Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1573: Stealing

At this moment, one of Wang Hao's attendants suddenly shouted, "Brother Su is here!"

The frightened Wang Hao's whole body seemed to be filled with energy all at once, and he struggled to get rid of Lin Tiancheng's giant hand.

"Who would dare to bully my Sunan's sister?" Sunan crossed the crowd and came to the bottom of the competition platform.

He had just returned from the Misty Realm, and he heard the fire system cultivation children discussing his sister's affairs.

He learned from a younger brother that a new transfer student from the junior fire department had kissed his sister Su Lan in public in the dining room.

When he heard this, he hurried over.

After Wang Hao saw the appearance of Sunan, his whole person was like a family dog ​​sprinkled with joy, completely ignoring the pain on his body, and struggling to run towards Sunan.

"Senior Brother Su, you came just right, this new kid bullied Junior Su Lan."

Wang Hao rubbed his swollen cheek and said aggrievedly, "I have warned him many times that this kid didn't listen to advice at all. He kissed Sister Su Lan in public and hurt me seriously. If you didn't arrive in time, I might be abandoned by this kid."

Wang Hao didn't expect that Lin Tiancheng would actually be able to fire Yunzong's Fire Flame Art.

Although it was a shame to tell Sunan about his being beaten, as long as it can arouse Sunan's hatred of Lin Tiancheng, it is worth it.

He has realized that he is not Lin Tiancheng's opponent at all, so if he wants to teach Lin Tiancheng, he can only borrow Sunan's hand.

Sunan is a comprehension disciple of the advanced fire class, and now his strength has reached the middle of the Golden Core period.

Lin Tiancheng must pay a painful price today.

After Lin Tiancheng saw Sunan, an imperceptible smile flowed from the corner of his mouth, suppressing the qi power of the fire element rolling in his body.

After meeting Sunan, many cultivating children who came to watch the battle began to show sympathy to Lin Tiancheng.

Su Lan is Sunan’s younger sister. Lin Tiancheng forcibly kissed Su Lan in public. How could Sunan not be angry?

If Lin Tiancheng wants to not become disabled, he must leave the training ground as soon as possible, otherwise, there will be absolutely no good end.

Zhongdu Academy is actually a small realm of comprehension, and every child of comprehension relies on strength and fists to speak here.

Of course, being able to form cliques or join them can also strengthen one's own strength and not be bullied by others.

But Lin Tiancheng, a new transfer student, offended Wang Hao because he coveted Su Lan's beauty, and indirectly offended Sunan. That would only mean that his life was not good.

The arc of Wang Hao's mouth was almost reaching the roots of his ears, and Sunan would definitely teach Lin Tiancheng whether it was for him or his sister.

He really wanted to see Lin Tiancheng be beaten to several levels and disabled, if he had the opportunity, he wouldn't mind stepping on a few more feet to relieve his hatred.

This is the end of offending yourself.

However, the next scene shocked the cultivation children present.

Sunan grabbed Wang Hao by the collar, slapped his right hand on his face, "Wang Hao, did you do it to my brother-in-law?"

Sunan’s slap was very heavy. The five fingerprints left by Lin Tiancheng on Wang Hao’s left face had not disappeared, but five more fingerprints were placed on Wang Hao’s left face, and half of his face was swollen alive.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was dumbfounded.

Sunan actually said that the new transfer student was his brother-in-law.

It is only natural for the brother-in-law to kiss his sister, so wouldn't Wang Hao be nosy?

Lin Tiancheng jumped and came to Sunan.

Sunan slammed Wang Hao to the ground, and then opened his arms to give Lin Tiancheng a big hug.

"Brother, why did you come to Zhongdu Academy without telling me in advance?"

In Sunan's view, Lin Tiancheng is both his brother and brother-in-law.

And he already knew that his parents were very satisfied with Lin Tiancheng's son-in-law, so the marriage between Lin Tiancheng and his sister was a certainty.

Lin Tiancheng was also very surprised. He never thought that the backer behind Wang Hao was Sunan.

Su Lan also ran over quickly at this moment, staring at her brother complainingly, "What nonsense did you just say? He is not your brother-in-law, how can he be so fast!"

Su Lan lowered her head shyly. Although she and Lin Tiancheng have shown their thoughts, they are still far from getting married.

Sunan stretched out his hand and hugged his sister. "What's the matter? It's not the first time you two have met."

Afterwards, Sunan said to Lin Tiancheng with some dissatisfaction, "Tiancheng, this is what you are not. Since you are also interesting to my sister, should you take the initiative as a man?"

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Lin Tiancheng smiled and nodded, "Isn't this the purpose of my coming to Zhongdu Academy?"

Su Lan's cheeks reddened again, being watched by so many cultivating children, she couldn't wait to find a hole in it.

She was really embarrassed to stay here any longer, so she turned around and ran away from the training ground.

After realizing that the situation was not right, the boy Wang Hao shrank, winked at his small attendants, and tried to leave the training ground secretly.

Co-author Lin Tiancheng and Su Lan are no longer just a relationship between men and women, Sunan's tone, they are already a husband and wife relationship.

And I even wanted to teach Brother Su's brother-in-law just now. Didn't he lift a rock and hit him in the foot?

One more thing, Sunan didn't know that Wang Hao liked his sister, or that he was guarding and stealing himself.

If you know it, you won't have to peel off your skin.

Wang Hao didn't take a few steps, and suddenly felt a cold in his neck, and a palm of his hand squeezed the back of his neck like a vise.

"Wang Hao, when you are not bullying my brother-in-law, should you say something?" Sunan squeezed Wang Hao with one hand and said coldly.

Wang Hao was frightened. He clearly knew the strength of Sunan. He was not an opponent of Sunan at all.

Wang Hao's little attendants were even more frightened, but they were all surrounded by the brothers brought by Sunan.

Wang Hao complained repeatedly, and apologized to Lin Tiancheng again and again, "Senior Brother Lin, I'm really sorry, we are really flooded into the Dragon King Temple, and the family does not recognize the family! If you know that Senior Brother Lin is Brother Su’s brother-in-law, I am one. Han Mao dare not move!"

Lin Tiancheng stretched out his hand and squeezed his shoulders, and said with a smile, "You dare to covet Su Lan's beauty even with this ability?"

Su Nan realized that something was wrong and said to Wang Hao fiercely, "What? You are actually interesting to my sister. It seems that this matter is far less simple than I thought!"

Sunan was very curious at the beginning. Wang Hao, who was begging for nothing, had to be his follower at first, and he also took the initiative to ask Ying to protect his sister.

Sunan didn't think much about it at first. He and his sister are not in the same class after all. If Wang Hao is willing to help protect her sister, then he would of course be happy.

He definitely didn't expect that Wang Hao, a kid who was guarding and stealing himself, and Su Lan had never mentioned this to himself, perhaps because he didn't want to worry about her anymore.

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