Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1560: Goodbye

Zhang Qiuyue didn't expect that she would be able to survive. She got up and owed her body to Murong Xue to express her gratitude.

Datura flower poison is a very rare and deadly poison!

If it weren't for Murongxue's kindness and initiative to give her an antidote, he might have died, at least he thought so.

Murongxue snorted coldly and said with a smile, "Humph! I don't have the heart to save you, so you don't have to thank me!"

Zhang Qiuyue dared to steal her treasures, and Murongxue couldn't wait for Zhang Qiuyue to die. How could she take the initiative to give him an antidote!

"It's not you, could it be..." Zhang Qiuyue set his gaze on Lin Tiancheng, with a little surprise and doubt.

However, she nodded at Lin Tiancheng, and said nothing.

Afterwards, she fell on her knees in front of Murong Xue, and sincerely pleaded, "The bloodline of the ancient **** beast is really important to me. Only it can save my father's life. Please give it to me!"

Lin Tiancheng walked slowly to Zhang Qiuyue's side, and handed her a thumb-sized bottle, "Let's go! The things you want are here, I'm afraid it will be too late if you don't leave!"

"This, what is this?" Zhang Qiuyue glanced at Lin Tiancheng and asked puzzledly.

"Isn't this the bloodline of the ancient sacred beast you want? I have already changed it for you, so hurry up!"

Zhang Qiuyue glanced at Murongxue and wanted to get confirmation from her, but Murongxue turned her body directly and ignored her at all.

She opened the bottle and smelled the blood of the ancient sacred beasts, and a strong blood force rushed toward her face.

A miraculous thing happened, Zhang Qiuyue's own Fire Phoenix bloodline seemed to be affected by this bloodline power, and fiery red feathers appeared on the surface!

This feather is very gorgeous and looks like a burning flame.

When Murong Xue saw this amazing scene, she immediately covered her small mouth, her face full of shock.

"Fire Phoenix, you, you turned out to be a Fire Phoenix!"

Murongxue was very knowledgeable, and even though Zhang Qiuyue was half-human and half-animal, she could tell at a glance that Zhang Qiuyue was a fire phoenix.

Lin Tianchen was also shocked. He didn't expect Zhang Qiuyue to be a divine beast.

Zhang Qiuyue quickly got up and owed her body to Lin Tiancheng, "Thank you! But, don't think that if you do this, I will satisfy you. Please dispel that idea."

Although Zhang Qiuyue had a hint of gratitude to Lin Tiancheng, she still did not shame Lin Tiancheng for being a person.

Zhang Qiuyue was also very puzzled. She exchanged the most precious pill from the Alchemist Association headquarters with Murong Xue. She just glanced at it and drove herself out.

So how did Lin Tiancheng exchange the blood of ancient gods and beasts?

Also, how did Lin Tiancheng just crack the hundreds of hidden weapons inside and outside Baicaotang?

How did Lin Tiancheng dissolve the mandala flower poison in her body? She was very surprised by all this.

Lin Tiancheng just shrugged and smiled at Zhang Qiuyue's attitude.

It is not the first time that he has been misunderstood. He has long been used to all this.

He believes that facts speak louder than words, and one day Zhang Qiuyue will understand her painstaking efforts and will recognize her as a person, just like Su Lan of Huo Yunzong.

Lin Tiancheng arched his hands towards Murong Xue, preparing to leave with Zhang Qiuyue.

Murong Xue's eyes were full of unwillingness, she desperately wanted Lin Tiancheng's soul-raising tree or Pixiu beast.

"No, you did something like that to me. If you don't agree to exchange baby with me, I won't let you go!" Murongxue stomped her foot and said bitterly.

Lin Tiancheng took a peek at her own bathing, she wouldn't just let it go.

Murongxue glanced at Lin Tiancheng's title as a great pharmacist, "If you don't agree to exchange it with me, otherwise I will tell Nie Li about the matter and tell all alchemists at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association!"

Zhang Qiuyue looked at Lin Tiancheng suspiciously, and then at Murong Xue, always feeling that something must have happened between these two people.

Lin Tiancheng didn't mean to watch Murongxue take a bath. If Murongxue really made this matter public at the Alchemist Association headquarters, it would really make Lin Tiancheng a bit big head.

After Lin Tiancheng thought for a while, he replied, "Let's do it! The next time she meets Murong by fate, no matter what she exchanges for Murong, I, Lin Tiancheng, will give you the soul-raising tree!"

Lin Tiancheng has already raised his strength to the early stage of the Golden Core Stage with the help of the Soul Cultivation Tree. What he needs to do now is to use the Soul Cultivation Tree to enhance his spiritual consciousness as much as possible.

After the Soul Cultivation Tree has strengthened his spiritual consciousness to a certain level, it will be difficult to make a breakthrough. At that time, the Soul Cultivation Tree will be tasteless to Lin Tiancheng.

Therefore, it is not impossible to give Murong Xue the soul-raising tree, but the time has not arrived.

A smile finally appeared on Murongxue's face, "Okay! This is what you said, I hope you don't break your promise!"

Lin Tiancheng and Zhang Qiuyue sat on the same purple gold butterfly and hurried back to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

Zhang Qiuyue's bloodline power of the Fire Phoenix inspired by the bloodlines of the ancient divine beasts was slowly suppressed by her during the flight, and the red feathers on her body disappeared.

Back at the headquarters, Lin Tiancheng found that Wuyazi and Sulan were talking with the president.

It seemed that they had already told the president of the situation in the Valley of Unfeeling.

The president stood up and beckoned to Lin Tiancheng from a distance, "Tiancheng, fortunately you found out in time, otherwise, when the blood clan is done, everything is too late!"

Wu Yazi and Sulan got up, and at the same time Lin Tiancheng owed their bodies to express their gratitude.

Lin Tiancheng waved his hand and smiled, "It just so happens that I have found the tree of life, and now I will transfer it to the president, you can let the disciples start refining Tiancheng Dan!"

Lin Tiancheng took a half-meter-high tree of life from the black land used by the farmer and transferred it to the president.

The president carefully took the young tree full of vitality and beamed his brows, "Tiancheng, I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the entire Dongcheng District cultivation world. Without you, without this tree of life, the consequences would be very serious. !"

Wuyazi looked at Lin Tiancheng's eyes shining brightly. She didn't expect Lin Tiancheng to be a young man, but also a powerful person.

"At that time, you will take 80% of all the profits made by Tiancheng Pill, and the headquarters of the Alchemist Association will take 20%!"

This is what the president promised Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng wanted to refuse, and 80% of the profit would be a very considerable spiritual stone, but Lin Tiancheng seemed to really not be able to use so many spiritual stones.

The most important thing for other cultivators is to transform the spiritual energy in the spirit stone into the true energy power in the body to improve their strength.

Of course, there are also a small number of spiritual materials from heaven and earth.

However, Lin Tiancheng has a farmer application, as long as there is electricity, there will be a steady flow of heaven and earth spiritual materials.

Moreover, the spiritual energy contained in the spiritual materials of heaven and earth is much more than that of spiritual stones.

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng wanted to refuse, the president quickly patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, this matter is settled, so don't refuse!"

Lin Tiancheng was able to unreservedly hand over the Tree of Life for the Dongcheng District Comprehension Realm. He has already made a very big contribution.

If it wasn't for the manpower and material resources of the Alchemist Association headquarters to refine the Tiancheng Pill, the president would not even mind giving Lin Tiancheng the spirit stones he got.


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