Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1579: Your kid has two things

This is simply not comparable. Even if Lin Tiancheng's cultivation base is better than Zhao Wei in the ice attribute technique, his cultivation level is overwhelmed by Zhao Wei. It is not easy to defeat Zhao Wei with the cold ice technique.

Moreover, Zhao Wei has a bad temper, and Lin Tiancheng is a little careless, maybe he will be seriously injured by this guy.

Lin Tiancheng turned around and said to Zhao Wei, "I want to challenge you. If I win, you have to promise to let us go, and you can't use despicable means to expel us from Zhongdu Academy!"

The crowd of onlookers exclaimed.

"This guy is going to challenge our mentor. Is he crazy?"

"This kid is trapped, he is about to transfer to our ice class!"

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Zhao Wei urgently wanted Lin Tiancheng to join the ice class.

Zhao Wei put his hands on his chest down, then crossed them behind him, "If you win, there will be no problem, but if you lose, you have to join my ice class. How about this? The conditions are not excessive!"

Zhao Wei was greedy for Lin Tiancheng, a good seedling with dual attributes, and he had to do everything possible to keep Lin Tiancheng here.

When Lin Tiancheng graduated from Zhongdu Academy, and then pushed him to the force behind him, the elders of the clan would definitely look at him with admiration.

Lin Tiancheng gritted his teeth and said, "No problem!"

He was not completely sure that he could defeat Zhao Wei, but he wanted to rescue Yun Mengyao from the distress.

If he loses, he will really be transferred to the ice class. If this is the case, he can still take care of Yun Mengyao, at most he will be angry with Zhao Wei.

But if she wins, he will help Yun Mengyao get rid of Zhao Wei, a mentor who has no morality, and will guide Yun Mengyao hand in hand, so that her strength can be improved to the ideal realm in the shortest time.

Yun Mengyao felt anxious, she stepped forward and pulled Lin Tiancheng's skirt, beckoning him not to do this.

Zhao Wei has a very bad temper. Maybe he still hates Lin Tiancheng for pushing him a hand. If he wants to save face in this contest, it will be Lin Tiancheng who will suffer.

Lin Tiancheng patted her on the shoulder, a confident smile appeared on her face, "Don't worry, I have a sense of measure!"

Contempt the enemy strategically and value the enemy tactically.

As soon as Lin Tiancheng shot, he urged the true Qi power in his body to the extreme, and then used it as energy to inspire the power of the Ice Technique.

The Yun Family's Frost Technique is indeed well-deserved. When Lin Tiancheng used the power of the Frost Technique to its extreme, the temperature of the entire yard suddenly dropped by a few points.

Small snowflakes suddenly floated in the sky, and when Lin Tiancheng took a step in the air, a piece of ice appeared out of thin air on the soles of his feet, lifting him step by step like a ladder.

At the same time, Lin Tiancheng's hands were pinching two ice axes the size of a grinding disc, which looked extremely sharp.

Zhao Wei's face still showed a certain smile. He was thankful that he might be the first instructor to discover that Lin Tiancheng has a dual-attribute physique.

With the activation of the ice attribute method in Zhao Wei's body, frost was condensed on his hands, which looked like ice-blue palms transformed from ice crystals.

"Shou Xuan Bing, Mentor Zhao Wei actually used Shou Xuan Bing!"

Several cultivators of the ice class screamed when they saw this scene.

"It seems that Mentor Zhao Wei is serious, this kid is going to lose!"

Even the old fritters in the ice class rarely see Zhao Wei use his Xuanbing hand!

On weekdays, when Zhao Wei was instructing them to learn ice attribute tactics, he basically did not see him using Xuanbing.

Even so, when the cultivating children of the ice class usually discuss with Zhao Wei, it is still difficult to get close to him, and it is also difficult to test Zhao Wei's true strength.

Unexpectedly, when Zhao Wei faced Lin Tiancheng this time, he would directly use his Xuanbing hand.

The current scene seemed to make these cultivating children onlookers come to the extremely cold place of ice and snow in an instant.

It was very different from the atmosphere in which Zhao Wei guided them to practice in normal days. The contest between Lin Tiancheng and Zhao Wei was obviously higher than them.

A bit of cold light came first, and the cold ice axe on Lin Tiancheng's right hand wrapped the biting cold air towards Zhao Wei's chest.

Lin Tiancheng didn't dare to relax, Zhao Wei's strength was obviously above him. Even if this ice axe really smashed his chest, it would be difficult to cause serious damage, so Lin Tiancheng must have no reservations. attack.

At the same time, the ice axe on Lin Tiancheng's left hand picked up from Zhao Wei's armpit in an extremely strange arc, forming a pincer attack.

Zhao Wei nodded with some satisfaction, and his ice-cyan hands even easily caught Lin Tiancheng's two sharp axes at a speed beyond the naked eye.

When Lin Tiancheng's ice touched Zhao Wei's cyan-colored hands, it made a creaking sound, and finally cracked into ice scum.

Because of the collision between the Frozen Bing Mansion and Xuan Bing Shou, a powerful energy surged away, instantly blasting Lin Tiancheng away.

However, Zhao Wei is like a thousand-year-old pine hanging among the cliffs, letting the east, west, north and south winds, he doesn't move.

Zhao Wei shook the icy crumbs on his body, and smiled calmly, "You kid really has two times. If you give you a few more years, I'm afraid your cold ice technique is not weaker than Yunzhonghe's!"

Zhao Wei had competed with Yun Zhonghe, but lost to his Frost Technique, but he always felt that this Frost Technique was a variant technique from the Fengchen Family.

It may be because Yun Zhonghe deliberately concealed it, but Zhao Wei was not sure.

He guessed that Lin Tiancheng's cold ice technique was most likely passed on to him by Yun Zhonghe. After all, he was already Yun Mengyao's fiancé, and it was reasonable to teach him such high-level techniques.

Since Zhao Wei came to the Dongcheng District of Zhongdu, he has never defeated anyone in the ice attribute magic formula except for the ice magic formula of Yunzhonghe.

In the contest between masters, the cultivating children of the ice department can only wait and see from a distance.

Zhao Wei actually said that Lin Tiancheng did have two sons. Hearing it from the cultivators of the ice department class, that was simply a big praise.

Zhao Wei not only has a bad temper, but he also never praises his disciples easily unless they really meet Zhao Wei's high standards.

Therefore, in the ice class, Zhao Wei can often be heard reprimanding this group of cultivators, and he has almost never heard him praise any of the students.

Lin Tiancheng stabilized the surging blood that was excited by the wave of air just now.

Yun Mengyao saw that Lin Tiancheng had fallen into the wind, and she was quite worried. At this time, she thought of a secret that her grandfather told herself when she was a child.

"Tiancheng, isn't the Ice Spirit Orb still on your body? Turn your Frost Ice Technique onto the Ice Spirit Orb, hurry!"

The ice spirit orb was a magic weapon of the Yun family, and Yunzhonghe handed the ice spirit orb to Lin Tiancheng in order to save his life.

In fact, the Ice Spirit Orb not only has three chances to give orders to the children of the Yun Family, but it is also a magical artifact that only the Yun Family's Cold Ice Technique can drive.

Because Lin Tiancheng is an outsider, Yun Zhonghe certainly didn't tell him this secret. Yun Mengyao also remembered it in an emergency, otherwise she would have forgotten this secret.

Lin Tiancheng didn't hesitate, and immediately took out the Ice Spirit Orb from the recycling bin, and according to Yun Mengyao's instructions, began to operate the Ice Technique on it.

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