Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1603: Now and then

Zhongdu is divided into five major districts, which are also called the five major regions.

Under normal circumstances, powerful forces in other domains are not allowed to be involved in disputes in other domains.

Because they are often put on the hat of trying to invade his domain.

The people of the Bai nationality in Jianchuan, Miaojiang, have lived in the Southern Region for generations. They used to be honest, but now they dare to hook up with the blood clan in Dongcheng District, Zhongdu.

Zhuge Xun had the strength in the middle of the Mahayana period. If he could come forward, he would be able to easily resolve this entanglement.

However, as the dean of the Zhongdu Academy, he represents the entire Zhongdu Academy.

The Zhongdu Academy is a neutral force, funded by various forces, and is supervised by many forces at the same time.

Of course, Zhuge Xun could not make a move easily, otherwise, the interest relationship involved would be very complicated.

"How could this be?" Zhang Qiuyue tightly held the letter in her hand, her hands trembling unceasingly, and her face was pale.

In the entire Alchemist Association, apart from her father, it was Nie Bo who treated her best.

She learned from the letter that Bo Nie was not only seriously injured, but also poisoned by the Bai people in Jianchuan, Miaojiang.

Of course, her heart is very anxious.

The dean put his hand on Lin Tiancheng's shoulder and exhorted, "You should go back to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association for the time being."

Although the dean, as a representative of the neutral forces, cannot help any party.

However, as the representative force of the Southern Region, the Bai Clan in Jianchuan, Miaojiang, if they want to blend into the disputes within the Dongcheng District, he certainly cannot tolerate it.

Because this will mean that the power of the Bai people in Jianchuan, Miaojiang, may develop to Dongcheng District.

After bidding farewell to the dean, Lin Tiancheng and Zhang Qiuyue sat on the Purple Butterfly non-stop and rushed to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

What happened just yesterday, Ning Qiutian of the blood clan led a large number of blood clan disciples to besiege the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

Ning Qiutian knew deeply that among the five forces that he had dealt with in the past thirty years, the Alchemist Association headquarters was the most powerful one, and so far, only Nie Li had broken through to the early stage of the Mahayana stage.

Therefore, as long as the headquarters of the Alchemist Association is eradicated first, no silver rank force will dare to clamor with the blood.

Ning Qiutian, Ning Xin, blood mother-in-law, Gu Chengwu, cold noodles, and a white from Jianchuan Miaojiang in strange clothes gathered outside the gate of the Alchemist Association headquarters.

Fortunately, the president had long expected such a day, and he asked Elder Guo to send out a signal in advance.

The president brought the seven elders from the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, Wuyazi and Sulan from the Unfeeling Valley, and nearly a thousand disciples from the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

However, to the surprise of the president, the remnants of the blood tribe who have been hiding in the land of Baiyue have reached nearly 7,000.

However, fortunately, Lin Tiancheng helped the Alchemist Association headquarters to dissolve the blood evil pill, which helped many practitioners to get rid of the control of the blood race.

Otherwise, the power of the blood race will reach nearly 10,000 cultivators, and those cultivators who are controlled by the power of the blood will feel no pain like walking corpses, and even difficult to kill.

At the beginning of the battle, the gaze of the president always fell on the strangely dressed cultivator beside Ning Qiutian.

Standing on the woman's shoulder was a sea Dongqing.

The president knew at a glance that she was a member of the Bai clan in Jianchuan, Miaojiang, and he was inevitably more worried.

After receiving the signal, the three sects of Tiangang Sect, Xuantian Sect, and Jinyang Clan led nearly a thousand disciples to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, surrounded the blood tribe, forming a counterattack.

Compared to the battle 30 years ago, there seemed to be one less Deacon Song Qingyun.

However, Song Qingyun was only at the peak of the Jin Dan period.

Now, with the help of Lin Tiancheng, the president has broken through to the early stage of the Mahayana stage. Relatively speaking, this defect can be made up for.

Coupled with the Unfeeling Valley where there is only one Valley Master and one disciple left, it can be regarded as the five major sects working together to encircle the blood race.

Xuan Tianzong’s Ye Xuantian sneered pointing at Ning Choutian, “Big Demon, I really didn’t expect you to see the sky again. I should have killed you to avoid future troubles.”

The master of the Valley of Unfeelings, Wu Yazi, took the sword and pointed at the **** mother-in-law, and said angrily, "Old witch, you hurt me badly in the Valley of Unfeeling, I didn't expect that I could still live! Today I will kill you with my own hands for me. Avenged the disciples."

The Valley Lord Wuyazi of the Valley of Unrequited Love and the blood clan have a **** feud.

If it weren't for the blood evil pill, Wuyazi wouldn't have massacred almost all the disciples in the Valley of Unrequited Love.

Even so, the blood mother-in-law still doesn't resist Wuyazi, and she even wants to turn her into a puppet for the blood clan to drive.

Jinyang Gang leader Hao Haidong and Tiangang Sect lord Ling Feng also began to scream, confidently thinking that they had a chance to win this battle.

"Great demon, we could not kill you 30 years ago. Today, we are determined to break your corpse into thousands of pieces so that you will never be overborn."

Back then, the Blood Fiend Pill developed by Ning Qiutian caused an uproar in the entire cultivation world of Dongcheng District, Central Capital, causing nearly a thousand strong cultivation experts to die tragically.

They all stupidly thought that this blood pill was a magical medicine for improving their skills, so they fought for the blood pill, causing the entire Dongcheng district to be full of killing.

Later they learned that this was a conspiracy of the blood people.

Blood Sha Pill can improve the strength is not good, but the hidden dangers it brings are huge.

But when they knew this fact, it was already too late.

Ning Qiutian looked around the enemies who had collectively encircled and suppressed him in the past, and smiled lightly, "Joker, after I capture you one by one, I will throw you all into the Demon Cavern and shut them down. Let’s talk for decades!"

Even in the face of the encirclement and suppression of the five major forces, Ning Qiutian remained unchanged, and he seemed to have a chance to win.

The president was silent, staring at the Bai Clan in Jianchuan, Miaojiang, beside Ning Qiutian.

The woman was dressed in a purple gauze dress with flowing clouds and draped over her shoulders with layers of silk and satin sleeves, making her skin look like fat.

She glanced lightly and raised her eyebrows slightly. The gold silk on the chest lined with red lotus, and the waist of a weeping willow with a plain hand.

Although this woman seemed to be only in her early 20s, the president clearly felt that this girl actually possessed the strength of the golden core stage peak realm.

What was terrifying was not her strength, but the extremely mysterious Bai Clan forces behind her in Jianchuan, Miaojiang.

Now, her appearance is equivalent to representing the position of the Bai nationality in Jianchuan, Miaojiang.

The war was on the verge, and the Sect Master Xuantian and the president jointly confronted Ning Qiutian.

The **** mother-in-law is fighting with Wuyazi.

However, although Wuyazi's injury has been healed by Lin Tiancheng, her strength is equal to that of the blood mother, but the blood mother has much more means than her, and her heart is more vicious than her.

Jinyang Gang leader Hao Haidong fought coldly with Ning Qiutian's right-hand man.

The situation of this battle was actually completely changed by Lin Tiancheng.

If the strength of the president is still at the peak of the Jin Dan stage, I am afraid that at least the five sect masters will work together to fight Ning Qiutian.

With the help of Lin Tiancheng, the president successfully broke through to the early stage of the Mahayana stage. In this way, the other sect masters can free up their hands and feet to fight against the powerhouse of the blood race.

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