Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1601: The joy of being a man

Zhang Qiuyue's mother is a fire phoenix with the blood of ancient gods and beasts, and is the "king" of the entire blurred domain.

Zhang Qiuyue's father's origin is even greater. According to Master Nanxuan, her father is not yet a **** beast in this world, and his strength is even more powerful and scary.

Master Nan Xuan also told the dean that if the dean wants to open the secret of the secret box, he must bring Zhang Qiuyue and Lin Tiancheng.

The grave pointed by the Tianji Box is very likely to belong to Zhang Qiuyue's mother.

Master Nan Xuan also felt very sorry for the death of Zhang Qiuyue's mother. He hoped that the dean could take Zhang Qiuyue to figure out the cause of her mother's death.

Of course, Lin Tiancheng was able to open the secret box, and maybe it would be of great use when searching for the grave.

After explaining this, Master Nanxuan quietly left the training ground.

The dean realized that Zhang Qiuyue was actually surrounded by a few bold disciples.

The disciples looked at the dean with a grieved expression, "Dean, this woman is a monster, we can't let her go, or she will hurt people!"

A few anger appeared on the dean's face, and he sternly shouted at these disciples, "Give me down, I have my own decision on this matter."

Under the dean's scolding, these disciples with weapons in hand stepped off the competition stage with some dissatisfaction.

They really cannot be blamed for this.

It was also the first time that they had seen a spirit beast that could transform into a human form, and this spirit beast had not reached a spiritual contract with a cultivator, and it would inevitably hurt the cultivating children present.

When Lin Tiancheng turned around, he realized that Zhang Qiuyue, a woman who has always been strong, had two tears in her eyes.

Afterwards, the whole character fell feebly on the competition stage, looking haggard.

"I'm not a monster, I don't want to hurt them."

It seems that the two words of Monster really hurt Zhang Qiuyue's heart deeply.

She was a human body from the moment she was born, and after being carried back by Master Zhang, the alchemists at the headquarters of the association have been living in harmony.

She had never thought of hurting the cultivator, but these people couldn't help but wanted to capture her or even kill her.

Lin Tiancheng squatted down and gave her a firm hug, then turned to the dean and said, "Master dean, Zhang Qiuyue is my friend. If Zhongdu College cannot accommodate her, then I can only accompany him. Left here."

Lin Tiancheng came to Zhongdu Academy to help Zhang Qiuyue improve her strength.

Now Zhang Qiuyue's identity has been exposed.

I am afraid that the entire Zhongdu Academy cannot accept Zhang Qiuyue as a humanoid spirit beast.

Lin Tiancheng wanted to take her away.

Zhang Qiuyue herself said that she couldn't control the blood of the fire phoenix flowing in her body at all. A little carelessness could seriously injure other people.

Zhang Qiuyue wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and slowly stood up from the ground, looking at Lin Tiancheng's back idiotically.

This reminded her of what Bai Xiaoxiao said last night.

"Hehe, what right do you have to say that I, Lin Tiancheng also helped you improve your strength? What have you done for her, I let him experience the joy of being a man anyway."

Yes! Anyway, Bai Xiaoxiao gave him his body, but what did he do for Lin Tiancheng?

Lin Tiancheng did not hesitate to give up the opportunity to practice in Zhongdu Academy, but also to protect himself.

Lin Tiancheng's words aroused public anger.

"This kid takes himself too seriously! It's not the full attribute physique, I really thought that without him, Zhongdu Academy would not be able to transfer."

"If this monster hurts someone, who will be responsible?"

Some people who were jealous of Lin Tiancheng's talent even shouted out loudly, "Get out, get out of Zhongdu Academy!"

Zhang Qiuyue stepped forward and looked at Lin Tiancheng's back, "Tiancheng, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you before! My business has nothing to do with you, and I don't want to hurt you anymore."

Zhang Qiuyue's heart was full of guilt for Lin Tiancheng. How could she make Lin Tian an enemy to the entire Zhongdu Academy.

"If we are destined to see you again, I can try to make friends with you!"

When the word "friend" is used in this kind of occasion, it is not just an ordinary friend.

Having said this, Zhang Qiuyue dragged her tired body and walked slowly towards the stage of the competition.

Since the entire Zhongdu Academy was unwilling to welcome her, then she didn't want to lay here stubbornly.

And if she hurts the cultivator here, her heart will be upset.

Hey! I blame myself. When I first joined the Zhongdu Academy, before the Phoenix blood power in his body was stimulated, he should cultivate well in the Zhongdu Academy.

It's alright now, it has become a luxury to want to speed up one's cultivation in the Zhongdu Academy.

In this way, it would be a long way since he wanted to use the blood of the Mahayana realm to save his father.

The dean said straightforwardly, "Stop! When did I say that I would expel you from the Central Capital Academy?"

Zhang Qiuyue was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly stopped.

The dean glanced at Lin Tiancheng, "And you kid, how dare you threaten me!

But having said that, I'm really reluctant, you two good seedlings just left. "

The most important thing is that the dean was not surprised by Zhang Qiuyue's identity as the human spirit beast.

Once in Zhongdu Zhongcheng, the dean had seen a humanoid beast.

Spirit beasts that can transform into human form must have the blood of ancient beasts, but spirit beasts that can flow into the blood of ancient beasts may not necessarily be transformed into humans.

Moreover, this kind of spirit beast possesses the same wisdom as humans, so they will not wantonly attack the cultivator like those wild beasts.

What's more, Zhang Qiuyue grew up in the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, and his soul is already full of human aura, and under normal circumstances it will not hurt people.

Moreover, there is a dean sitting in the Zhongdu Academy, even if Zhang Qiuyue's bloodline power is not controlled, there will be no moths.

The dean has already spoken, and other teachers and cultivation children can only accept it.

Of course, there are still some people who are dissatisfied with each other whispering.

"After the physical attribute test is over, I will take you to a place. It may take a while. You must be mentally prepared!"

"Where?" Zhang Qiuyue and Lin Tiancheng said in the same voice.

"When the time comes, you will naturally know."

The dean waved to the two of them, motioning them to get off the martial arts stage first.

Zhang Qiuyue and Lin Tiancheng looked at each other, Zhang Qiuyue's eyes suddenly became blurred.

Before this, she had absolutely no such feeling towards Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng smiled lightly, "Don't forget what you promised me?"

Zhang Qiuyue blushed and sped back to the team.

Seeing the flirtatious charm of Lin Tiancheng and Zhang Qiuyue, Bai Xiaoxiao felt even more angry.

"Don't think that everything will be fine if you can stay in Zhongdu Academy. As long as I wield my hoe, there will be no corners that I can't dig."

The dean deliberately sold a pass in front of Lin Tiancheng, but Lin Tiancheng had already guessed that the place they were going was probably the map that emerged from the Tianji Box.

The secret box was opened by Lin Tiancheng, and Master Nan Xuan must have thought that the secret box was related to Lin Tiancheng.

Of course, Lin Tiancheng also wanted to know whether this secret secret box really concealed secret secrets.

He came slowly to Su Lan and told Su Lan that he was leaving Zhongdu Academy for a few days.

A worried look appeared on Su Lan's face. She held Lin Tiancheng's arm with both hands, "Or I will go with you!"


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