Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1572: Overweight

Wang Hao was like a coat, after being slapped by Lin Tiancheng, he flew out towards the lower left of Lin Tiancheng.


His mind was unbiased, just hitting the basalt floor of the competition platform, and a big bag suddenly appeared.

"This this……"

Except for Lin Tiancheng, everyone was stunned at Wang Hao, who had five bright red finger prints on his face and color on his head.

I can't imagine that this will be true.

What kind of character is Wang Hao?

Those who are absolutely qualified to join the intermediate fire department class.

But his extremely fast fist was easily avoided by Lin Tiancheng, and Lin Tiancheng slapped him instead.

Is this still the overbearing Wang Hao they have seen before?

Not already!

"You are looking for death!" Wang Hao's face flushed, and the flames on his body became more intense!

A rope as thick as a thumb and burning with flames wrapped around him, like a lifelike poisonous snake.

This is not a real rope, but a condensed real energy, which looks quite strange.

"It's over, it's over, Senior Brother Wang is going crazy, this kid is done!" Several of Wang Hao's attendants showed joyful smiles on their faces.

"Yes, Brother Wang's fire binding technique is not that easy to provoke, I can guarantee that this kid will die or be disabled today!"

Lin Tiancheng squeezed his fists with both hands, and the fire attribute zhenqi power transformed from the Chi Yang Lingyuan also surged in his body.

there is always a solution to a problem.

Lin Tiancheng is not a soft persimmon that anyone can knead, Wang Hao insists on having trouble with himself, and Lin Tiancheng doesn't mind crippling him.

Because of the True Qi power surging in the two of them, the entire martial arts field increased several degrees in an instant, as if they had come to the Flame Mountain.

Most of the cultivating disciples who watched the battle on the martial arts ground were of the fire element. Those who had practiced the fire attribute exercises, to a certain extent, the higher the temperature, the more joyful the cells in their bodies.

Of course, there are also some cultivators of other attributes, such as water, wood, soil, and gold, who are unwilling to endure this hot temperature, and can't help but step back a few steps.

The battle was on the verge, and the flame rope shot towards Lin Tiancheng at lightning speed, while Lin Tiancheng squeezed his fists with both hands, and the majestic true energy directly blasted over.

Since Wang Hao wanted to find death so much, then Lin Tiancheng was of course happy.

"Boom!" Lin Tiancheng's body surface was also difficult to burn a raging flame.

The flame's aura was not stronger than Wang Hao's, because Lin Tiancheng only displayed the power of the Fire Flame Art.

One of Wang Hao's attendants pointed to the flame on Lin Tiancheng's body and smiled, "Hehe, even this little flame energy dare to compete with Senior Brother Wang, is even a transfer student so proud now?"

The few cultivators standing next to that follower couldn't help but laugh.

"Brother Wang, be cruel! We just want to see how this kid is disabled!"

Some people can't wait to see Lin Tiancheng being beaten and scrapped.

Wang Hao deliberately glanced at Su Lan, grinned and said, "I'm optimistic!"

With a wave of his finger, the flame rope shot at Lin Tiancheng like a bolt of lightning.

At the same time, the raging fire above the flame rope became more turbulent, and entangled Lin Tiancheng's body at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Tiancheng was worried that Wang Hao would be killed, and the fire flame technique he displayed was so powerful that it was quickly covered up by Wang Hao's fire binding technique.

The fire binding technique is indeed well-deserved, and it is a great secret technique of the Fire Feather Villa in Xicheng District, Central Capital.

Lin Tiancheng felt that his essence was very depleted. This was probably a secret technique aimed at the essence.

At the same time, Lin Tiancheng's thigh was also tightly entangled by flame ropes, like a steel wire strangling the thigh, and deep strangulation had appeared.

In the martial arts field, it can't hurt people's lives. Wang Hao made it clear that he thought about Lin Tiancheng's thigh and turned him into a disabled man.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng struggling, Wang Hao's smile was even brighter.

"Hmph, the more you struggle, the tighter my flame ropes are bound!

If you only have the power of the igniting element's true energy, you can wait to become disabled! "

The cultivating children onlookers showed sympathy for the weak, and they also had a deeper understanding of Wang Hao's fire-binding technique.

Hearing Wang Hao's words, Lin Tiancheng smiled coldly, "I can't help myself!"


Lin Tiancheng's body seemed to be a volcanic crater, which erupted in an instant, and the surging fire waves swelled.

A giant fire man nearly three meters high wrapped Lin Tiancheng in the meantime, with Lin Tian as the center, the temperature within a dozen meters rose suddenly.

The light on Lin Tiancheng's body is really dazzling, and many people's eyes are stinged. Only through their fingers can they roughly see Lin Tiancheng's appearance.

Many people craned their necks and looked at Lin Tiancheng in disbelief.

Is this still a student in the junior fire department?

There is such a powerful fire element infuriating power, even if he leapfrogs into the advanced fire class, it is not too much!

Of course, Wang Hao was the most shocked. His eyes were panic, and he was completely shocked by the flame aura released by Lin Tiancheng.

His legs were trembling even more. At this moment, he wanted to escape for his life, but his legs did not obey their orders, as if they were injected with lead and became extremely heavy.


The three-meter-high giant Burning Man leaned down and leaned in front of Wang Hao's nose, making a sky-shaking roar.

Wang Hao's eyes were dark, and he only felt that the mountains and the ground were cracked, and the world was pale.

His whole body softened and he knelt directly on the ground.

"Please, please! Let me go this time!" Wang Hao fell to the ground with his hands folded and begged Lin Tiancheng for mercy.

This is the Huo Yan Jue, Lin Tiancheng really displayed the Huo Yan Jue, and many of the junior fire class cultivators exclaimed.

Lin Tiancheng raised his foot nearly half a meter long, and stepped heavily on Wang Hao's back, "Is he convinced?"

"Serving, serving, serving, it's my dog ​​who looks down on people, but I also hope that my junior will raise your hand!" Wang Hao's mouth was already attached to the marble on the martial arts field, and his words were a bit unfavorable.

This is his slow strategy, and Wang Hao is backed by Sunan.

Wang Hao begged Lin Tiancheng but didn't want to become disabled, and when he had the opportunity, he would definitely bite Lin Tiancheng again.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. Only Wang Hao in the junior fire department can be the king.

Lin Tiancheng stepped on, Wang Hao's chest tightened, and blood spewed out.

"I remember you just said that even if I kneel on the ground and you beg for mercy, you will not be merciful to me, then do you think I will mercilessly forgive you?"

Su Lan was afraid of Lin Tiancheng's impulsiveness and killed Wang Hao, and promptly reminded Lin Tiancheng, "Tiancheng, enough is enough, killing is not allowed in Dongdu Academy!"

Wang Hao realized that Lin Tiancheng was going to be cruel to himself, and wanted to catch Su Lan, the life-saving straw.

"Senior Sister Su Lan, Senior Brother already knows the mistake, please let him stop!"

After displaying the Fire Flame Art, Lin Tiancheng is now a flame giant over three meters high, and he lifted Wang Hao from the ground with great ease.

"To be honest, I didn't feel Brother Wang's sincere confession. I think it might be better to leave a deep impression on Brother Wang!"

Lin Tiancheng's huge flame-burning hand squeezed Wang Hao's thin arm, preparing to break it.

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