Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1571: Fire Binding

Hearing what Wang Hao said, the followers beside him also laughed.

Wang Hao knew that Su Lan deliberately wanted to **** himself off, but did not take it seriously.

However, he was still very unhappy to see the girl he likes doing such intimate actions with other men.

Su Lan felt a little anxious when seeing Wang Hao not being fooled.

She dared to make such an intimate action with Lin Tiancheng, she had already summoned her courage.

If Wang Hao didn't believe it, wouldn't she give up all her previous efforts, and could not achieve the goal of making this guy give up.

Her cheeks were hot and rosy. After biting her silver teeth, she mustered up her courage, stood on her toes and pressed two red lips against Lin Tiancheng's cheeks.

Wang Hao's eyes widened when he saw this scene.

The laughter of his attendants also stopped abruptly, as if seeing an incredible thing.

Lin Tiancheng took the opportunity to pinch Su Lan's small chin and put his mouth on it, and the power began to rise.

15, 16, 17...

Part of Lin Tiancheng's intention to do this is to cooperate with Su Lan in this scene. After all, she is a girl who is still a bit shy. If she wants to perform this scene well, Lin Tiancheng has to take the initiative.

Another factor is that Lin Tiancheng needs electricity.

He now has only 15 electricity, there is no way to buy seeds in the farmer app store to improve his strength.

Moreover, in case Zhang Qiuyue can't reach the state of the early Mahayana period after a year, Lin Tiancheng must also plant a ten thousand year salvia that can restore essence on the black soil used by the farmer.

After being strongly kissed by Lin Tiancheng, Su Lan's eyes opened wide, and her whole person stared at Lin Tiancheng as if lost.

Although she took the initiative to kiss Lin Tiancheng, she did not expect to be strongly kissed by Lin Tiancheng.

Although the last time she and Lin Tiancheng had some skin contact in the Chiyang Gold Mine, it was just a taste, and the first kiss did not take away.

Now that the first kiss was snatched by Lin Tiancheng, her heartbeat was speeding up sharply.

She somewhat wanted to break free from Lin Tiancheng's shackles, but the play had already reached its point, and she didn't want to give up halfway.

One after another, cultivating children entered the dining room. They saw that Su Lan, one of the four courtyard flowers, was strongly kissed by a kid who had just arrived, and they couldn't help but stop and watch.

Wang Hao's face turned green in an instant, his entire chest was bulging, and it seemed that it might burst at any time.

"Brother, this, this, this kid..." One of Wang Hao's attendants, seeing this scene, spoke a little uncomfortably.

Lin Tiancheng and Su Lan hugged each other, without paying attention to the eyes around them.

Even Zhang Qiuyue couldn't stand it anymore, and simply left the dining room first.

Wang Hao finally couldn't help his breath. He threw a flame-flaming order at Lin Tiancheng, "Boy, are you going to end it? Your kid doesn't know what is good or bad, this is my challenge book for you!"

In the Zhongdu Academy, the currency in circulation is the Flame Order, and the Flame Order can also be used as a challenge book.

To obtain the Fire Order, one must complete certain tasks in the Zhongdu Academy.

Lin Tiancheng just caught the Flame Order. He knew that with Wang Hao's character, he would have a battle with himself sooner or later.

If he wants to avoid Wang Hao's fly buzzing when he gets along with Su Lan in the future, then he has to beat this guy to the ground until he is served.

Moreover, so many people in the dining room have already seen Wang Hao challenge himself. If he does not accept it, he still doesn't know how many cultivators will be taken down by him.

Lin Tiancheng doesn't care about the eyes of others, but he has to consider Su Lan.

Su Lan tugged at Lin Tiancheng's skirt and motioned him not to accept the flame order.

There is no explicit stipulation in Zhongdu Academy. When you challenge yourself, you must accept the fire order.

Su Lan believed in Lin Tiancheng's strength very much, and was not worried that Wang Hao would hurt Lin Tiancheng.

However, Wang Hao is already an old fritters in Zhongdu Academy, and he has a lot of ways to deal with people.

You are not allowed to play against Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng patted her hand and comforted, "Don't worry! If I can't even beat this guy, am I still worthy of being a boyfriend of the garden flower?"

The blush that had just dissipated on Su Lan's face appeared again.

She lowered her head shyly, not daring to look directly at Lin Tiancheng.

She didn't know if Lin Tiancheng was saying the truth, or just acting on occasion.

Although she still couldn't accept Lin Tiancheng physically, her heart was already opened for Lin Tiancheng.

Wang Hao was almost out of anger. He pressed a word viciously, "Boy, I'm waiting for you on the martial arts field. If you dare not come, then you are a bluff, and you won't want to get close to Su Lan again!"

After putting down these words, he rushed to the martial arts training ground with his little entourage, he couldn't wait to teach Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng realized that Zhang Qiuyue's girl had disappeared at this time, and it seemed that this girl should have gone one step ahead of her practice.

The next moment, the martial arts field was crowded with people.

Lin Tiancheng and Wang Hao are standing opposite each other on the competition stage.

There were quite a few cultivators from the Five Elements system who came to watch, but the disciples from the high-level class of the Fire System didn't seem to be here.

They are in the Blurred Realm, hunting spirit beasts to earn fire orders.

Wang Hao glanced at Su Lan under the martial arts stage, and then sneered at Lin Tiancheng unkindly, "Boy, no one who offends me will end up, so don't kneel down and beg for mercy later, even if you give I kneel down, and I won't spare you either!"

Wang Hao already had a decision in his heart. He wanted Lin Tiancheng to be disabled, even making Lin Tiancheng disabled so much that he could no longer stay in the elementary fire class.

He must eliminate all potential rivals, just because Junior Sister Su Lan is only worthy of him, Wang Hao.

Lin Tiancheng just smiled indifferently, as if he didn't take Wang Hao's words to heart.

Wang Hao was completely irritated, and the majestic true energy surged from his fist.

The big fist, mixed with the fierce wind, hit the bridge of Lin Tiancheng's nose.

Wang Hao's momentum is very strong. He wants to punch Lin Tiancheng and can't take care of himself. In this case, Junior Su Lan watching in the audience will understand who is truly worthy of her.

Many cultivators in the elementary fire department think that Lin Tiancheng is just a transfer student who walks through the back door, and he has made a splash in Fang Ziru's class. It is impossible to be Wang Hao's opponent.

You must know that Wang Hao is a cultivator who is qualified to join the intermediate fire department, but he chose to stay in the primary fire department because of his pursuit of Su Lan.

Just when everyone thought that Lin Tiancheng was going to be smashed with nosebleeds by Wang Hao's punch, a magical scene happened.


Lin Tiancheng turned sideways, and after avoiding Wang Hao's fist wind gently, the true energy of his whole body was gathered in his palm, and facing Wang Hao's face was a gesture of compassion and compassion.

This vigorous true energy agitated with an invisible air wave, and the turbulent air was crackling.

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