Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1593: Respect yourself

Bai Xiaoxiao tried his best to move backwards, "Tiancheng, you must stop Qiuyue, you can't let her do stupid things. As long as she stops now, I can treat this as not happening."

Lin Tiancheng grabbed Zhang Qiuyue's wrist, and shook her head at her, beckoning her not to do this.

"Qiuyue, you can't kill her."

Skynet is restored, without omission!

Even if Lin Tiancheng and Yun Mengyao closed one eye and didn't see anything at all, this matter would be found out sooner or later.

At that time, Zhang Qiuyue will not be as simple as expelling from Zhongdu Academy, and it is very likely that he will be punished heavily for murder.

President Nie sent Zhang Qiuyue and Lin Tiancheng into the Zhongdu Academy together. If something happened to Zhang Qiuyue, Lin Tiancheng would not be good to explain to President Nie.

What's more, there is still a deep friendship between Lin Tiancheng and Master Zhang.

"Don't listen to her greedy words. If you let her go today, she will definitely tell my secret." Zhang Qiuyue tried to free Lin Tiancheng from the shackles.

Zhang Qiuyue guessed Bai Xiaoxiao's intention, she wanted to provoke the relationship between herself and Lin Tiancheng.

Then, Lin Tiancheng will no longer trust herself, but will form a deep friendship because of sympathy for Bai Xiaoxiao.

Finally achieved the purpose of using Lin Tiancheng to help her improve her strength.

Bai Xiaoxiao coughed violently, looking at Lin Tiancheng with a pale face, "Tiancheng, I'm going to die!"

Just yesterday, Bai Xiaoxiao overheard that Lin Tiancheng has advanced techniques that can help people improve their strength and heal injuries, so she now wants to use Lin Tiancheng.

Of course Lin Tiancheng also saw Bai Xiaoxiao's intentions.

Just yesterday, she even had a relationship with Lin Tiancheng and asked Lin Tiancheng to help her improve her strength.

This is enough to show that Bai Xiaoxiao is a watery woman.

Moreover, her city mansion is extremely deep, and she did not hesitate to catch the broken sword with her body in an attempt to stage a bitter show in front of Lin Tiancheng.

Then it provokes the relationship between Lin Tiancheng and Zhang Qiuyue.

Lin Tiancheng patted Zhang Qiuyue on the shoulder and comforted, "Don't worry, I will take care of this matter."

Lin Tiancheng turned and walked towards Bai Xiaoxiao, and squatted down in front of her.

Bai Xiaoxiao suddenly stretched out his hand to hold Lin Tiancheng, and begged, "Tiancheng, you must save me. As long as you can save me, I can forget Qiuyue's fault."

Lin Tiancheng wanted to reach out to check on Bai Xiaoxiao's injuries, but Bai Xiaoxiao rebuffed.

Bai Xiaoxiao's injured part was just between the two peaks of the middle hall.

"That's not good! Otherwise, you still go to my room." Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes showed an imploring look.

Zhang Qiuyue wanted to kill Bai Xiaoxiao very much, but she also knew that the consequences would be serious.

However, it would be difficult to seal Bai Xiaoxiao's mouth without killing.

"But..." Although Lin Tiancheng gave Zhang Qiuyue an inexplicable peace of mind, Zhang Qiuyue was still a little worried.

Lin Tiancheng set his gaze on Yun Mengyao, "It's going to dawn soon! Mengyao, you take Qiuyue back to rest first, two hours later, we have to take the physical attribute test!"

Yun Mengyao nodded, then took Zhang Qiuyue to her residence.

Zhang Qiuyue was worried that her affairs would be exposed, and she didn't feel sleepy at all, so she just sat on a stool and waited for dawn.

Yun Mengyao, who had been very sleepy, could no longer sleep at this time, so she stayed beside Zhang Qiuyue.

Zhang Qiuyue may not know Bai Xiaoxiao very well, but Yun Mengyao clearly knows what Bai Xiaoxiao is.

Bai Xiaoxiao can actually be regarded as an old fritters from Zhongdu College. She was recruited into the college by the dean of Zhongdu College a few years ago.

However, after her skill reached the pinnacle of the Extension Vessel Phase, she was unable to break through, so she could only stay in the primary fire class.

According to an informed disciple of cultivation, Bai Xiaoxiao was just born from an ordinary family. At the age of 16, he unexpectedly broke through to the early stage of the expansion period.

It was also in this year that she met Sean Junyi, a young master of the Jinyang Gang, a silver rank force.

Sean caught Bai Xiaoxiao's beauty at a glance, and deceived him into the Jinyang Gang and forcibly accepted him as a concubine under the pretext of helping her improve her cultivation.

After Bai Xiaoxiao played with Sean in the Jinyang Gang, she gradually faded out of Sean's vision.

This is like the concubine next to the emperor who fell out of favor, and her identity plummeted, almost no different from the maids in the Jinyang Gang.

Sometimes, even the maids in the palace bullied Bai Xiaoxiao.

From then on, Bai Xiaoxiao's temperament deteriorated, and she wanted to avenge the Jinyang Gang.

By chance, she met Zhuge Xun, the dean of Zhongdu College.

Zhuge Xun sympathized with Bai Xiaoxiao's experience, and knew that Bai Xiaoxiao was eligible for enrollment at Zhongdu College, so he persuaded the leader of the Jinyang gang to allow him to bring Bai Xiaoxiao into Zhongdu College.

Bai Xiaoxiao's cultivation in the Zhongdu Academy is very hard, but the talent that God gave her is to make her break through to the early stage of the expansion before the age of 16.

After that, God did not care for her anymore.

Bai Xiaoxiao wanted to improve her strength, and then seek revenge from those in the Jinyang Clan who had bullied her, especially Sean Junyi.

Growing up in this relatively harsh living environment, Bai Xiaoxiao naturally did not take a woman's body so seriously.

Therefore, Yun Mengyao was very worried about what Bai Xiaoxiao would do to Lin Tiancheng.

Of course, Lin Tiancheng didn't know all this, and helped Bai Xiaoxiao to her wing.

After closing the door, Lin Tiancheng put Bai Xiaoxiao on the bed.

Against the backdrop of the candlelight, Lin Tiancheng could already see Bai Xiaoxiao's hot figure through her thin long skirt.

In other words, this Bai Xiaoxiao can be regarded as a beautiful woman, but Lin Tiancheng enjoys countless flowers, and there are countless beauties who have tasted. He can still exercise restraint in front of Bai Xiaoxiao.

"I will show you the injury first, and then use my exercises to treat you."

Lin Tiancheng still has 36 electricity, can use 360 ​​antivirus directly to help Bai Xiaoxiao treat his injuries.

In order to prevent Bai Xiaoxiao from thinking that she wanted to peek into Bai Xiaoxiao's privacy, so as not to arouse her suspicion, Lin Tiancheng still had to pretend to help her check her injuries.

Bai Xiaoxiao nodded, staring straight at Lin Tiancheng, as if he didn't care about Lin Tiancheng seeing her privately.

Lin Tiancheng carefully untied the bow ribbon on Bai Xiaoxiao's chest, and lifted off the blood-stained long skirt.

"Are you not hurt?" Lin Tiancheng saw that there was a close-fitting white armor under Bai Xiaoxiao's plain dress, and hurriedly wanted to withdraw his hands.

Lin Tiancheng had seen the white armor on Nie Hanyue's father, Nie Weiping, the Sword Sect of Shushan.

A piece of iron cord armor belonging to a low-grade spirit weapon.

Bai Xiaoxiao didn't have any injuries at all, except that the broken sword stuck in Bai Xiaoxiao's heart only left a not deep scar.

Bai Xiaoxiao held Lin Tiancheng's wrists with both hands, and Nuonuo generously pressed Lin Tiancheng's hands on his chest.

Lin Tiancheng tried to withdraw his hand, but Bai Xiaoxiao strangled his wrist tightly.

"What are you doing? I hope you respect yourself."


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