Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1600: Taste

The dean even offered to be Master Nanxuan's disciple at first, but Lin Tiancheng, this kid, would be better, and he turned down Master Nanxuan without thinking.

People have to die than people, and they have to be thrown away.

Who made Lin Tiancheng this kid possess such a heaven-defying physical attribute!

Lin Tiancheng felt a little guilty in rejecting Master Nanxuan so bluntly.

However, he believed that the mind of the master of Nanquan would not care about these.

The corners of Fang Ziru's mouth rose slightly, and he glanced at Zhao Wei deliberately.

Su Lan's cheeks were slightly rosy, and she felt a little excited.

At first she thought that Lin Tiancheng would agree to Master Nanxuan's proposal, but Lin Tiancheng did not.

Her hanging heart also let go.

Zhao Wei said fiercely, "This **** would rather stay in Fang Ziru's stinky girl's class than recognize me as a mentor. In the future, you can see Mengyao in my class and take care of it!"

After all, Zhang Qiuyue could not escape the test.

The disciples of the elementary fire department were about to finish their rounds, and the dean specifically instructed Fang Ziru to arrange for Zhang Qiuyue to go to the competition stage in advance.

Master Nanxuan is already a lot of age. Although he has a lot of skills, but always let him stand behind the team and look around, the dean's heart is also a little sad.

He also wanted to know what secrets Zhang Qiuyue's body concealed. It happened that Master Nan Xuan was interested, so he could take a look for him.

"Next, Zhang Qiuyue!"

Zhang Qiuyue's heart slammed, her face showed a very reluctant expression.

Lin Tiancheng patted her arm comfortingly, "Don't worry! Even if it is discovered, won't I still be there?"

Bai Xiaoxiao heard clearly and gritted his teeth bitterly.

She had clearly opened up her mind to Lin Tiancheng without reservation, but Lin Tiancheng was still so indifferent to her, but still so caring about Zhang Qiuyue.

When Zhang Qiuyue passed her, Bai Xiaoxiao sneered softly, “If your identity is revealed later, you can’t blame me.”

Bai Xiaoxiao is not sure if Zhang Qiuyue still wants to kill people, so seeing Zhang Qiuyue makes her feel very upset.

The relationship between the two of them is like a broken window paper, it is impossible to recover.

However, her current strength is only one step away from the mid-Gold Core period, and she will no longer have to fear Zhang Qiuyue in the future.

This feeling of superiority is very useful to her.

Zhang Qiuyue ignored Bai Xiaoxiao and walked to the martial arts stage nervously.

The dean and Master Nan Xuan who stood behind the crowd of onlookers understood.

Grandmaster Nanxuan sighed from the bottom of his heart, "Like, it's so alike!"

Zhang Qiuyue finally put his hand on the attribute stone.

The "attribute stone" emitted a dazzling red light!

Just as Fang Ziru was about to announce that Zhang Qiuyue possessed the fire attribute physique and the early strength of the Jin Dan stage, the attribute stone began to shake violently.

"Om..." After a bang, the "attribute stone" actually emitted a faint orange light.

"Orange, it's orange..."

Seeing this amazing scene, the cultivating children in the audience began to exclaim.

What a good year this is, just now a genius with a full attribute physique has appeared, and now there is a genius with a double physique.

Fang Ziru turned to look at the "attribute stone", his eyes straightened with excitement.

"Water attribute physique, Qiuyue, you actually have a dual attribute physique!"

Lin Tiancheng smiled knowingly. Sure enough, as he thought, 360 anti-virus software and optimization master will really change the physique of the practitioner.

Of course, as for what kind of physique will appear after the change, Lin Tian's achievements are unknown.

The dean also felt a little excited, "Okay, very good..."

Bai Xiaoxiao gave a cold snort of dissatisfaction.

She had just found a sense of superiority from Zhang Qiuyue, but she did not expect to be surpassed so quickly.

Zhang Qiuyue's hanging heart finally let go, she was about to take her hand off the attribute stone.

"Hmm..." A harsh phoenix sound came from the depths of Zhang Qiuyue's soul, resounding through the entire martial arts field.

Zhang Qiuyue suddenly burned with a raging flame, and fiery red feathers appeared on the surface of her skin.

After all, Zhang Qiuyue still showed the appearance of half man and half beast, looking a bit terrible.

The sudden change caused the instructors and cultivation children to step back.

"What is this half-man and half-beast monster?"

Although in the current world of cultivation, there are cultivators raising spiritual pets, and there is the Royal Beast Department in Zhongdu Academy.

However, those spirit beasts that have been tamed and have reached a spiritual contract with the cultivator will not pose a threat to the cultivator, and can even become a great helper of the cultivator.

As for those spirit beasts that have not been tamed, they are often fierce and cruel.

However, they generally live in the realm of confusion. Under normal circumstances, no spirit beasts will come to the place where humans live.

As for monsters like Zhang Qiuyue that are half human and half beast, they have never seen it.

"Monster! Get her up quickly!"

Several courageous cultivators flew up to the martial arts stage with long swords in their hands, and surrounded Zhang Qiuyue.

Zhang Qiuyue screamed at them and warned them not to approach her.

Zhang Qiuyue's heart is very painful, she has no intention of hurting others.

She also didn't expect her body to appear at this time, but the real purpose of her coming to the Mars class was to improve her strength and then save her father. She really didn't want to hurt people.

"Don't come here, I don't want to hurt you!"

"Hmph, just relying on you monster, it can turn the sky upside down!" A disciple with a big hammer sneered.

"Quickly, grab this monster, you can't let her hurt people!"

Several cultivation children armed with weapons began to press on Zhang Qiuyue step by step.

A little smile finally appeared on Bai Xiaoxiao's lost face.

"It seems that you still can't escape this catastrophe. After you are arrested, Lin Tiancheng will be mine in the future."

The marrow knows the taste!

Bai Xiaoxiao has already tasted the sweetness of Lin Tiancheng, how could she give up?

Zhang Qiuyue's identity is no longer used, she must think about it separately.

Lin Tiancheng's flying bodies came to Zhang Qiuyue's side and protected her behind her.

"Stop, she is my friend, she won't hurt you!"

Zhang Qiuyue pushed Lin Tiancheng, "Let's go! Leave me alone. Sometimes I can't control the bloodline power in my body."

Just like last time in the depths of the misty bath, her phoenix bloodline power suddenly aroused, causing her to become a little confused, and almost seriously injured her father.

Lin Tiancheng shook his head, "Don't worry! As long as you have me, nothing will happen."

Lin Tiancheng now has sufficient power. Even if Zhang Qiuyue is really confused and treats herself as an enemy, Lin Tiancheng has enough strength to deal with it.

The guy with the sledgehammer in his hand stared at Lin Tiancheng coldly, "Huh! Boy, no, you think you have all the attributes, I'm afraid of you, if you know it, get out of here."

"That is, if this monster hurts anyone present, can you bear the responsibility?"

These disciples took a bite of a monster, and Zhang Qiuyue felt an inexplicable pain after hearing it.

The dean stepped forward and sternly shouted at the disciples who besieged Lin Tiancheng and Zhang Qiuyue, "Stop!"

Just now, the dean had already communicated with the master Nanxuan who was outside the crowd through spiritual knowledge.

From Master Nanxuan, the dean learned that Zhang Qiuyue was indeed related to the former Daoist of Master Nanxuan.

The former Daoist of Grand Master Nan Xuan was a fire phoenix who had reached the peak of the Tribulation Period, and Zhang Qiuyue had almost carved out the same appearance as Master Nan Xuan's Daoist.

So Master Nan Xuan can be sure that Zhang Qiuyue is the daughter of his former fellow Taoist, a little fire phoenix.


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