Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1577: Dual attribute physique

At this time, in the crowd of onlookers, a well-proportioned guy volunteered, "Teacher, it is necessary for you to deal with a disciple of the junior fire department, why not let the disciple try him!"

This guy is called Liu Jie. He is a guy who likes to slap his horses. Right now is the best opportunity to show himself in front of Zhao Wei's tutor.

Lin Tiancheng is just a disciple of the elementary fire class, how could he know the ice attribute tactics, but he is playing Dafa conch here.

Liu Jie thought that it would be easy to defeat Lin Tiancheng, so now is an excellent opportunity to please Zhao Wei's mentor.

Maybe Zhao Wei was happy when he arrived, and passed his ice attribute technique to himself without reservation.

Zhao Wei glanced at Liu Jie, and nodded somewhat satisfied, "Also, Lin Tiancheng, you can discuss with my disciples first, if you win, you can leave immediately!"

Zhao Wei is a mentor. If he wins Lin Tiancheng, he will be said to be bullying the small.

Liu Jie is a thief, and he often slapped his horse in front of Zhao Wei, and obtained a lot of Zhao Wei's true biography.

If he put all his thoughts on picking up girls into his cultivation, he would have already become the leader of the entire ice class, not just at the upper middle level.

Lin Tiancheng readily accepted.

Soon, the crowd of onlookers stepped back and gave way to Lin Tiancheng and Liu Jie.

Yun Mengyao's hanging heart finally let go.

Although she knew Lin Tiancheng and knew the Frost Technique, she was a little worried when she heard Zhao Wei asked Lin Tiancheng to take three moves.

Although Zhao Wei was a drunkard and didn't have any morality to teach, he was a real mid-Gold Pill stage powerhouse. As for the ice attribute technique, it was also the strongest in the entire Zhongdu Academy.

Now, when she heard that Liu Jie was going to replace Zhao Wei, she was not so worried.

Liu Jie and Lin Tiancheng stood in the center of the circle and looked at each other.

Liu Jie didn't want to waste time with Lin Tiancheng, "Boy, how can you, a disciple of the junior fire department, know the ice attribute technique? If you know it, give up now, otherwise I won't be merciful!"

Liu Jie already had a decision in his heart, he was going to beat Lin Tiancheng miserably.

The worse Lin Tiancheng was beaten, the happier Zhao Wei would definitely be.

On the surface, it was Liu Jie who was discussing with Lin Tiancheng, but in fact, it was Liu Jie who helped Zhao Wei out.

Lin Tiancheng snorted coldly and laughed, "You don't have to be merciful, just let go!"

Lin Tiancheng still has some scruples if it is dealing with Zhao Wei, but if it is Liu Jie who only has the peak strength in the expansion phase, then Lin Tiancheng has the chance to win.

Liu Jie's figure jumped up, and an ice skate suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand. This ice skate was shining with silver light, and it flew towards Lin Tiancheng at a very fast speed.

"Qianyu kill!"

At the moment he shot, the ice skates turned into hundreds of extremely sharp ice skates and flew towards Lin Tiancheng.

Under the refraction of these ice sculptures, the sun shining brightly, stabbing people's eyes with pain, and it looks quite powerful.

"Senior Brother Liu Jie is amazing! His Thousand Feathers kill can turn out hundreds of ice skates!" A cultivator in the ice class couldn't help but exclaimed.

Zhao Wei nodded somewhat satisfied.

"It seems that this kid has fully understood what I said to him last time. It is really a seedling worth growing!"

Liu Jie fits Zhao Wei's taste very well, and only such a disciple is worthy of him to guide.

With so many ice skate offensives, almost everyone thought that Lin Tiancheng was either dead or maimed, and suddenly felt tasteless.


Suddenly, the ground of the entire yard began to tremble violently, and the marble slabs on the ground were raised high.

An ice wall nearly one meter thick suddenly rose from the ground, resisting Lin Tiancheng as if it were golden soup.

"This, this kid actually knows the ice attribute technique. Could it be that this guy has a double cultivation physique?" Zhao Wei looked at Lin Tiancheng in shock.

At first, like Liu Jie, he thought that Lin Tiancheng was playing the magic conch, but who would have thought that Lin Tiancheng actually knew the ice attribute magic trick.

The "ice wall" that Lin Tiancheng used to rise from the depths of the ground using the cold ice technique was more than one meter thick, and the width and height might be about four meters.

Such a huge ice block was even urged in one thought. It is conceivable that Lin Tiancheng's ice attribute technique has already been practiced very well.

Liu Jie's Thousand Feather Killing stung Lin Tiancheng's iron plate like a bee, making a crisp sound.

After all the ice skates were relieved of their strength by the ice wall, they fell on the ground and turned into a piece of ice slag, without even leaving a trace on the tough ice wall.

Many cultivators stared at Lin Tiancheng in disbelief.

"Double cultivation physique? Or is this guy not a disciple of the junior fire department at all?"

Everyone's minds were spinning at extreme speed, staring at this very strange thing that happened before them.

Liu Jie felt that he was slapped in the face by Lin Tiancheng in public, and was very unhappy, "It's not over yet!"

If he can't defeat Lin Tiancheng today, not only will he not be pleased with Zhao Wei's instructor, but he will also be looked down upon by his classmates.

Liu Jie performed the Thousand Feather Kill once again, and this time the number of ice skates turned out to be nearly 120, which means that Liu Jie had actually hidden his strength just now.

However, after seeing the toughness of Lin Tiancheng's ice wall, the onlookers all wondered whether Liu Jie's ice skates could pierce it.

However, Lin Tiancheng waved his hand and the tough ice wall turned into a pool of ice water.

Lin Tiancheng's five-finger skip, turned into a sharp claw, pushed towards Liu Jie who was greeted by him.

At the same time, the dust on the surface seemed to be pulled by some force and began to violently jump on the marble slab.

A giant crampon suddenly appeared in the air, which was as large as a mammoth.

Liu Jie's expression was a bit wrong when he saw this scene, but he had already taken this step, and he had to fight for his own face anyway.

"Break it for me!"

More than one hundred and twenty ice skates began to move towards the giant crampon in front of Lin Tiancheng, launching a fierce offensive, like a group of vicious locusts.

Another burst of crisp positive.

Seeing the dropped ice skate, almost everyone thought Liu Jie was about to lose.

But Liu Jie's mouth showed a strange arc, "Boy, do you think this uncle is really capable of this? Then you look down on me too!"

The ice skate that was about to fall to the ground unexpectedly jumped into the air in a weird arc, bypassing the giant crampons, and flew towards Lin Tiancheng's body again.

Zhao Wei is no longer interested in the outcome of this competition. He wants to know whether Lin Tiancheng really has a dual attribute physique.

If that were the case, he would have found a big treasure.

A cultivator with a dual attribute physique is definitely a blockbuster for Zhongdu Academy.

If Zhao Wei can dig him into the ice class, then he will definitely have drinking and bragging talks.

Moreover, he will vigorously train Lin Tiancheng, and eventually let him join the huge force behind him.

Presumably when the time comes, the elders in that huge power will also respect him three points.


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