Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1578: Toast and not eat fine wine

"Liu Jie, don't hurt him!"

Zhao Wei worried that Lin Tiancheng would be injured, so he stopped drinking immediately.

However, how can the arrow from the string be retracted when it is retracted.

However, strange things happened again, the giant crampons floating in the air turned around like the hands of a living person.

Following the manipulation of Lin Tiancheng's right hand, the giant crampons easily slapped the turning ice knives to the ground, like a huge rock, pressing Liu Jie under his five fingers.

All this scene only happened in an instant, even if Liu Jie's Thousand Feather Killing had tens of thousands of changes, Lin Tiancheng's Ice Technique was able to deal with it calmly.

It seemed that Liu Jie's Qianyu killing was a trick in front of him.

After finishing the work, Lin Tiancheng took Yun Mengyao to leave without looking back.

A perfect heroic salvation scene was shown in front of the onlookers of cultivation children.

Almost all of them were thinking about the same question, who is Lin Tiancheng sacred, and why does he possess such a powerful ice attribute technique?

Is Lin Tiancheng really a disciple of the junior fire department? If so, does it mean that he has a dual-attribute physique.

Zhao Wei ignored Liu Jie who was trapped under the five fingers of the giant crampons. Instead, he quickly walked towards Lin Tiancheng with a fierce expression on his face, "Stop, did I let you go?"

Lin Tiancheng stopped suddenly, turned around, and said in a cold voice, "Then you mean you want to regret it?"

Zhao Wei put his hands on his chest and said arrogantly, "That's not the case, but Yun Mengyao is my disciple, so why did you take it away if you said it!"

Zhao Wei's tone is very domineering, giving people a domineering feeling.

He thinks that he is the instructor of the ice class and can dominate everything about the cultivating children of the ice class. As long as anyone dares not listen to him, he can let them go.

"Liu Jie, you go to investigate whether there is a kid named Lin Tiancheng in the junior fire department. Go and get back!" Zhao Wei raised his hand and smashed the giant crampons on Liu Jie.

If Lin Tiancheng really had a dual attribute physique, then Zhao Wei would do everything possible to keep Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng stretched out his hand to stop Liu Jie, "No, don't you just want to know if I have a dual-attribute physique? Then show me your favor!"


With the surging of Lin Tiancheng's fire attribute elemental energy, a raging fire suddenly appeared in the palm of his right hand, which immediately shocked everyone present.

At this moment, Zhao Wei no longer doubted the fact that Lin Tiancheng had a dual attribute physique, such a rare genius in a century. In any case, Zhao Wei had to find a way to keep Lin Tiancheng in the ice class.

Moreover, he began to suspect that Dean Zhuge Xun asked Fang Ziru's stinky girl to inform everyone that a physical attribute test would be held tomorrow. I am afraid that this test is for Lin Tiancheng.

As soon as the test is over tomorrow, it will be the fire department tutor and the ice department tutor competing for the good seed of Lin Tiancheng.

Moreover, looking at Fang Ziru's appearance, he obviously didn't know that Lin Tiancheng was a dual-attribute physique, so he might as well take the lead in order to avoid accidents tomorrow.

Zhao Wei took back the shocked look on his face, coughed a few times, and said, "Tell you the truth, I want you to join my ice class. I can guarantee that you will break through to the middle of the golden core period within half a year. ! And I can also teach you the ice attribute techniques that I have learned all my life, are you willing?"

Zhao Wei thought that the conditions he had proposed were already very generous, and Lin Tiancheng had no reason to refuse.

The cultivating children of the ice department began to discuss this news.

"I didn't expect this guy to actually have a dual-attribute physique. It's no wonder that instructor Zhao Wei would offer such rich conditions!"

"Yeah! This guy has really stepped on **** luck. He will be able to break through to the middle of the Golden Core period within half a year. It is very exciting to think about it!"

"Tutor Zhao Wei's life-long learning, if I can learn it, then I am afraid it will not be difficult to become a top-ranked cultivator of ice attribute exercises in Dongcheng District, Zhongdu!

The cultivating children onlookers cast their gazes on Lin Tiancheng's body, and their eyes all showed envy.

They knew that Lin Tiancheng would definitely agree with such generous conditions.

"No, I have already joined the junior fire department class, and I have no idea of ​​changing classes yet!"

Lin Tiancheng found it ridiculous to hear the conditions put forward by Zhao Wei's tutor.

If he has enough power, I am afraid he will be able to break through to the middle of the Golden Core period within a month.

As for Zhao Wei's lifelong learning, although Lin Tiancheng has not used the cold ice technique to learn from him, he feels that Zhao Wei's lifelong learning is not necessarily better than the Yun family's cold ice technique.

In addition, Zhao Wei is such a mentor with no ethics, how could Lin Tiancheng be willing to join his class?

"You..." Zhao Wei was a little puzzled, his eyes staring straight at Lin Tiancheng, he did not expect that he had already proposed such a condition, and Lin Tiancheng would not be moved at all.

"Well, toast and not eat fine wine! Let's do it, Yun Mengyao is my disciple. If you don't want to join my ice class, you two should stop talking! You will stop stepping into me in the future. Half a step towards the boundary of the ice class!"

Zhao Wei's tone is very overbearing, as if he, as the instructor of the ice class, can dominate all the children of the ice class.

Moreover, as long as anyone dared not obey him, he could let the other party get out at any time and leave Zhongdu Academy forever.

Zhao Wei glanced at Lin Tiancheng, with an expression of determination on his face.

He had just heard that Yun Mengyao was Lin Tiancheng's fiancée, so Lin Tian became his fiancée, it was impossible not to agree to his terms.

Lin Tiancheng turned around and took Yun Mengyao's wrist, ready to take her away.

Zhao Wei shouted loudly, "If she dared to walk out of this gate, she would have rebelled against her master's orders, and I can get her out of Zhongdu Academy at any time!"

Yun Mengyao stiffened slightly, and her whole body suddenly stopped.

She was struggling in her heart, whether she followed Lin Tiancheng to practice the cold ice technique or continued to stay in the ice class to study with Zhao Wei.

Once she stepped out of this gate, she would always be expelled from the Zhongdu Academy. She believed that with Zhao Wei's ability, it would be very easy to accomplish this.

Lin Tiancheng was a little angry, and shook Yun Mengyao's wrist, "Go, don't you believe me?"

Yun Mengyao didn't know how to answer. His purpose in coming to Zhongdu Academy was to increase his strength and become as powerful as her grandfather Yun Zhonghe, even stronger than her grandfather.

Only in this way can she protect the Yun family from being bullied by outsiders.

Today, once she takes this step wrong, she will probably never be able to become a powerful cultivator like her grandfather.

She didn't dare to put her destiny on Lin Tiancheng's body.

Lin Tiancheng was a little surprised. He didn't expect Yun Mengyao to hesitate at this moment.

"Is it because she doesn't trust herself enough?"

Lin Tiancheng thought of the only way, and that was to challenge Zhao Wei face to face. He had to defeat Zhao Wei and prove his strength. Yun Mengyao would naturally understand that Lin Tiancheng was indeed qualified to guide her in the practice of cold ice technique.

"Mengyao, are you willing to learn the Frost Technique from me as long as I defeated Zhao Wei?" Lin Tiancheng put his hands on Yun Mengyao's shoulders and asked very solemnly.

Yun Mengyao shook her head, looking at Lin Tiancheng with some worry, "No, don't go."

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