Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1592: Pretentious

Zhang Qiuyue deceived her body, a sword light burst out of the air and slid through Bai Xiaoxiao's arm. The blood soon soaked her sleeves.

Only by killing people can this matter not be leaked out, and Zhang Qiuyue is indeed murderous.

Bai Xiaoxiao could see from Zhang Qiuyue's fierce offensive that she wanted to kill people, so she didn't plan to kneel down and beg for mercy.

"It just so happens that I learned a new exercise, so I will try it with you!"

Although Zhang Qiuyue has reached the strength of the early stage of the Golden Core Stage, her original identity is after all a disciple of the alchemy master, Bai Xiaoxiao wants to fight for it.

Moreover, this is a life-and-death struggle, even if they lose, Bai Xiaoxiao will fight to the death.

"To be honest, I've seen you not pleasing to my eyes a long time ago, and I obviously accepted Lin Tiancheng's kindness, but I still have to pretend to be high! I'm ah!"

Bai Xiaoxiao would like to get Lin Tiancheng's help to improve her strength, even if she has a close relationship with Lin Tiancheng.

However, she did not have a deep relationship with Lin Tiancheng, and Lin Tiancheng didn't seem to be willing to help her.

However, Zhang Qiuyue was a good girl. She obviously accepted Lin Tiancheng's kindness, and she had to stand on her own torii and pretended to be noble, which really made Bai Xiaoxiao feel sick.

A ball of fire flew from Bai Xiaoxiao's palm towards Zhang Qiuyue at a very fast speed.

Feeling Bai Xiaoxiao's fierce attack, Zhang Qiuyue quickly stepped back and put the sword in her hand in front of her, just to block the flying fireball.

As soon as she gritted her teeth, she kicked her right foot against the wall behind her, and her body slammed forward, splitting the fireball above the blade in half.

The fireball that had been split in half hit the ground heavily, scattered the fire light all over the ground, and made a loud noise.

Fortunately, this place is located in a relatively remote location of the Zhongdu Academy. Otherwise, just because of the sound, I am afraid that the cultivating child who was sleeping has also been awakened.

Zhang Qiuyue realized that Bai Xiaoxiao had to be solved as soon as possible, but he could no longer use the fire attribute technique, otherwise, if he was seen by other academy disciples, it would cause even greater trouble.

After Zhang Qiuyue stabilized her figure, she said coldly to Bai Xiaoxiao, "This is between me and Tiancheng. What is it to you? You are just jealous that Tiancheng is willing to help me, not you!"

This sentence really touched Bai Xiaoxiao's sore spot.

She was a little angry, pinched a fireball in each hand, and stared at Zhang Qiuyue fiercely, "Go to hell!"

Lin Tiancheng and Yun Mengyao, who came out of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, happened to pass by here, seeing the dimming fire and the sound of fierce fighting inside the wall, they hurried over.

"In the middle of the night, why are there people fighting privately in Zhongdu Academy, aren't they afraid of being expelled from Zhongdu Academy?" Yun Mengyao trot away following Lin Tiancheng's back.

Lin Tiancheng also felt very strange, with an ominous premonition in his heart.

It is already the fourth watch, and it will be dawn soon.

Even if there are some small ties between the disciples of the Zhongdu Academy, they will not compete at this time, let alone compete outside the dance hall.

Coupled with the fact that the place where the fire appeared was closer to Zhang Qiuyue's wing, Lin Tiancheng guessed that Zhang Qiuyue was in an accident, and couldn't help speeding up.

In addition to improving his own strength when he came to Zhongdu Academy, he mainly wanted to help Zhang Qiuyue raise his strength to the early stage of Mahayana within a year.

Whether it's for Master Zhang's face or President Nie's face, Zhang Qiuyue can't get involved.

Otherwise, Lin Tiancheng is not good at explaining to them.

Around the wall, Lin Tiancheng saw two fireballs flying towards Zhang Qiuyue at a very fast speed.

The power of this fireball is indeed powerful, and Zhang Qiuyue is basically no different from an ordinary alchemist without using the fire attribute technique, and the combat effectiveness is naturally poor.

"Stop!" Lin Tiancheng shouted sharply when he saw this form.

However, those two fireballs are only one finger away from Zhang Qiuyue. Even if Lin Tiancheng used the "Meteor Chapter" in the 9th transfer to life formula to the extreme, he would not be able to reach Zhang Qiuyue and save her.

Zhang Qiuyue crossed the long sword in her chest again, trying to block the two menacing fireballs.

However, Zhang Qiuyue still underestimated the power of these two fireballs.


After a loud noise, the long sword in Zhang Qiuyue's hand was instantly broken, and the two fireballs also blasted towards Zhang Qiuyue's chest.

Bai Xiaoxiao was also taken aback at this time. If Zhang Qiuyue was really killed by herself, then Lin Tiancheng would definitely not let her go.

However, if Zhang Qiuyue is not dead, then I am afraid that Lin Tiancheng will join forces with Zhang Qiuyue to kill herself.

Just when Lin Tiancheng was ready to save Zhang Qiuyue's life with 360 antivirus software, Zhang Qiuyue was unscathed.

The two fireballs unbiased just hit Zhang Qiuyue's chest.

However, something strange happened. The fire attribute technique seemed to have no effect on Zhang Qiuyue's body.

At the moment when the two fireballs touched Zhang Qiuyue, fire-red feathers appeared on Zhang Qiuyue's body again, and the power of the two fireballs was easily removed, and then they disappeared.

It's like those fiery red feathers on Zhang Qiuyue's body have a stress-type active protective behavior on Zhang Qiuyue.

Seeing this, Lin Tiancheng suddenly understood that Zhang Qiuyue was a fire phoenix with the blood of ancient divine beasts. If she could be easily defeated by the fire attribute technique, then she would not deserve to be a divine beast.

After Zhang Qiuyue got a chance to breathe, she flew the broken sword in her hand to Bai Xiaoxiao's chest.

This sudden scene also shocked Lin Tiancheng.

Zhang Qiuyue is not a vicious monster. Bai Xiaoxiao seems to be her first female friend in the junior fire department.

In Lin Tiancheng's view, Zhang Qiuyue shouldn't be murderous anyway.


The broken sword happened to stabbed Bai Xiaoxiao's chest, causing Bai Xiaoxiao to spit out a mouthful of blood, and at the same time the blood that penetrated also stained her plain pajamas.

At this moment, not only Lin Tiancheng and Zhang Qiuyue, but even Yun Mengyao felt very surprised.

Zhang Qiuyue and Bai Xiaoxiao were about seven or eight meters away, and the broken sword that Zhang Qiuyue flew out was unremarkable. It stands to reason that with Bai Xiaoxiao's strength, it is impossible to avoid this broken sword.

If she couldn't escape even this kind of ordinary attack, then Bai Xiaoxiao would not be worthy to be a comprehension disciple of Zhongdu Academy.

But the facts were in front of him, and the broken sword that Zhang Qiuyue flew imparted and pierced Bai Xiaoxiao's chest.

Bai Xiaoxiao was holding the broken sword in her chest with her left hand and her right hand on her knees, looking at Zhang Qiuyue with a grieved expression, "Qiuyue, I didn't expect you to be such a person, but I treat you as a friend sincerely. I just accidentally bumped into it. You broke your secret, but as a friend, do you think I will tell your secret?

But it's good for you, you want to kill people without saying anything! I, Bai Xiaoxiao, had no eyes and met a friend like you! "

After saying this, Bai Xiaoxiao fell to the ground.

Zhang Qiuyue quickly walked towards Bai Xiaoxiao, "You talk nonsense, you didn't really treat me as a friend from beginning to end!"

Zhang Qiuyue didn't think she had done anything wrong, she hurried to Bai Xiaoxiao, wanting to do the bad thing to the end, and directly ended Bai Xiaoxiao's life.

Otherwise, it will bring her even more disadvantages.


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