Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1584: Your business is my business

Yun Mengyao nodded, she was only at her peak strength at the time of expanding her veins, and even her grandfather was not an opponent of the Vulcan Sect, so what extraordinary things could she do.

"Your mother is the daughter of the Vulcan cult leader, but the Vulcan cult leader disagrees with your mother's marriage to your father. Not long after giving birth to you, your father was chased by the Vulcan cult."

The Aristocratic Family is just a gold-level force, and the Vulcan leader disdains the marriage with the Aristocratic Family, forcing Yun Mengyao's mother to let go of this relationship.

Yun Mengyao's mother didn't listen, and she eloped with Yun Mengyao's father.

But never thought that both of them were captured back to the Vulcan Sect, and the leader of the Vulcan Sect even secretly killed Yun Mengyao's father.

Then, the leader of the Vulcan Sect forced Yun Mengyao's mother to marry a young master from a second-rate legendary force, but Yun Mengyao's mother would rather die than surrender.

Yun Zhonghe wanted to avenge his son and asked the old man of the wind and dust family for his orders, but he was mercilessly reprimanded by him.

Although the grandson was killed, the old man was also very sad, but the opponent is a legendary strength after all.

Once the two forces fall out, it will be the entire family in the dust.

The old man asked Yun Zhonghe to hold back his breath, and waited for the Fengchen Family to be strong enough in the future, and then completely extinguished the Fire God Sect.

The old man Heyun in the cloud disagrees, and the relationship between the two is completely froze.

Even because of this incident, Yunzhonghe was expelled from the Yun family.

Yunzhonghe couldn't bear the hatred of his own son being killed by the Vulcan Sect for a moment, so he single-handedly entered the Vulcan Sect.

With his strength at the early stage of the Golden Core Period, how could he be able to deal with the entire Vulcan Sect?

He was severely injured by the leader of the Vulcan Sect and was thrown directly into the river. He happened to be rescued by Yun Zhongzi who was fishing at the time.

Later, when Yun Zhonghe's injury healed, he rushed back to the Fengchen family and took Yun Mengyao, who was still in her infancy, from the Fengchen family, and swore a poisonous oath that he would never return to the Fengchen family.

The old man was so annoyed by this incident that he was bedridden for three months. At that time, he also gave a death order and no one was allowed to look for Yunzhonghe.

Of course, Yun Zhonghe was not actually his real name. In order to completely put aside the relationship with the aristocratic family, Yun Zhonghe changed his surname and gave up the name of Zhao.

However, as time passed, the old man let go of his anger, he missed his third son very much, and ordered the children of the aristocratic family to look around.

It was not until today, forty years later, that Zhao Wei found a clue in Zhongdu Academy and found Yunfu.

This is also enough to show how angry Yun Zhonghe is because his father is unwilling to take revenge for his grandson. Otherwise, with the golden rank of the wind and dust family, it is not easy to find someone.

Then there is Yun Mengyao's aunt, Yun Mengyao.

She is the younger sister of Yun Mengyao's father, and when Hezhe returned to the Aristocratic Family in the clouds and picked up Yun Mengyao, she also left the Aristocratic Family with her father.

Because of her brother's tragic history of love, Yun Menggu even had a shadow on the relationship between men and women, and this gradually produced a temperament that was not close to male.

Having said that, Zhao Wei suddenly understood.

He only knew that when he didn't remember anything, he had an uncle who ran away from home, so he had never seen Yunzhonghe either.

When fighting with him, even if I saw Yun Zhonghe himself, I didn't know that he was his uncle.

The old man of the Aristocratic Family only asked the children of the Aristocratic Family to look for news about Crane in the Clouds, but things about Crane in the Clouds are taboos in the entire family, and anyone who dares to talk about it will be severely punished.

After hearing Yun Zhongzi's statement, Zhao Weicai suddenly understood that the grievances between the Vulcan Sect and the Aristocratic Family had long existed.

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About a year ago, the girl that Zhao Wei liked was forcibly taken away by Fang Zimo of the Vulcan Sect. Zhao Wei was also scrapped by him, and his strength was once reduced to the middle of the Golden Core period.

Thinking carefully, Fang Zimo is still Yun Mengyao's uncle.

After Yun Zhongzi finished speaking, he pulled Yun Xiangyang, who was his son, and knelt in front of Yun Mengyao.

"Miss, in fact, I am not your little grandfather. If it weren't for the elder brother who promised me prosperity and prosperity, I am afraid I am still a little fisherman.

After Yunzhong Heyunzhongzi became worshipped, he not only taught him the cold ice technique, but even sat on an equal footing with him in Yunfu.

Yun Mengyao was so frightened that she quickly got up and knelt down in front of Yun Zhongzi.

"Little grandfather, you can't do anything about it. If you didn't save my grandfather's life, I am afraid that there would be no Yun Mansion now! Even if my grandfather passes away now, you will still be my little grandfather in the future!"

Yun Mengyao bowed to Yun Xiangyang again, "You are also my uncle Xiangyang!"

Yun Zhongzi knocked his head repeatedly, "Miss, get up quickly! We can't stand this gift."

In his bones, Yun Zhongzi was still an ordinary fisherman. In fact, for so many years, he did not dare to let Yun Mengyao respectfully call himself Little Grandpa.

However, Yun Zhonghe repeatedly urged him not to divulge this matter, so Yun Zhongzi must cooperate with his elder brother to perform the play well.

Lin Tiancheng got up and helped the skills, "Don't kneel down, everyone, since you can become a family, that's fate! You should cherish it!"

Yun Mengyao nodded, "Tiancheng is right. Although my grandfather has passed away, you are still my little grandfather!"

Yun Zhongzi held Yun Mengyao's hands tightly, feeling a little excited, "Okay, okay, business as usual, you will be my granddaughter in the future, and I will watch you grow up on behalf of my elder brother!"

In this matter, no one can give a correct judgment on whoever is right or wrong.

The old man is the pillar of the entire family, and of course he has to consider the safety of the entire family.

It is not wrong that Yunzhonghe can't wait to avenge his son.

Zhao Wei got up and asked, "Can I go and see my uncle's mourning hall?"

"When, of course, you can come with me!" Yun Zhongzi turned and greeted Zhao Wei into the back hall.

Zhao Wei put three incense sticks on Yunzhonghe and knocked three loudly in front of his tablet to show respect.

"Okay, now that this matter has been figured out, I will go back to the Aristocratic Family! Let me leave first!" Zhao Wei held his fist towards Yun Zhongzi, then glanced at Lin Tiancheng and Yun Mengyao, turned and left Yun Mansion.

Yun Mengyao also knelt down in front of Yun Zhonghe's ranking and knocked his head three times.

Her eyes turned scarlet in an instant, and tears fell steadily, "Grandpa, thank you for raising me with one hand. As for my father's hatred, I will personally repay it."

Yun Zhongzi was indeed a little excited, "Miss, haven't you promised me that I will not do anything out of the ordinary? How can you make your eldest brother look at him under Jiuquan?"

Lin Tiancheng leaned down and helped Mengyao from the ground, and then said to Yun Zhongzi, "Don't worry, Senior Yun, I believe Mengyao is not that kind of impulsive person!"

Yun Mengyao wiped her tears, her face showed a firm look, and at the same time her eyes became extremely determined. He nodded at Yun Zhongzi, "Yes, I just want to improve my strength right now, I believe in the end One day, I will avenge my father!"

Lin Tiancheng patted Yun Mengyao on the shoulder and comforted him, "Don't worry! Your business is mine. I will try my best to improve your strength until you successfully avenge your father!"


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