Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1585: Try to cooperate with you

Because Zhongdu Academy will hold a physical attribute test tomorrow, Lin Tiancheng and Yun Mengyao are both cultivated children of the Five Elements Department and must participate.

Lin Tiancheng and Yun Mengyao were going back to Zhongdu College overnight.

Before leaving, Yun Zhongzi repeatedly urged Yun Mengyao not to be arrogant, otherwise he would not be able to explain to the older brother under Jiuquan.

In fact, Yunfu is still some distance away from Zhongdu College.

The night was dark, and when the purple-gold butterfly soared above 10,000 meters in the sky and the cool breeze passed by, the frozen Yun Mengyao shrank unconsciously.

Lin Tiancheng sat behind Yun Mengyao and held her slender waist.

Yun Mengyao felt the warmth of Lin Tiancheng, and unconsciously shrank into his arms.

Turning to the slightly hot and red cheek, Yun Mengyao said, "Or you can help me improve my strength now!"

Today is her 21st birthday, and it happens to be the days when she knows her grandfather and her parents.

Knowing that her father, whom she had never met, had been secretly killed by Vulcan, her heart was very heavy.

Her current strength is only at the peak of the Expansion Vessel Phase, and she has reached a bottleneck period, and it is indeed impossible to break through to the early Golden Core Phase.

The one who hurt his father was a third-rate legendary Vulcan Sect. Then, the leader of the Vulcan Sect was a strong man with the strength in the early stage of the Tribulation Period.

Legendary forces are divided into first-rate, second-rate, and third-rate according to their strength.

First-rate means that the strength of the cultivator in the legendary power has reached the peak of the tribulation period, second-rate means that the strength of the cultivator of the legendary power has reached the mid-term state of the tribulation period, and the third-rate means the power of the tribulation period. At the beginning of the period.

In other words, if Yun Mengyao wants to avenge her father, he must at least reach the beginning of the Tribulation Period.

Therefore, the road to revenge for his father is a long way to go.

She can't wait to let Lin Tiancheng start to improve her strength.

Of course, she has been with Lin Tiancheng for so long, and she also knows how Lin Tiancheng can improve her strength. Although it is a little unbelievable, it is not the first time she has done anything shameful with Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng's expression was slightly taken aback.

If it were discovered by other cultivators passing by, wouldn't it be embarrassing.

If you use 360 ​​anti-virus software to thoroughly check and eliminate impurities in Yun Mengyao's body, at least 50 electricity is required.

Lin Tiancheng now only has 5 electricity. If it is only a shallow communication with Yun Mengyao, it may be difficult to break through to 50 electricity. After all, it is not the first time.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng hesitated, Yun Mengyao thought he was worried that he could not let go because of his shyness.

She simply turned around and hugged Lin Tiancheng's waist tightly.

"It's okay, don't we have a marriage contract already? Although we have not officially held the wedding yet, I am already yours. I will try to cooperate with you."

The Yun Family had gone through so many setbacks and tribulations, if it weren't for Lin Tiancheng's life to help, I'm afraid the Yun Family would no longer be there.

At first, he hated Lin Tiancheng's Yun Mengyao very much, but now he has admitted Lin Tiancheng's fiance.

Therefore, it is naturally reasonable to do that kind of thing.

As soon as the purple butterfly flapped its wings and flew up and down, the bodies of the two hugging each other rubbed against each other in this strong vibration.

"Okay! Since you can let go, then I will definitely do my best to help you improve!"

Above tens of thousands of meters in the sky, through the bright moonlight, Lin Tian became Yun Mengyao undressed.

With her white complexion and graceful figure, Lin Tiancheng used the moonlight to see Yun Mengyao's body so clearly for the first time, it was so white and flawless.

Lin Tiancheng never let go of any part that can be charged.

Lin Tiancheng was busy charging, while using 360 anti-virus software to check and kill Yun Mengyao's impurities.

Sure enough, as Lin Tiancheng guessed, the effect of charging is not ideal, and stronger stimulation is needed.

Lin Tiancheng patted Zijin Butterfly's body, consumed 2 electricity, and communicated with Zijin Butterfly using the translation wizard.

The general idea is to make the purple-gold butterfly shake up and down more violently. Of course, the shaking is only up and down, and the left and right must be kept stable.

Zijin Butterfly gave Lin Tiancheng a white look, and said angrily, "You two are enough. This is the first time I have seen a cultivator doing this kind of thing on my back!"

The purple-gold butterfly is not a sea Dongqing. Lin Tiancheng has no friendship with it. It is very good to be able to take Lin Tiancheng once. Of course, it did not cooperate with Lin Tiancheng, but just flew forward on its own.

Lin Tiancheng's inspiration flashed, and immediately opened the farmer application.

Lin Tiancheng had two red land. When the black land was opened up, there was still more electricity left. Seeing that the red land was empty or empty, he simply planted a Tianyuan fruit and a Tianzhizhi.

Tianyuan fruit, a spiritual fruit that can prolong life for three years by eating one.

Bu Tian Zhi, purple Ganoderma lucidum, eaten raw is equivalent to three years of hard cultivation.

Now these two treasures can come in handy.

Lin Tiancheng is helping Yun Mengyao eliminate impurities in his body, while using the translation wizard to talk with Zijin Butterfly, "I have a Tianyuan fruit that can prolong lifespan by three years, and a patch of Tianzhi that can work hard for three years. , As long as you are willing to help me, you can choose any baby!"

If Lin Tiancheng remembers these two heaven and earth spiritual materials correctly, they should have consumed 20 electricity each.

However, if Zijin Butterfly is willing to cooperate with him to help him and Yun Mengyao reach the happiest level, Lin Tiancheng believes that he will definitely be able to make money back.

Zijin Butterfly is a little excited. As a flying tool in Zhongdu, it still often encounters such things.

However, in more cases, in order to hurry, some cultivators usually feed purple golden butterflies with spiritual materials that stimulate their potential to increase their flight speed.

In addition to speeding up their flight speed, this kind of heaven and earth spirit material brings little benefit to the purple golden butterfly in other aspects.

The Tianyuan Fruit and Bu Tianzhi mentioned by Lin Tiancheng are quite tempting to Zijin Butterfly, and should be the best reward it has heard in its entire life.

Extend the life span of three years, and refine the time of nearly three years of penance.

Zijin Butterfly didn't think much, "Mend Tianzhi for me! Just mention what I need to do!"

To extend the life span of three years, for Zijin Butterfly, that means three years of hard work.

But for nearly three years of penance, it makes a big difference.

After its strength breaks through, there is no need to be a cultivator's flying tool, and it can cultivate like other spirit beasts.

Lin Tiancheng immediately picked the old Butianzhi from the red land used by the farmer and threw it directly to the Zijin Butterfly.

The Zijin Butterfly swallowed it in one bite, and Bu Tianzhi turned into a warm current and poured into its heart, and then turned into an extremely powerful innocent energy.

Its body changed accordingly, its wings became stronger and more powerful, and its body was reborn, as if it was ten years younger.

It realized that Lin Tiancheng didn't lie to himself, and it moved harder.

Yun Mengyao felt the violent shaking, and thought it was Zijin Butterfly who was disobedient, and wanted to stop it quickly.


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