Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1580: Aristocratic Family

This Ice Spirit Orb really hides mystery. When Lin Tiancheng has half the power of the Ice Spirit Orb, the aura emanating from the Ice Spirit Orb seems to have increased the power of the Ice Spirit Orb to its extreme.


A cold light shot through the ice spirit beads to the vicinity of Zhao Wei, and the surface where Zhao Wei was located began to vibrate violently.

It's as if there are wild beasts hidden underground, and the surface is torn apart by their sharp claws.

Zhao Wei was extremely shocked. A terrifying coldness was rapidly invading his body, which made him jump and prepare to escape from this dangerous situation.

However, the space where Zhao Wei was located suddenly floated with snowflakes, as if it made him come to an extremely cold place in an instant.

"Boom boom..."

The earth trembled violently, and there was a tendency for mountains and the earth to crack, and twelve giant icicles rose into the clouds from deep underground.

A look of surprise appeared on Zhao Wei's face. Isn't this the trapped dragon formation method unique to the huge and powerful family behind him?

Aristocratic Family is one of the four gold rank forces, located in the northern city of Zhongdu.

The elder of the aristocratic family has three sons, and Zhao Wei is the son of Zhao Xuan, the second chief of the aristocratic family.

Zhao Wei is now in his early thirties, and he is a peerless genius in Beicheng District. Because he competed with a more enchanting young master of a legendary force for the woman he liked, he was scrapped by the enchanting young master, and his strength declined, so he became decadent and came to the academy as a teacher, drank violently, and became irritable.

He hoped that he could forget the humiliation in the Zhongdu Academy, but as soon as he saw Fang Ziru, he would remember that unbearable grudge, which made him very sad.

And the trapped dragon formation before his eyes came from the old patriarch of the Fengchen family, that is, his grandfather. People who don't understand the essence of the Fengchen family's ice attribute determination can never use this formation.

Zhao Wei couldn't help but cast his gaze on the Ice Spirit Orb in Lin Tiancheng's hand, and suddenly remembered something that happened twenty years ago.

The third son of the Fengchen Patriarch made some major mistakes, which caused the Patriarch to be furious and expelled him from the Fengchen Family.

The third son of the Patriarch is also very stubborn. He would rather leave the Fengchen family than admit his mistakes in front of the Fengchen family.

However, before he left the Aristocratic Family, he took away the treasure of the Aristocratic Family Heirloom Ice Spirit Orb given to him by his old Patriarch.

Inside the Ice Spirit Orb, there is a trapped dragon formation set by the Fengchen family, and only the blood of the children of the Fengchen family can unlock this formation.

Zhao Wei is not in a hurry to open this formation, he even wants to know why this ice spirit orb appeared in Lin Tiancheng's hand.

If this Ice Spirit Orb was given to Lin Tiancheng by Crane in the Cloud, does it mean that Crane in the Cloud is Zhao Wei's uncle and Yun Mengyao is the niece of Zhao Wei.

Now the Patriarch of the Aristocratic Family, that is, Zhao Wei's grandfather, has reached a critical moment, and the last breath he hangs may be broken at any time.

He is already over one hundred and ten years old, and he has enough to live, but he is still reluctant to let go.

Just because there is still a concern in his heart, that is his unfilial third son.

From the moment the head of the Fengchen family lay in bed, he often talked about her unfilial third son, hoping to see him again in his lifetime.

Therefore, the elders of the Aristocratic Family have repeatedly warned the children of the Aristocratic Family that once there is news of the Three Young Masters, they must be informed by the Hui.

Zhao Wei was a little excited to confront Yun Mengyao who was outside of the formation, "Yun Mengyao, tell me quickly, is this ice spirit orb given to him by your grandfather, and where did this ice spirit orb come from? ?"

Yun Mengyao's cold ice method is definitely not hot yet, otherwise Zhao Wei can feel that her ice attribute method must come from a family of aristocrats.

This also made him even more sure that when Yun Zhonghe and himself were in a discussion, he should have guessed his identity and deliberately concealed the Frost Technique.

Although Yun Mengyao hated Zhao Wei very much, he was his own mentor after all. His expression was a little dull, and he replied, "I, this ice spirit orb was indeed given to him by my grandfather. As for my grandfather's business, I Can't say, please forgive me!"

Yun Zhonghe died a few months ago, but this news cannot be leaked out before the Yun family has recovered its vitality. Otherwise, I don’t know how many powerful forces are staring at the big Yun family. Fatty.

"You..." Zhao Wei was a little angry. He desperately wanted to know if Yun Zhonghe was the third son his grandfather wanted to find, that is, his uncle.

Lin Tiancheng thought it was Zhao Wei who was deliberately diverting his attention, and the specially blessed power was poured into the ice spirit orb to enhance the power of the trapped dragon formation.

"Boy, don't waste your effort, it's useless for you to use the trapped dragon formation against me!"

Using his hand as a blade, Zhao Wei made a cut in the left palm, then walked through the twelve icicles at a very fast speed, and smeared his fresh blood on it.

As expected, the energy of the twelve icicles instantly disintegrated, and at the same time, the twelve towering icicles shattered directly into ice scum.

If Zhao Wei is not a child of the Aeolian Family, and this trapped dragon formation does not come from the Aeolian Family, then he may be really in danger today.

Lin Tiancheng was extremely shocked. He did not expect that this seemingly unbreakable trapped dragon formation would be easily cracked by Zhao Wei.

Seeing that Zhao Wei was about to come out of a pile of ice scum, Lin Tiancheng had to resort to his last move.

He immediately turned on the Master of Optimization, and after consuming ten electricity, he optimized the Frost Art Technique completely.

At this time, he only had 5 batteries left.

For a moment, he felt that his whole body was extremely cold, and the breath he exhaled was icy chill.

As long as he slightly drives the Frost Ice Technique, he can see snowflakes falling onto his palm, condensing into icy debris, and finally forming a big ice lump.

Zhao Wei walked quickly to Lin Tiancheng and said impatiently, "Boy, I won't fight you, I have something urgent to do now!"

He can't wait to verify the identity of Yun Zhonghe, and wants to know if he is the third son of the old patriarch of the Aristocratic Family.

If this is the case, the old man can also look down, and no longer have to suffer from longing.

Lin Tiancheng's body shook suddenly, and he felt that his cold ice technique seemed to have reached the realm of Dacheng.

Zhao Wei said that if he doesn't fight, he doesn't fight. How can that be?

Lin Tiancheng must defeat him so that Yun Mengyao can practice with him from now on without being expelled from Zhongdu Academy by Zhao Wei using despicable means.

Therefore, today he will defeat Zhao Wei anyway.

At this moment, Zhao Wei also felt the change in Lin Tiancheng's breath, and the look on his face was shocked.

"What did your kid do? How..."

He could clearly feel the power of Lin Tiancheng's Ice Technique, even if he had not fully displayed it.

The cultivating children onlookers couldn't help but step back a few steps, for fear that Lin Tiancheng's cold air would invade their bodies.

Liu Jie touched his aching **** and looked at Lin Tiancheng with lingering fears.

It was only now that he finally understood that Lin Tiancheng didn't use all his strength at all, he despised Lin Tiancheng.

If Lin Tiancheng had used all his strength from the beginning, then he might have become a pile of icy scum now.

At the thought of this, there was a chill behind him.

A few cultivating children who were shivering with the cold couldn't help but begin to communicate.

"What's the matter? How do I feel that the chill from this kid is even more terrifying than that of Teacher Zhao Wei."

"Yes, I can't stand the cold anymore, even if I had discussed with Zhao Wei in the past, I didn't feel that way!"

The most shocking thing was Yun Mengyao, she had known that Lin Tiancheng would make the cold ice technique, but she didn't know where he learned it.

Moreover, the chill that Lin Tiancheng's body now revealed was obviously more terrifying than when he used the cold ice technique.

For a moment, it was as if grandpa was standing in front of him. This kind of terrifying chill can only be felt when grandpa is teaching his own ice technique.

Zhao Wei quickly backed up a few steps and rebuked Lin Tiancheng, "You kid stop, I'm in a hurry right now and don't want to pester you. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!"


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