Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1566: You are the wrong one

The answer, of course, is that Lin Tiancheng made it clear that he was making trouble here unreasonably.

What can he have as a transfer student who just came to the junior fire department?

If he is really a strong man who has practiced the fire attribute elemental exercises, then he has already been assigned to the advanced fire class, and even let him be a tutor, how could he come to the junior fire class.

Regardless of everyone's contemptuous gaze, Lin Tiancheng began to point out Fang Ziru's misconceptions about the fire element technique one by one.

At this time, a stalwart figure was looking at Lin Tiancheng from the window of the junior fire department class.

Lin Tiancheng raised his right hand slightly and raised his index finger and said, "The first mistake, the fire attribute technique is not only for people with fire attribute physique to practice!"

Lin Tiancheng felt deeply about this.

Some cultivators may have dual constitutions or multiple constitutions. Among these cultivators, as long as some of them are fire-attribute constitutions, they can practice fire-attribute exercises.

So far, Lin Tiancheng has not only practiced the Fire Flame Sect's Fire Art, but also the Yun Family's Ice Art. This shows that his body is not only a fire attribute physique, but also an ice attribute physique.

The reason for this situation, Lin Tiancheng guessed, may be because he used 360 anti-virus software to remove impurities in the body at the beginning, and even used an optimization master to optimize his body.

Teacher Fang Ziru looked blank, nodded, and let Lin Tiancheng continue.

Regarding this issue, she admitted that she did not fully explain the knowledge points, which allowed Lin Tiancheng to take advantage of the loopholes.

Dual physique and multiple physiques are almost rare in a century. They are relatively unpopular knowledge points. Fang Ziru felt that there was no need to talk about it, and it was useless to talk about it.

"The second mistake is that Huo Yan tactics are not only available to the Su family members who have the will of fire, but can also be used to replace the will of fire with sufficiently powerful fire elemental energy, and it is also possible to cultivate the tactic of the fire!"

Take Lin Tiancheng, he is not a child of the Su family, and there is no will to fire in his blood.

But he can also cultivate the Fire Flame Art with a bottle of Chiyang Lingyuan, and with Chiyang Lingyuan as the energy supplement, Lin Tiancheng's flame aura displayed at that time is even stronger than Sunan's.

Fang Ziru put his hands on the podium and lowered her head. No one knew her expression at this time, but three words came out coldly from her mouth, "Go on!"

"Just now, the instructor said that zhenqi can only be retained between the dantians. In fact, it is not only the dantian that can hold the zhenqi, but also the 830 acupuncture points of the human body!"

The stalwart figure standing outside the window sill added a few rays of light to Lin Tiancheng's eyes, with a slightly surprised look on his face.

However, many disciples of the junior fire department were no longer in the mood to listen to Lin Tiancheng's nonsense, instead they all looked at the tutor who bowed his head on the podium.

They really want to know what kind of punishment Fang Ziru tutor will make when facing such nonsense students?

Teacher Fang Ziru finally raised his head, with a few anger on his face, pointed at the classroom with a paddle ruler, and congratulated Lin Tiancheng, "Go out, you are not allowed to come in without my permission!"

Lin Tiancheng said, "Tutor, what Tiancheng said is true, I don't know where it is wrong, but I hope the tutor can point it out!"

Lin Tiancheng believes that the questions he pointed out are true, and he has personally experienced them.

The other seniors in the same class also started to make noise, "Go out, go out."

Zhongdu College has always had such a potential rule. The disciples who join Zhongdu College must be ranked according to the time of enrollment.

Because Lin Tiancheng was a transfer student, of course he had to call these fellow disciples senior brothers and sisters.

In the eyes of the junior fire department classmates, Lin Tiancheng had almost gone with their most beautiful Su Lan as soon as they came here. Now they dare to deliberately disrupt their class order, of course they are not happy.

Teacher Fang Ziru knocked on the ruler to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Well, you just said so much, then I will tell you, why should I let you out?"

Fang Ziru is not an unreasonable person. If Lin Tiancheng is right, she must admit her mistakes.

But Lin Tiancheng's remarks just now were nothing short of nonsense, and might even mislead a certain disciple here.

Fang Ziru walked towards Lin Tiancheng slowly, and said, "As for the first point you mentioned, in fact, dual physique and multiple physique are very rare and almost negligible. Therefore, now everyone generally thinks that you can practice fire. Only the practitioners with the fire attribute physique have attribute skills!"

"The second point is that only the children of the Su clan can cultivate the Fire Flame Art. This is a well-known thing! Su Lan can testify!" Fang Ziru glanced at Su Lan.

On this issue, Su Lan wanted to defend Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng was right. It was not only the children of the Su clan who could practice Huo Yan Jue.

Su Lan saw with his own eyes that Lin Tiancheng had used the Fire Flame Technique.

However, Teacher Fang Ziru didn't seem to give Su Lan a chance to speak, and continued, "The third question, even a fool knows, only Dantian can hold true energy in the entire body of a cultivator!"

When Fang Ziru said the word idiot, he always emphasized his tone, as if he was scolding Lin Tiancheng for being a idiot.

"Do you have any questions? Get out if you don't have it!"

Up to this moment, Fang Ziru was finally unable to restrain his anger, and even said to Lin Tiancheng.

Just when everyone thought Lin Tiancheng was going to be invited out of the classroom by Teacher Fang Ziru, the door of the classroom was opened.


As if a muffled thunder sounded, a stalwart figure walked in from outside the classroom.

It was Zhuge Xun, the dean of Zhongdu College. His beard and hair were all white, and his eyebrows almost fell to his chest like his beard. He looked rather immortal.

He stared at Lin Tiancheng and Fang Ziru with his hands behind his back with no expression on his face.

Instructor Fang Ziru didn't expect that the dean would come at this time, so she quickly stepped forward and bowed her hand towards Zhuge Xun.

The disciples of the junior fire department who were sitting there stood up and bowed their hands to the dean, and said in unison, "I have seen the dean!"

In Fang Ziru's view, the dean came just right.

For a disciple like Lin Tiancheng, she doesn't want Fang Ziru.

With the support of the dean, even if Lin Tiancheng really entered the junior fire department class through the relationship of some mentors, she can let Lin Tiancheng leave the class without any pressure, at least not to lower her performance.

"Master Dean, this new transfer student disturbs my class order, and his cultivation skills are very poor. Ziru feels that the elementary fire department class may not be suitable for him, or arrange for him to try another class! "

The dean did not pay attention to Fang Ziru, but waved his hand to the disciples of the junior fire department class to signal everyone to sit down.

Fang Ziru thought it was the dean who didn't hear her clearly, so she repeated her point of view.

The dean was a little annoyed, and he drank to Ziru softly, "Enough, you are the wrong person, why should I punish Lin Tiancheng?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar, everyone looked at the dean with surprise.

The dean took the initiative to come to Lin Tiancheng and patted him on the shoulder to motion him to sit down.

"As for what happened just now, I have already seen what Lin Tiancheng said is not only correct, but also very correct!"


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