Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1567: Physical attribute test

Fang Ziru stiffened slightly and looked at the dean at a loss.

Until now, she didn't think she had made a mistake.

Fang Ziru came from a legendary power in the central area of ​​Central Capital who was proficient in fire attribute techniques. He reached the peak of the Golden Core Stage at a young age, and can be said to be the youngest and most beautiful female instructor in the entire Central Capital Academy.

She left the legendary force that every cultivator longed for, and came to Zhongdu Academy as an executive instructor. The purpose was to search for highly talented fire attribute physique cultivators for her legendary force.

Although the legendary power has reached the peak of the power, the contest between them is also undercurrent and has never stopped.

If the legendary forces want to survive a thousand years, they must have fresh blood infused.

Otherwise, with Fang Ziru's identity, how could she leave the central area of ​​Zhongdu.

The dean raised his hand and placed it on Lin Tiancheng's body, and an extremely powerful force of true energy poured into Lin Tiancheng's body.

Lin Tiancheng's body suddenly tightened, wanting to urge the power of True Qi in his body and the power of divine consciousness to resist.

However, he only felt like he was overwhelmed by an invisible mountain, and there was no room for resistance at all.

Master Dean is a real mid-Mahayana powerhouse. His strength is even higher than that of the blood clan Ning Qiutian. He is the most powerful cultivator Lin Tiancheng has ever encountered.

What needs to be mentioned here is that Zhongdu Academy is actually a public organization jointly established by Silver-level forces and Gold-level forces.

Although Lord Dean's strength has already reached the mid-Mahayana stage, Zhongdu Academy is not a gold-level power, and can only be regarded as a relatively powerful organization.

After a period of time, Lin Tiancheng realized that the dean was not hostile to him, and then he relaxed his vigilance.

The dean slowly retracted his generous right hand, his face was full of shock.

"This, how is this possible? Is it because I perceive it wrong?"

Mr. Dean came out of this junior fire department today for no reason.

Nie Li brought Lin Tiancheng and Zhang Qiuyue to Zhongdu College, and after meeting the dean, he proposed to put them in the fire department.

The dean was thinking about the friendship between the two at the time, and without much thought, he passed the matter to Deacon Li.

Later, he thought about it carefully and discovered that these two students who came later had not passed the physical attribute test, did not know what kind of physical constitution they were, and did not know which level of fire department they should be placed in.

Normally, after enrollment is completed, Zhongdu College will conduct physical attribute tests on all disciples.

What kind of attribute will be arranged in which kind of attribute class.

Of course, there are some cultivating children whose physiques have no attributes at all, so they will be directly assigned to departments other than the Five Elements System.

There are also some cultivating children who have never practiced elemental exercises also have elemental physiques, but they do not have the basis for practicing elemental exercises. If they are forced to be placed in the Five Elements System, it will actually drag down their cultivation.

These matters will be personally decided by the principal and more than a dozen tutors when arranging new students for another department!

Some extremely talented cultivating children are often robbed by the dozens of instructors after undergoing physical element testing.

There is a saying: If hard work is useful, what else is genius for?

Of course, this is not to say that acquired efforts are useless, but just to show the importance of talent.

The talent of a cultivator can often determine the height he will eventually reach in Zhongdu Academy.

Of course, the dozen or so tutors also want to find a better source of students for themselves, and teach them better students.

In this case, they will not only have a bright face, but also their performance.

The dean pondered for a while, and then said, "Teacher Ziru, convey my meaning. Tomorrow, all the children of the Five Elements Department will participate in the physical attribute test!"

From Lin Tiancheng's body, he discovered a secret that shocked him extremely, and he couldn't believe it for a while.

The cultivating kid in the elementary fire department looked at the dean in astonishment, wondering why he did this.

The most shocked was Teacher Fang Ziru.

Because only she understands the purpose of Master Dean doing this?

As usual, freshmen who join Zhongdu Academy will basically not hold this kind of test after they have taken the physical attribute test.

This kind of test consumes material resources and manpower, and it is not very meaningful.

The dean's purpose for doing this is most likely to discover that the constitution of the children who have joined the Five Elements System has changed.

The physique of a cultivator is not static. With future cultivation, one or two cultivators' physique will occasionally change.

For example, the dual physique that appeared once before.

This kind of thing happened once in the century-old school history of Zhongdu College.

That is to say, Peng Yu, the only cultivation child with dual physique in the entire Zhongdu Academy.

Peng Yu is almost the pride of the entire Five Elements Department and the entire Zhongdu Academy.

He has graduated from Zhongdu Academy for several years, and with his excellent cultivation skills, he has been selected as a legendary force in the central region.

The children of Zhongdu Academy are already very proud to be able to join the gold class after they graduate.

However, Peng Yu, who possesses dual attributes, was actually admired by the legendary forces, and he was recruited as a disciple, which is even more proud of pride.

Since then, the dean has often arranged for the cultivation children of the Five Elements Department to have another physical element test during the middle of the class.

The purpose is not to miss any cultivating children whose constitution has changed, because they will likely become the pride of the entire Zhongdu Academy and become the next Peng Yu.

Instructor Fang Ziru felt very puzzled. She had never heard of any change in the constitution of the cultivation children of any class among the instructors of the Five Elements Department.

But she didn't dare to follow the orders of the dean.

Physique element attribute testing will be conducted tomorrow!

Some are happy, some are sad.

Some cultivators dream about their bodies changing during the process of cultivation, and they become dual-attribute physiques, or even multiple-attribute physiques.

Of course, there are also some cultivating children who have joined the Five Elements System through relationships or by shameful means, are very worried.

Once tomorrow’s physical attribute test finds that their bodies do not belong to any attribute physique, they will be assigned to other departments other than the Five Elements Department, or they will be expelled from Zhongdu College and will never be entered again.

The dean motioned Lin Tiancheng to sit down, and walked slowly to Zhang Qiuyue's side, put his hand on his shoulder, and felt a little.

Shock! What a shock!

"What kind of evildoer does this old fellow Nie Li bring?"

If Mr. Dean’s feelings are true, then Lin Tiancheng will probably...

Then, the dean came to the lecture hall, with his back hands raised, his eyebrows raised, and his pale eyebrows that were as long as his beard stroked and said, "You must be very puzzled now, why I just said that."

The dean turned his head and cast his gaze on Fang Ziru's body, and said unhurriedly, "Presumably Mentor Ziru thinks so too!"

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