasures here, and I have a lot of the treasures you don't have!"

It seems that Lin Tiancheng is really not pretending to be a fork here. Many of his treasures are indeed not available to him.

As a result, she began to suspect that Lin Tiancheng's identity was definitely not simple.

Lin Tiancheng hugged Zhang Qiuyue out of the mysterious iron prison in the position of a princess.

He started to pretend to operate his skills, in fact, he used 360 anti-virus software directly, and after 10 electricity was spent, he completely eliminated the Datura toxin in his body.

Excluding the 5 electricity used by the flashlight just now, Lin Tiancheng only has 25 electricity left.

Lin Tian grew a long sigh of relief, Zhang Qiuyue's breath was already very weak, if she didn't arrive in time, she would really be poisoned to death here.

After a while, Zhang Qiuyue slowly opened her eyes. The first moment she opened her eyes, he saw Lin Tiancheng.

She didn't know where the power came from, and she pushed Lin Tiancheng three meters away.

"What are you doing? Don't come near me!"

Zhang Qiuyue hurriedly lowered her head to check the clothes on her body, and only after making sure that Lin Tiancheng hadn't loosened it, did she relax her breath a little.

"This this……"

Murong Xue was really shocked by Lin Tiancheng today.

She even suspected that Lin Tiancheng was an outsider.

At first, there was no pressure, and he avoided nearly a hundred organ weapons in the Bai Caotang.

Then, Chiyang Lingyuan, Pixiu Beast, the big golden broadsword that is more tough than profound iron, and then his superb healing technique.


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